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Crestwood School Board News


Mantua – At their last meeting, Superintendent David Toth and the School Board, welcomed several new employees (pictured) to the district. Among them were Sherry Peters, hired as the new Director of Pupil Services, Director of Athletics & Dean of Students Brett Koch, Guidance Counselor Emily Smith, School Psychologist Brianne Collura, French Teacher Lisbeth Wills, Intervention Specialist Thomas Henderson, 3rd Grade Teacher Sarah Ingram, and 4th Grade Teacher Cassidy Powers. On a related note, District Treasurer Jill Rowe tendered her letter of resignation. Ms. Rowe has served the District since August of 2012; her final day at Crestwood Schools will be September 7th.

In other news, after lengthy discussion, the board approved a paving project to resurface the drive from State Route 44 through the bus loop. The discussion focused on the use of asphalt versus concrete for the project. According to Director of Operations Jeff Woolard, “If concrete was more affordable, we’d definitely go with that.” Unfortunately, asphalt is more cost-effective, allowing the District to replace four times more surface area on the high-traffic, weather-damaged area in question. Woolard noted that asphalt is a good solution that will improve the area in question for school bus and other traffic as well as snow plowing; the work will be completed by a well-regarded paving company which has successfully worked with other districts.

In public comment, the board heard from resident Mitch Wilson, who urged the board to consider moving school board meetings to an ADA-compliant building in order to allow access for all residents. He noted that more than half of the district’s scheduled meetings will be held at the Crestwood High School, which is not easily accessible to those with mobility issues. He noted that for that evening’s meeting, held at the high school, the front door, which is not ADA-accessible, was the only unlocked point of entry. Currently, three of the seven board meetings remaining in this calendar year will be held at the Crestwood Primary School, which is ADA-compliant.

Next, the board heard from resident Pam Baynes, who urges the board to keep a vigilant eye on the district’s five-year forecast, which will be negatively impacted should the state cut public school funding. “We need to start thinking of solutions now — we don’t want to lose more teachers,” she implored.
Lastly, resident Janice Simmons commented that, although board member Shawn Semety, who serves as the coard’s Music Liason didn’t provide a music report at the evening’s meeting, there has been quite a lot of activity in the CHS music department. Simmons noted that CHS currently has 62 students in the marching band program; they’ve been working on their program since July. She noted that the band would be giving their first performance of the school year at the community pep rally prior to the start of school, and urged the community to support these hard working students. She noted that 75 alumni have signed up so far to play at halftime at the CHS football game on September 7th for Alumni Band Night. In addition, she noted that the Band Boosters have several fall fundraisers in process, including a calendar raffle and opportunity to purchase pillows made from recycled 2015 Crestwood Scarlet Guard uniforms. For more information on any of these items, please contact a band member or parent.

The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 11th at 7 pm in the CHS library.

Stacy Turner