Ravenna – On Thursday, September 12, 2019 Portage County Housing Services Council is proud to present its first annual Community Resource Connect event. The event planning is a collaboration of staff from numerous agencies such as Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority, United Way, The Haven of Portage County, City of Kent, Coleman Professional Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Family and Community Services, The Portage County Health District, Twisted Scissors, WIC-Women, Infant, Children, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, Community Action Council, Community Clothing Center, Fair Housing, Legal Aid, and Portage County Job & Family Services.
The Community Resource Connect will be held at the Haven of Portage, 2645 State Route 59, Ravenna, Ohio from 10:00AM-2:00PM rain or shine. The event is free and will highlight a variety of free resources that can assist with any barriers participants may have. Resources include housing support, haircuts, employment assistance, mental health support, public assistance, legal information, health and wellness checks and more! Participants can receive a free ride to and from the event while riding PARTA (fixed routes only) after showing the event flyer to the bus driver!
Additionally, participants can have their blood pressure checked, receive vaccinations, HIV testing, and obtain clothing or furniture vouchers. Anne Marie Noble, Executive Director of the Haven of Portage County states, “Our community partners have come together to make this event a one-stop place for people to connect with services to overcome barriers and get the assistance they need.”
For more information or to volunteer for this event please email PortageCommResConnection@gmail.com.