Home Portage County Crestwood Middle School Receives Security Vestibule

Crestwood Middle School Receives Security Vestibule


Mantua – At a recent School Board meeting, Superintendent Toth reported that the District received a grant for PAX training for teachers Pre-K through eighth grade. PAX is an evidence-based intervention used in the classroom with students to create an environment that is conducive to learning. It is is designed to reduce off-task behavior; increase attentiveness; decrease aggressive and disruptive behavior, also shy and withdrawn behavior. The training took place on April 1st, when counselors from Children’s Advantage shared the classroom management system with district educators. The training was made possible by a grant from the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Portage County and Children’s Advantage.

Moving ahead, Director of Business Operations, Jeff Woolard shared details on the CHS greenhouse project. He noted that estimates have been obtained from the Greenhouse Megastore, which has allowed the possibility of a nicer, larger greenhouse while remaining within budget. In addition, Woolard shared that the Greenhouse Megastore offers additional grant opportunities for the project, and that the district is applying for Energy-Star rebates to save costs on implementing the project as well. Superintendent Toth will provide the updated drawings as soon as they become available.

Next, it was noted that a security vestibule was added to the Middle School lobby. The cost of this project was funded through a grant from the Attorney General and the district’s Permanent Improvement Fund. Superintendent Toth noted that the district plans to add a similar structure to the High School lobby during summer break. Other projects are being considered as a result of a Security Assessment that was conducted on behalf of the district and financed through local business donations. Among projects under consideration are the purchase and installation of security cameras to replace or augment the district’s current cameras; improvement and upgrades to radio operations; and updates to facility lighting. According to Toth some issues and suggestions brought to light in the Assessment will be harder to address due to current building designs. He noted that the items from the assessment will be prioritized and addressed over the next five years.

In other news, the Community Action Council of Portage County, Inc. is sponsoring a Summer Food Program for Children at sites around Portage County. The program is funded through the US Department of Agriculture, the Ohio Department of Education, and the Community Action Council of Portage County. Any child age 1 to 18 can receive free, nutritious lunch and breakfast at one of the agency’s 10 open sites located throughout the county at sites in Ravenna, Kent, and Windham Village. No paperwork is required. For more information, contact the Community Action Council of Portage County at (330) 297-1456 Ext. 265. Please note that all sites will be closed on July 4th.

Similarly, Toth noted an increase in children with outstanding balances on their school breakfast or lunch accounts. He noted that although Crestwood receives funds through a Federal program to provide free or reduced meals for kids, many families in need do not apply for the program, although the district still provides meals for those children. Anyone seeking to help cover these costs can contact District Treasurer Deb Armbruster at (330) 357-8206 Ext. 5000.

In addition, the district works with a local community organization, Kids Weekend Meals, to identify families who would benefit by receiving breakfast, lunch, and snacks each weekend. According to Kids Weekend Meals organizer Liz Meeker, the group served 54 families and 145 kids during the fall and winter months. She noted that the number of children dropped to 120 in 48 families during the spring months. Meeker noted that the group plans to continue serving families through the summer with the meal program. For more information, please contact her at (330) 357-6391.

Lastly, Crestwood kindergarten registration for Fall 2019 is now available; please visit the Crestwood Primary School, the district website or call (330) 357-8206 for more information.
The next regularly scheduled school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at 7 pm in the Crestwood High School library.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography