Home News Council Considers Changing Electrical Suppliers

Council Considers Changing Electrical Suppliers


Windham – Windham Village met for their regularly scheduled January meeting  with all members and fiscal officer present.  In the mayor’s report the mayor stated that the library is nearly  moved into the Renaissance Family Center and they are working on finalizing the agreement with the Portage County District Library Council.

After some discussion on the library contract, council decided to pay the library subsidy monthly rather than quarterly, they also agreed to discharge the library from  its previous lease. The mayor also announced that they have agreed to have the local garden center Gearhart Gardens, do the flower baskets for the bicentennial. The village will commit $2600 to the Bicentennial Committee for this year’s celebration; this amount was what the village normally spends on the flower baskets. The Mayor also suggested the village look into doing something with the community center. One suggestion was to donate it to the historical society. One board member thought that they should get it appraised before making a decision on the facility. The historical society will tour the facility and determined if they can use it before making any decisions on their end as well. No decision was rendered on this issue.

Rob Haehn from Glacial Energy presented a month-to-month agreement for the village with Glacial Energy for supplying electricity. Glacial Energy only supplies electricity to businesses and municipalities. After some consideration, the board agreed to authorize the fiscal officer and the solicitor to enter into an agreement with Glacial Energy, after they have investigated the offer.

In other business, council voted to approve the resignation of Loretta Workman effective January 31, 2011.  After a brief executive session council approved the promotion of Mary Geraci to full-time dispatcher. Geraci has been a part-time dispatcher for the Windham Police Department for 7 years.  Council also agreed to advertise for another part-time dispatcher. They voted to repeal a sewer resolution due to a typo in the resolution and they also voted to repeal the senior discount for the water usage. In a previous meeting they had changed how the water billing is done. The current water billing is billed in increments of 1000 gallons; before there had been a minimum usage charged per month whether  one used that amount or not. By changing the billing method, seniors and those who use less water are paying less than they did with the senior discount.

One resident asked about a water and sewer issue that wasn’t on the agenda and another resident questioned what they were doing about a problem property near RFC. The mayor said the water and sewer issue was added to council’s agenda but not placed on the published  one. The situation about the property that was in question is going through the proper legal channels and hopefully will be resolved soon. The Village council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in council chambers.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography