Home Freedom Community Development Grant spurs transformation at Freedom Township Historical Society

Community Development Grant spurs transformation at Freedom Township Historical Society


The Freedom Township Historical Society is beginning the new year with a bang!  This week contractors are supposed to start (weather permitting) tearing out the old front steps to the school and replacing them with a different design.  We are also the recipients of a sidewalk on the west side connecting the new steps to two handicap parking spaces in front of the rear door and chair lift.  All of this comes from  a Community Block Development Grant funded through the county.

We are also working on designing and setting up display cases and areas inside our museum.

And as a general reminder, membership dues are due now; letters and forms were mailed before Thanksgiving and   we always need more volunteers to help set up our displays.  Other areas where we need volunteers include: publicity, hospitality at our meetings, program chairperson, landscaping (in the spring and summer), cleaning the museum bimonthly, and planning for our bicentennial in 2025.

In the near future we will be scheduling our open house and work meetings.  Check the Villager, for updates.  You are always welcome to call me to schedule  a tour or an information-gathering meeting.  Call Judy at 330.527.7669 & LMOM.
