Home Mantua Crestwood Lion’s Club Presents Check To 4C’s Food Bank

Crestwood Lion’s Club Presents Check To 4C’s Food Bank


Past District Governor Harold Ullman and Crestwood King Lion Rick Fredrick presented a check in the amount of $2,250 to Phyllis Bolen from the 4C’s Food Bank. These funds represent the profit from the Lions November craft show as well as donations from local businesses. The Lions Club has several fund raisers to continue to raise money to help the community, as well as individuals who need eyeglass assistance and help provide guide dogs to visually impaired individuals.
The Lions Club meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7PM at Jakes Restaurant in Mantua. To find out more about the Crestwood Lions contact Harold Ullman at 330-221-0018.
