Home Geauga County Circus Costumes on Display in Middlefield

Circus Costumes on Display in Middlefield


The Barnum & Bailey Circus may be history, but circus excitement is still alive and well in Middlefield!

For three weekends only, the public is invited to view a display of authentic circus costumes from Barnum & Bailey and other circus troupes. To set the stage, the hosts have conjured up a circus-theme setting, and there’s a rumor that a live clown may visit during open hours. A circus-theme raffle will help defray expenses.

The event is hosted by Middlefield Historical Society at the Century Inn Underloft, located at 14979 South State Ave. (Rt. 608 just south of the caboose) in Middlefield Village. The entire exhibit is on one level and handicapped accessible.

This exciting special exhibit will be open for public viewing from Friday, November 10 through Sunday, November 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends (Fridays, Satur-days and Sundays) only. Admission is free; please make a donation to this non-profit organization.

The magnificent display costumes are on loan to Middlefield Historical Society courtesy of Mark and Debra Miller of Perfect Occasion Costumes and Magic, recently moved into their new location on North State Avenue in Middlefield Village.

This one-time-only event will be fun for all ages, so please stop by for a visit!


Anton Albert Photography