Mantua – “Like Monty Python meets Mel Brooks,” is how Crestwood High School Drama Director Monica Lazanich describes this year’s spring musical, “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood.” The play, written by Mary Lynn Dobson, is based on the classic story, but with pop-culture references and a more modern take on what the characters might be like today.

The cast includes freshman Alex Kramer as Robin Hood and sophomore Leah VanHorn as Lady Marian. Juniors Cameron Crabtree (Prince John) and Nolan Morgenstern (Sheriff of Nottingham) scheme against Robin Hood, as senior Allyssa Swan (Lady-in-Waiting) rounds out the cast. Sophomore Sophia Cobb, as the narrating Town Gal, works her way into each scene in this comedic look at the classic tale.

There are a wide variety of students in this production, with cast members fairly evenly distributed from grades nine through twelve. The play is primarily character-driven, making it ideal for the CHS cast, acknowledged Lazanich. We’ve been fortunate to have students and parent volunteers create our three sets — the castle, throne room and Sherwood Forest,” Lazanich added. “And we appreciate all the patrons who have supported past performances, bringing in funds to help update our lighting and sound system, helping to make the experience better for future audiences.”

Typically, producing a performance takes around two months. Due to a shortened school year and a demanding testing schedule, the Robin Hood cast has only had six weeks to put it together, but Lazanich knows they’ll be ready. She shared, “A lot of what happens on stage is a true reflection of them. There’s lots of student input in this performance.” Due to timing constraints, the cast will be unable to visit the other school buildings to invite students and generate interest in the upcoming performances. To invite students and families throughout the District, they’re working on a video to be distributed via social media and school newsletters.

“The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood” runs on Friday, April 15th and Saturday, April 16th at 7 pm and on Sunday, April 17th at 2 pm. Tickets are $5 presale and $7 at the door. Tickets will be available in the High School during lunch (for students) and from 4 – 7 pm each day from Monday through Thursday that week. For more information, contact Erin Miller at, Monica Lazanich at, or call the High School at (330) 357-8205.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography