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Community Invited to Historical Party


Aurora – Aurora Historical Society invites the community to a Grand Re-Opening Party at the Aurora Historical Museum from  2 to 4 pm Sunday, May 22, lower level of the Aurora library building, 115 E. Pioneer Trail.The party will feature a ribbon-cutting ceremony, guided tours through the renovated archives, activities for children, including an up-close look at Aurora’s historic fire truck, a new exhibit on early Aurora homes and structures, door prizes and free refreshments.“This is a great opportunity for residents and their families to tour the restored museum, including back rooms that are usually closed to the public, and to hear the story about the flooding that spurred the recent renovation,” John Kudley, Historical Society president said.The museum has been closed since the incursion of water into the archival storage room in the summer of 2010. Rapid response and close cooperation between the Society and the city of Aurora helped mitigate the damage. The museum is housed in the city-owned building, which in turn is overseen by the Aurora Library Trust.Museum members, city officials, friends and the community will honor the volunteers who spent endless hours on the meticulous clean-up and celebrate the restoration of the museum’s extensive collection of furniture, commercial, agricultural and home accessories, tools, memorabilia, textiles, maps, photographs, documents and books used by residents and businesses in Aurora for the last 212 years.Grand Re-Opening visitors will also enjoy:Five historical project applications submitted by Aurora High School seniors who applied for the Vernon Biggar Scholarship. The award winner will be honored at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the start of the program. The permanent museum exhibit:  “CHEESEDOM: Quality Cheese Making Brings Early Fame, Profit and Employment to Aurora.”New comprehensive exhibit: “Historic Homes and Structures of Aurora, Ohio”.Aurora Historical Museum is open to the public from 2 to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or by appointment. For more information call 330-995-3336.
The Aurora Historical Society is committed to enhancing & maintaining the community identity of Aurora by preserving & communicating its rich history. For more information: 330-995-3336, info@aurorahistorical.org, or www.aurorahistorical.org.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography