Home News City of Newton Falls Hydrant Flushing Schedule

City of Newton Falls Hydrant Flushing Schedule


The Newton Falls Water Distribution Department will be flushing fire hydrants beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the date and roads as listed:


May 20, 2013 – River, Scott, Bate, S. Center, Fairview, Oak Knoll, S. Canal, Starr, Riverside, Woodland, Eckman and Herbert.


May 21, 2013 – W. River, Quarry, S. Center, Orchard, S. Canal, Bane, W. Church, Maple, Nichols, St. Clair, Taylor, Ravenna, Cleveland, Scott, W. Church and Niles.


May 22, 2013 – W. Quarry, S. Center, S. Canal, Church, Ravenna, W. River, Liberty, Broad, Bridge, N. Center, Vine, Jay and N. Canal.


May 23, 2013 – Franklin, N. Center, N. Division, N. Canal, Main, Water, Second, Olive, First, Fairport, River and Ridge.


May 24, 2013 – 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, W. River Blvd., W. Broad, Ridge, Windham, W. Jay, Circle, LeMae, Eagle Point Dr. and Red Hawk Trail.


May 28, 2013 – Ridge, Bandorr, Ridgeway, Elizabeth, Artesian, Albert, Park, Tioga and St. Rt. 534


May 29, 2013 – Eastwood, E. River, Milton, Ashlynn Ct., Mayhill, Woodglen, Paige Ct. and Harding.


May 30, 2013 – Milton, Carson Salt Springs, Caprice and Malibu.


May 31, 2013 – Milton, Maple, Newton Dr., Freedom, Trumbull Ct., Mahoning Ct., Harding, Newton Tomlinson and Pennsylvania.


June 3, 2013 – Superior, Milton, Woodland, Prospect, Maple, Lincoln, Broad, Oak Knoll, Arlington, Warren Ravenna Rd., Medley, Riverview, Morrison, Marshall and Kendall.


June 4, 2013 – Warren Ravenna Rd., Main, Ophelia, Columbia, Russell, Richmond, LaFrance and Ticknor.


June 5, 2013 – Warren Ravenna Rd., Grant, Garfield, Adams, Washington, Wilson, Taft, Roosevelt and Mahoning.


June 6, 2013 – Warren Ravenna Rd., St. Rt. 5 and Center South.


June 7, 2013 – St. Rt. 5, Braceville Robinson and St. Rt. 534.


Residents of these streets and adjacent areas should be alert to the possibility of discolored water and/or low pressure.

Should you have any questions or problems, please call the Water Department at (330) 872-5656 or the Utility Office at (330) 872-5990.


Anton Albert Photography