Home Other Areas Congratulations Town Trotter State Qualifiers

Congratulations Town Trotter State Qualifiers


On July 9th four Town Trotter 4-H club members participated in the PAS Show (Performance Against Standards) all four qualified for the Ohio State Fair. Traveling to Columbus the last week of July were Andrew Pemberton as he qualified in English Pleasure & Equitation as well as Western Horsemanship and Ranch Pleasure. Makayla Gough qualified in Pony Barrels, Poles, Keyhole and Stakes, at state she placed 4th in Poles, 5th in Stakes and 10th in Keyhole. Kasey Fyffe qualified in Pony Poles, Keyhole and Stakes and place 2nd in Barrels and Keyhole and 8th in Stakes. Alyssa Kleinhen qualified in Barrels and Keyhole and placed in the top 20. All Town Trotter club members have been preparing to participate in the Randolph Fair August 23rd – 28th. Be sure to stop and see us!


Anton Albert Photography