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Civil War Encampment At Sunbeau Valley


Ravenna – Step back into time and relive history at Sunbeau Valley Farm in Ravenna, Ohio as they host Sunbeau Valley Civil War Encampment June 23 & 24, 2012.

Join us as reenactors of the Civil War era portray how life might have been  for those during that turbulent time in our nation’s history. Come experience the roaring cannons, cavalry, and cries for victory during Saturday and Sunday’s battles. A Ladies Tea will be discussing proper etiquette for a Southern Lady of the era. President Abraham Lincoln will be speaking about his life and his connection with Portage County while fighting for the presidency.  Children will be able to take part  in the demonstration of games that would have been played and also drill as the soldiers would live. Take a living history tour through the Union and Confederate camps as guides explain the different items that were used and how soldiers would survive such conditions. Saturday evening the public is invited to help us raise awareness of Domestic Violence by purchasing a Chinese lantern in honor of someone at the 1st Annual Michelle Lawson Lantern Lifting. Proceeds from the lanterns will be provided to the Safer Futures Program. We will be lifting off the lanterns in between sets at the evening ball. All are welcome to attend.

Admission for this event is $5 ages 13&up, FREE for children 12&under. Information about the Sunbeau Valley Civil War Encampment can be found on the website at: www.sunbeauvalley.com. Or you can email Heather Sepelak at hcsepelak@yahoo.com.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography