Home Other Areas Cemetery Association Calendars On Sale

Cemetery Association Calendars On Sale


Newton Twp. – The Newton Township Cemetery Association calendar for 2015 will feature photos of the tornado damage that destroyed property 30 years ago in Newton Falls. The calendar price is $10.00 and may be purchased in mid-June from Association members or by calling 330.872.0236 or 330.872.5452.2015. Calendars can be obtained at that time from Art Effects, Newton Falls Printing, Nussles Florist and Roods Wallpaper and Paint. They will also be available at the 2014 Newton Falls Schoolmates Reunion on June 14th .

A walk in the cemetery located at the Pricetown United Methodist Church is in the planning stages and will be held in September or October. The Association will participate in the Pricetown Church Festival on July 19. The 2015 calendars will be sold at the festival and there are still a few 2014 calendars available featuring the north side of Broad Street.

The Association will make a decision on its 2014 project at its next business meeting. The monies profited from the April 6th dinner will be used to partially fund the project. One of the cemetery improvements being considered is the repair of the wrought iron fence at Newton Falls East Cemetery on North Canal Street.

The next meeting for the Cemetery Association will be June 19, 2014, 6:00 P.M. at the Township Administration Building on Newton Falls-Bailey Road. All residents of Newton Falls and Newton Township are invited to attend the meetings which are held the third Thursday of each month.



Anton Albert Photography