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Community Calendar


Second Blessings Thrift Shop Extended Hours
The Renaissance Family Center now has extended hours 9005 Wilverne Drive, Windham. Monday-Friday 10 am – 6 pm and Saturday 9 am – 5 pm. Second Blessings hours are Monday-Friday 10am – 4 pm. We have a great selection of gently used furniture, antiques, vintage dishes and many clean, gently used household items. Every week we have a different category of items at 50% off. We still have the “fill a shopping cart” from our over flows rooms $20.00. We have many new items in our Second Blessings Thrift Shoppe so start your Christmas shopping early!

Donations Wanted
Call Today
Newton Falls United Methodist Church is accepting donations prior to our October 6, 7, 8 rummage sale. Bring your salable items to the Church MTW 10–1 or Tues. 6:30–8 p.m., 336 Ridge Rd. (Route 534), Newton Falls. For more information call the church office 330-872–1564 from 9-1 weekdays.
American Legion Breakfast
American Legion Post 674
breakfast every Monday from 7:30-10:30 at 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Full menu!! $8.00 per person this includes coffee and juice.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will be COVID compliant, so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Overeaters Anonymous (a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviors) meets in person every Monday, except legal holidays, at 10:00 AM in the parlor of the First Presbyterian Church of Warren, 256 Mahoning Av NW, Warren, OH 44483. Please enter through the “Fellowship Hall” entrance on driveway. We look forward to meeting you!

Miracles Happen
1st & 3rd Mondays
Join us the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month at10am, for Book Review & Discussion: Examine the physical, emotional, & spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept & embrace the reality of reincarnation. Miracles Happen: Authors – Brian L Weiss,MD, Amy E Weiss, LCSW. We share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions. Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA. Book, Membership, & Fee not required. Questions: call (330)469-2044.

Wing Night at the Eagles Club
Every Tuesday:wings with purchase of a beverage.Open to the public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville. Public Welcome!

Free Meal
1st Tuesday of Month
Free meal ! A free meal is served on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Covenant Bible Fellowship,8146 High street in Garrettsville. Come join us from 5:30-7pm, for food, fun and fellowship.

BINGO! At St. Ambrose Church
1st & 3rd Tuesday
Come to St. Ambrose for Bingo, the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 5:45pm and Early Bird starts at 6:45. Players must be 18 or over. Reasonably priced concessions. St. Ambrose is located at 10692 Freedom St., Garrettsville. Check out our Facebook page for additional information.

Al Anon Meetings
Tues & Weds
What can you do when someone close to you drinks too much? Al Anon meets Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne in Windham. Wednesdays 7-8 pm at Hilltop Christian Church, 4572 Prospect St. in Mantua

Parkman 55+ Seniors
First Thursday of Month
Please join area seniors over 55 for a monthly gathering on the first Thursday at the Parkman Community Center at 11:30 am. With the exception of an occasional field trip, the gathering includes a pot luck lunch and socializing and various programs such as entertainment, informational lectures and Bingo. Also, open to non-Geauga County residents. For questions or for monthly schedule, call (440) 632-5461. Come join the fun!!

Free Community Meal
3rd Weds of Month
Christ Lutheran Church will be offering their Free Community Meal on on the third Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and a chance to visit with friends. For more info call the Church at 330 274 2849.

Loaves and Fishes Community Meal
Last Thursday of Month
Free meal open to all residents in Mantua, Hiram, Garrettsville and surrounding areas. Anyone who needs to stretch their food dollars or even if you just love a homemade meal. You are cordially invited to come eat and enjoy some fellowship. This meal is from 5-6:30 pm, the LAST Thursday of each month at Mantua Center Christian Church. 4118 S.R.82. This runs January through October.

Huntsburg Bake Sale & Raffle
Oct 1
Saturday, Oct. 1 from 10 am to 6 pm, Huntsburg Congregational Church will hold a bake sale and gift basket raffle during the Pumpkin Festival on the church grounds at 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg.

Pet Blessing & Care Fair
Oct 1
Bring your companion animal(s) and or service animal(s) for a blessing and a goodie bag to Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Road, Chardon, Ohio on Saturday, October 1, 2022 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Visit with representatives from area rescue organizations including Muttley Crue and the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs. Learn about the new program to help temporarily homeless families retain their pets sponsored by Project Hope for the Homeless and the Lake Humane Society. Event will be held in the parking lot, weather permitting; indoors if the weather is inclement.

Eagles Club Clam Bake
Oct 1
Tickets on sale for Garrettsville Eagles Club Clam Bake held Oct 1. $30 per bake / $50 couple. Call 330-527-2330 to purchase tickets – Pre-Sale ONLY.

Author Jeremy Jusek Reading at The Village Bookstore
Oct 8
Come see Jeremy Jusek, author and James A Garfield graduate (‘05), read from his poetry collections and talk about growing up in the Garrettsville/Nelson area. Jeremy will be at the Village Bookstore, 8140 Main Street on Oct 8 at 1 pm. His work explores local landmarks like Headwaters Trail and the boardwalk, the glory of its natural surroundings, and the close-knit camaraderie inherent in a small town.

MaRSI Meeting
Oct 10
The next Mantua Restoration Society, Inc. (MaRSi), meeting will be held on Monday, October 10, 2022, at the Mantua Township Town Hall 4122 State Route 82 Mantua, Ohio 44255 at 7pm. MaRSI seeks to develop funding to preserve historic building and sites for them to be vibrant, integral parts of Township government and civic life. If interested, consider attending one of MaRSI’s meetings. For more information call Kathy Hughes at 216-598-0716.

Railway Program
Oct 11
Please join Freedom Twp Historical Society members and guests on Tuesday, Oct 11 for a Railway Program presented by local train enthusiast Phillip McCoy. This program will begin at 7 PM at the Freedom Town Hall located at 8966 St Rt 700. All our programs are free and open to the public. We hope to see you there.

JAG High School Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct 12
James A. Garfield High School’s Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 12th 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Those wishing to talk with their student’s teachers should call or email Mrs. Fisher to schedule appointments at 330.527.4341 or ufisher@jagschools.org. We look forward to seeing you!

Chinese Auction
Oct 13
Chinese auction sponsored by Daughters of Mary will be held at St. Mary Hall, Orwell on Thursday, Oct 13, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Auction begins at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Winners need not be present. Entry ticket with strip of 10 tickets is $5.00. Raffle tickets and 50-50 available. Over 300 prizes. Snacks no cost. Concession will offer nachos/cheese, sloppy joes, hot dogs and beverages. Donations are welcome. Tickets and info: Helen 440-812-2416 or Judy 440-437-6210.

Barktober 5K Fun Run & 1 Mile Walk
Oct 15
Join us on October 15th at 11:00am for the Portage APL’s fifth annual Barktober 5K Fun Run & 1-Mile Walk! Bring your canine companions (on a leash) for the run, dress up your pooch for our costume contest, and get your fall-themed photo taken. After the race, stick around for Fabi’s Taco Truck, kettle corn, beverages, and a few other treats! Rootstown Community Park/Gracie Fields, 4104 Case Ave, Rootstown. Entry fee: $30 donation to APL (includes swag bag if registered by Oct 1st). Register at PortageAPL.org/barktober.

Turkey Dinner Drive-Thru
Oct 15
Saturday, Oct. 15 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Huntsburg Congregational Church will host its annual turkey dinner drive-thru, pre-order only, at 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg Township. Cost is $12 for an adult portion. Call or text Debbie at 234-600-9582 before Oct. 8 to place pre-orders.

Freedom Twp. Community Picnic
Oct 16
Freedom Township will host the Annual Community Picnic on Sunday, October 16 at noon at the Freedom Town Hall Pavilion. We have added a chili cook-off to the picnic. If you are interested, make your best chili to share. Dish to pass is still part of the day. A bounce house will be onsite for both kids and adults. A bluegrass band will also be playing that day. Hamburgers, hotdogs, drinks and table settings will be provided. Bring yourself, your family and your neighbors. Any questions please contact Tom Mesaros at 330-245-6061.

Swiss Steak Dinner
Oct 22
Scout Troop 4065 is hosting a Swiss Steak Dinner fundraiser on October 22nd, 2022 from 3:30PM until 6:30PM at the Nelson Community House, 11642 Windham-Parkman Rd. $15 per person, ages 5 and under are free.


Anton Albert Photography