Home We're All Invited Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties

Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties


Help JAG Elementary PTO turn Trash in Cash

The JAG Elementary PTO is collecting used ink and laser cartridges, old cell phones and small electronics.  If you are just throwing these items away, let our organization recycle them for you to help raise money for our students.  There will be  collection bins at JAG Elementary School, Middle School, Board Office and Garrettsville Library.  Any local businesses interested in donating on a regular basis can set up a pick up by contacting Holly at 330-527-0023.


Windham Bombers Selling Dominos Cards


The Windham Bomber Marching Band is selling Dominos pizza cards for $10 apiece to raise money for their 2016 trip to Disney World.  Each card comes with 16 buy one get one free coupons. Please contact any Windham Band member to purchase.


Fall Storytime Registration 


The Portage County District Library is pleased to announce that fall storytime registration (at most locations) is underway. Contact your branch library for specific details. Branch libraries include Aurora Memorial (330-562-6502), Garrettsville (330-527-4378), Pierce Streetsboro (330-626-4458), Randolph (330-325-7003), and Windham (330-326-3145). Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for more information about other library programs and services.


Volunteer Opportunity


Are you searching for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? The Camelot Center, a growing therapeutic horseback riding program, is in need of volunteers, aged 14 to adult, to assist riders to groom their horses, lead horses, side walk riders who may need physical or emotional support, help with maintenance and fund-raisers.  No experience is needed as we provide training. Riding lessons are on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  This is a great way to help children, adults, and horses, and have fun at the same time. The Camelot Center is located at 3498 Barclay Messerly Rd., Southington, Ohio. Contact us at (330) 889-0036, www.thecamelotcenter.org, or visit our Facebook page.


Steak & Sausage Trailer

Sept 5 & 6

Windham Lions Club will be hosting their monthly steak & sausage trailer at the Windham Sparkle parking lot. Sept 5th from 10am-7pm and Sept 6 from 10am-2pm. Old eye glasses can be dropped off at the trailer.


Stephens Memorial Observatory Open

Sept 6

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open to the public on Sept 6, from 9:00 to 11:00, participating in International Observe the Moon Night.  InOMN is an annual event that is dedicated to encouraging people to ‘look up’ and take notice of our nearest neighbor, the Moon. Every year on the same day, people from around the world hold events and activities that celebrate the Moon we share. At Stephens visitors will enjoy stunning views of the Moon through the Observatory’s large vintage telescope.  If time and conditions allow, other astronomical objects may be seen. The Hiram program depends entirely on good sky conditions and, if too cloudy to see the Moon, the event will be canceled.


Mantua Potato Stomp Race and Fun Run

Sept 6

The 36th Annual Potato Stomp race will take place on September 6th.  The Potato Stomp is a classic road race through the scenic streets of Mantua Village and the beautiful Cuyahoga Valley.  There is a one mile Fun Run that begins at 8:30am. The 3.5 mile and 9 mile races begin at 9am. All races start at Crestwood High school.  Fun Run registration on race day is $8 with no shirt/$15 including shirt.  Race day entry fee for the nine mile race is $15/$20 and for the 3.5 mile race $13/$18.  STAR Therapy will pay the entrance fee for any Crestwood student.  Entry forms are available at Advanced Rehab and Jake’s Restaurant in Mantua.  Registration can also be done online at Active.com.  For race and/or registration information, call 330-842-0856 or email rosalief@yahoo.com


Hot Rod Car Show

Sept 6

Hiram Police Hot Rod Car Show will be September 6th from 9am-2pm at Hayden/Dean Streets, Hiram Village. Hot Rod Cars, Trucks, Food, Music, Trophies and Family Fun! No Registration Fee, Donations accepted to benefit “SHOP WITH A COP” Program! Community Togetherness. Information: Rick Patrick (330) 687-9637


Hilltop Chicken BBQ

Sept 6

The Hilltop Christian Church annual Chicken BBQ will be Saturday, Sept 6th from noon until 6pm.  The menu includes 1/2 BBQ chicken (cooked by our famous pit crew), homemade potato salad, green beans and homemade pies. Hilltop Christian Church is located at 4572 W. Prospect St. Mantua, OH.


Christian Music Festival 

Sept 6

Christian Music Festival and Ice Cream Social on Sept 6th from 12:30 to 5:30 pm at Huntsburg Memorial Park, US 322 and SR 528. Come hear the melodic sounds  of various gospel groups, join in hymn sing or sign up for the open mike time (call Steve McNany at 440-272-5407), and a Pie Auction!   Please bring your chair or blanket for your comfort while listening.  Sponsored by 3 churches: Huntsburg Congregational Church, Huntsburg Baptist Church and Lighthouse Methodist Church.


Mustang Club Car Show

Sept 7

The Northeastern Ohio Mustang Club will hold their 6th Annual Car Show on Sept 7th at Montrose Ford in Akron, OH from 10-3, rain or shine. Proceeds will benefit the Copley Fire and Rescue Association and Valor Home. To enter your Mustang is $15 with 18 classes and best of show for people’s choice and judged. There is no cost to view these automobiles. For more info visit www.NEOMUSTANG.com.


Free Water Monitoring

Sept 7

Free well water monitoring will be conducted  at 3:15 P.M.,  Sunday,

September 7, 2014, at Sand Hill Stable on State Route 303, just west of the 303/44  intersection. Participants are asked to arrive as close to 3:15 as possible. For further information, call Mary Greer, 330-472-8086


Celebrity Pie Auction

Sept 7

The Mantua Rotary Club Celebrity Pie Auction will take place on Sept 7th at 4pm, stage 2 at the Mantua Potato Festival. The bakers/chefs of these pies are all community leaders and public servants who have made considerable impact on the lives of the people in Mantua. The Rotary Club will also be selling pierogies at their booth. All proceeds will go to fund the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.


Senior Citizen Bingo

Sept 8

Senior Citizen Bingo at Newton Falls Community Center, 52 E. Quarry St is the 2nd Monday of every month from 5-7pm. The sept 8th prizes are donated and sponsored by Tridia Hospice. Chinese auction with 50/50 raffle. All donations benefit the Newton Falls Senior Citizen Van Transportation.


Fall Children’s Programs

Starting Sept 8

Children’s programs for fall at the Burton Public Library will begin the week of September 8.  Fall Storytimes are as follows: Baby Rhyme Time (birth – 18 months) Tuesdays at 11am from September 9 through November 18; All Aboard! Storytime (2 – 5 year-olds and their families) Wednesdays@ 10:30am. Sept. 10 – Nov. 19; Preschool Storytime (4 – 6 year-olds) Wednesdays @ 1:15pm, Sept. 10 – Nov. 19; Rockin’ at the Library  (2-5 year-olds and their families)  Wednesdays @ 6:30pm,  Sept. 10 – Nov. 19; Toddler Time  (18 mos. – 3 years) Thursdays @ 10:30am, Sept. 11 – Nov. 20; LEGO’s Club for children ages 5 and up will meet Tuesdays in September from 3:30 – 4:30pm,  Dates are September 9, 16, 23 and 30.  Come and have fun building with LEGOs at the library. Please call the library to register for these programs:  440-834-4466.

Cub Scout Roundup

Sept 8

Pack 4062 of Garrettsville is having their fall roundup on Monday September 8 at 7:00 pm at the James A Garfield Elementary School.  All boys in grades 1-5 are invited to intend and see what fun things Cub Scouts has to offer.  Contact Chris or David Schaefer at 330-274-0572 or at gvillepack62@yahoo.com with any questions.


Community Center @ Mantua Center

Sept 9

Free and open to all, the Community Center at Mantua Center is open Tuesdays from 9:30 to mid-afternoon, with a variety of activities.  Watercolor group starts at 9:30, sewing projects all morning, jigsaw puzzle throughout the day.  You can bring your a project of your own to work on, or just have some coffee and chat.  At noon we share a potluck lunch, with everyone bringing food for the buffet. When everyone but those in charge have left, we lock the doors until 5:00, when we re-open for our “Don’t Eat Alone Supper” at 5:30, with a special invitation to anyone who eats way too many meals without companionship.  We’re going to try something new and provide the evening meal instead of asking people to bring potluck, and hope that improves attendance.  So don’t eat alone Tuesday night,  come join us.  Bring a friend or make some new ones!


Awana Clubs 

Sept 10

Come join the fun and fellowship at our Awana Clubs held at Huntsburg Baptist Church, 16401 Mayfield Rd, Huntsburg, Oh 44046, Wednesday nights beginning Sept 10th from 6:30-8pm. For more information call 440-636-5203 or visit www.huntsburgbaptist@windstream.net. All are welcome.


Home Cooked Supper

Sept 10

Pricetown Methodist Church home cooked supper will be Sept 10th from 5-6:30.  Dinner will feature; meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, super salad and homemade desserts. Cost is $7 for adults and $5 for kids 10 and under. Carryouts will be available.


Patriot Day Program

Sept 11

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield American Legion Patriot Day program will be Sept 11th from 11am-noon at the Burton Village Gazebo. For more info contact Bo: 440-834-8764.


VFW Post 1055 Fish Fry

Sept 12

The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 1055, will be hosting their fish fry for this season beginning September 12th at the Post Home, 6000 New Milford Rd. in Ravenna.  The menu consists of fried cod (all you care to eat), chicken fingers or shrimp, french fries, coleslaw, bread/butter, beverage and dessert at a price of $9.00.  The dinners will be served from 5:00 until 7:00 pm and carry-outs can be ordered by calling the Post at 330-296-9546.


Soup Supper

Sept 12

Mantua American Legion Post 193 and Legion Auxiliary Unit 193 will hold its Soup Supper on Sept 12th at 6pm. The cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children.


Benefit Dinner for Melissa Knight

Sept 13

A benefit dinner for Melissa Knight is Sept 13th from 4 – 8 pm at the Renaissance Center in Windham. The dinner will cost $10.00 per person. There will be a chinese auction and 50/50 raffle. Melissa is undergoing treatment for Stage 3 Breast Cancer.  Funds raised will help defray medical and living expenses while she undergoes treatement.


Swiss Steak Dinner

Sept 13

The Nelson UMC will be hosting their Swiss steak dinner on Sept 13th at the Nelson Community House on Nelson Circle from 4:30-7pm. Cost is $9 for adults. The dinner consists of tender Swiss steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn casserole, coleslaw, rolls, dessert and beverage. Carry out available at same location.


All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Sept 14

Knights of Columbus Council #3350 is having an all you can eat spaghetti dinner Sept 14th  at Saint Mary’s social hall (120 Maple Dr. Newton Falls) from 12-3:00pm. Dinner includes: Spaghetti, with or without meatballs, Italian bread, salad, coffee or punch, and dessert. Adults: $8.00, Children: $3.00 (6-11) and Children: Free (5 & under). Carryout available. For any additional information please contact: Tom Fetock (330)-872- 5886 or Matt Stimac (330)-872-7865


Pot Luck Dinner

Sept 14

The Shalersville Historical Society will hold their annual Pot Luck Dinner on Sept 14.  This meal will be held in the Shalersville Town Hall at 1:00 pm.  Bring a dish to share and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.  Everyone in the community, friends and members of the society are urged to attend.  Chicken, table service and beverages will be furnished by the Society.  There will be a Chinese Auction to help raise monies for all the projects waiting to be finished.  Gift certificates, donations and many homemade items will be available at this fun activity.  The recently published Barns of Shalersville  book will be available at this time also. At about 2:30 we will all go over to the museum grounds to dedicate the new flag pole and the memorial bricks surrounding the base of the pole.  The Museum and other points of interest will be open until 5 pm. Come join us on this memorable afternoon.


Windham Library Storytime

Sept 15

Windham Library invites parents with young children to sign-up for storytime on Mondays at 10:30 am. To get into the autumn spirit, a fall wreath craft will be available for everyone September 15-September 23 during regular library hours. A special “Pop-up Books” craft course will be offered for 6 weeks starting September 9th at 3:30 p.m.  This course is limited to ages 8 through adult.  We will be exploring the world of pop-up books. You will be designing and making your own pop-up book.  Class size is limited and registration is required.    For more information, call the Windham Library at 330-326-3145. For additional information about library programs and services, please visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org.


Free Meals

Sept 15

Christ Lutheran, 10827 N Main St.(SR44), Mantua,  will be offering free meals to anyone on September 15 and October 20. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and a chance to visit with your friends and neighbors. The meals are served from 5 – 6:30 pm.


All-U-Can-Eat Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner

Sept 19

The next All-U-Can-Eat Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner will be Sept 19th serving from 5-7pm in Dix Dining Room at the Hiram College Kennedy Center. Dinner includes salad, spaghetti with a choice of meat or marinara sauce, garlic bread, beverages, & ice cream. Adults $ 6.00, children 8 & under are FREE!


Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner

Sept 20

A spaghetti and meatball dinner will be held on Sept 20 from 4 to 7 pm at the  Western Reserve Masonic Lodge on Rt. 88 In West  Farmington , Ohio   Salad, Bread, Pie, Coffee, and Juice.  Cost is $7.00 for Adults,  Ages 5-12 $4.50. Under 5 is FREE..

Carry-outs are available for $7.50, Come join us and ask Your friends to come —  3rd Sat. of the month,  Same time same place


Homecoming Sunday

Sept 21

Homecoming Sunday at Faith Evangelical Free Church will be Sept 21st at 11 am. Come and enjoy the music of the Mercy River Quartet, pot luck dinner after church and corn hole tournaments in the backyard. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a dish to share and lawn chairs. Church is located at 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd.


Blue Mass for Safety Forces

Sept 21

The Father John Cassidy Assembly #3034 of the Knights of Columbus cordially invites all local Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMT members and their families and all St. Joseph parishioners to a Blue Mass to honor our safety forces on Sunday, September 21, at 5:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Mantua. The intent of the Mass is to recognize all the hard work and dedication these individuals put into our communities. A punch and cake reception will be held immediately following in St. Joseph’s Hughes Hall. For more information, please contact Jo Yash (330-686-9399) or Jim Fields (330-274-8938).


Fish Sale

Sept 23

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual Fall Fish Sale is right around the corner!  We are currently taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill/sunfish mix, minnows, white amurs, and yellow perch.  The Fish Sale will be held on September 23, 2014 on the midway of the Geauga County Fairgrounds.  Order deadline is Friday, September 19th.  Please visit the district website atwww.geaugaswcd.com or call (440)834-1122 to obtain an order form or more information.  To guarantee your order, please complete an order form and send with your payment to Geauga SWCD, PO Box 410, Burton, Ohio 44021 before September 19th.  Make checks payable to Geauga SWCD or to pay by credit card, please contact our office.  All proceeds support the district’s education programs



Bomber Marching Band Blacklight Halftime Show

Sept 26

The Windham Bomber Marching Band is very excited to put on their first Blacklight halftime show on September 26th during their home game against Lutheran East.  They have been working hard and would like to invite everyone to come see the show.


Aurora’s Fall Family Fun Fest & Bark BOOnanza.  

Sept 27

Saturday, September 27th from 11:00am to 6:00pm at Sunny Lake Park, 885 Mennonite Road, Aurora OH  44202.  Fun for the entire family!  Free Admission!   For information:  www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org; email rescue1.fgr@gmail.com or call Aurora Parks and Recreation at 330-562-4333.  See you there!


Book Sale

Sept 27

Book sale to benefit the Burton Public Library, sponsored by the Friends of the Library will be Sept 27th from 9am to 4pm in the Burton Public Library’s Book Cellar (14588 West Park Street; Burton, OH  44021).  In addition to books, you will find puzzles, sheet music, magazines and much more.  All proceeds benefit library programs.  For more information, or to volunteer, call (440) 834-4466.


Retired Handbags for Retired Greyhounds

Oct 2

Candlelight Winery in Garrettsville will host an auction of donated “gently used” designer handbags on Oct 2nd. Proceeds will benefit Freeway’s Greyt Escape. Donation of $12 per person includes complimentary glass of wine, cheese board and chocolate. Bring a friend and receive a complimentary raffle ticket for fabulous door prize. Wine social 6-7pm, auction 7-9pm. RSVP Diana; 239-470-6429 or 330-527-2276. Donations of your gently used designer handbags accepted.


Chicken Dinner

Oct 4

Garrettsville Eagles Annual Chicken Dinner will be Oct 4th from 4-7:30 PM. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water ST., Garrettsville, OH 44231. Adults $9.00, Children 12 & under $6.00, to include: Chicken Breast, Gravy, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans or Corn, Cole Slaw, Home Made Bread, Coffee and Deserts


Save the Date!

Oct 4

Freeway’s Fairway Challenge at Sugar Bush Golf Club in Garrettsville. An 18-hole scramble with a tee-off at 8:30am, registration and breakfast beginning at 7:00am, and lunch and raffle at 12:30pm. Event will benefit Freeway’s Greyt Escape, Inc., a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation, dedicated to saving greyhounds, one Greyt dog at a time! For more information, contact Diana at 239-470-6429 or 330-527-2276.


Blood Drive

Oct 8

Falls Home Remodeling will be hosting a Blood Drive for the Red Cross, Here at our Showroom at 104 A East Broad St. Newton Falls, Next to Circle K, on Oct 8th from 1-6 pm. There is a shortage of blood throughout the summer months. So please come out and donate blood to help others and save a life. Call 330-872-3257 for more info and Appointments.


Newton Falls 25th Reunion

Oct 11

Newton Falls High School 1989’s 25th Class Reunion will be held October 11th at The First Congregational Church in Newton Falls from 5:30-9 p.m. Social hour 5:30-6:30.  Eat at 6:30 p.m. $20 per person/$35 per couple.  Mailings will be sent out in July.  Contact Megan Perrine via email mperrine33@aol.com or phone 330-872-3304.



Anton Albert Photography