Home Other Areas Changing of the Guards for the Garfield Band Boosters

Changing of the Guards for the Garfield Band Boosters


Garrettsville – It was a changing of the guard so to speak, as the James. A Garfield (JAG) Band Boosters elected new officers for the 2013-2014 year. The new president is Sherry Jones, Vice President of Uniforms -Robin Wadkins, Vice President of fundraising – Kim Hoffman, Secretary- Shelley Everett, and Treasurer – Kim Curry.

Band Director Mr. Cebulla reported that the Soup’d up Jazz was scheduled for Saturday April 13, 2013 at 5 pm. he said the high school band has been working on some extra music as the Garretttones are unable to attend.  He also gave the band schedule for the remaining year.   Tag Day is April 20, 2013, May 4, 5, 6, band trip to Washington DC, EMS Parade sometime in May, the District-Wide Concert May 19, 2013 and Memorial Day Parade May 27, 2013 and Graduation June 2, 2013. Other important dates are summer band camp July 15- 26th, Band Banquet May 8, 2013 and the new marchers meeting will be held April 16th. Also the flag line clinics are April 20 & 21 and 26 & 27th with tryouts following the April 27th clinic. Lastly, Mr. Cebulla is working on organizing the Florida trip for next spring. The kids will be marching at Disney World in the spring of 2014.

Assistant Band Director Mr. Gaither reported that the 6th grade trip to Columbus was being finalized. He also said there had been some changes at Ohio State University (OSU) but they would still get to see the campus and band rooms, however since OSU has gone to semesters the  band will not be there when they tour the campus in May.   The Annual Concert on the Hill for the intermediate school will be May 22, 2013 at 1:30 pm. In the event it rains, it will be held in the gym.

Judy Huehner requested $160 for the purchase of new marching gloves for those going to Washinton D.C. She stated that not all the kids replace their gloves regularly and some of the gloves were looking a little rough. The boosters voted for the request.

Quentin Spaur reported that everything was ready for the Soup’d up Jazz. He stated that he would be at the school around noon and would not turn any help away.

The band boosters meet on the second Thursday of each month in the band room at 7pm.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography