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Cops and Kids Fishing Event A Success


Hiram – Hiram Police Department held its annual “Cops and Kids” fishing day event at Camp Asbury. The weather was perfect, the fish were biting, and lifelong bonds were made with Hiram Police Officers and children of the community. The intent of “Cops and Kids” Fishing Day is to bring community children closer to law enforcement officers and build lifelong bonds. “Kids spend time fishing with police officers and having a fun day. We have many items to give away at the event, contests, prizes, as well as lunch”. “This is a program designed to bring police officers and kids closer together, build bonds and friendships, and it also is directed toward building family unity. Parents are encouraged to participate in the event and join in with the fun”  In our busy and hectic lifestyles nowadays it is easy to let family unity slip by a bit. This program is also geared toward reminding families that “quality” time is important and does not have to cost a lot of money. Go fishing!

Thank you to the event sponsors: Camp Asbury, Haylett’s BP, Sabre Healthcare, Buckeye Worm Farm, Middlefield Flambeau, Middlefield Great Lakes Outdoor Supply, and Eagle Eye Logos.


Anton Albert Photography