Home Hiram Celebrate Independence Day in Hiram

Celebrate Independence Day in Hiram


Hiram – When Ed Frato-Sweeney and Willard Greenwood stepped down after many years of planning the family-friendly holiday events, then Covid-19 cancelled last year’s gatherings, it left a big void in the Village of Hiram. But just as countless first responders have stepped up around the country to help during times of need, the Fire and Police Departments in Hiram have stepped in to help local families continue to enjoy the long-standing celebration.

The 2021 festivities will take place on Friday, July 2nd, beginning at 5 pm with a Bicycle Safety Rodeo to be held at Hiram Christian Church. Police Chief Brian Gregory shared that there will be events geared for all age levels from those on tricycles to regular bikes, with the opportunity to win prizes, include two brand-new bicycles. “While the bike rodeo will be great fun for kids, it will also teach the importance of bicycle and traffic safety,” Chief Gregory explained. “The event will include bicycle skill practice stations for handling, agility, and obeying traffic rules while riding,” he continued. According to Gregory, each child will be required to have a safety helmet in order to participate; if your child doesn’t have a helmet, one will be provided. The Bike Rodeo will be conducted rain or shine at the Hiram Christian Church parking lot 5 – 6:30 pm. In addition, streamers, balloons and other decorations will be provided so that kids can decorate their bikes and join the parade, which follows the Bike Rodeo. The Kiwanis of the Western Reserve will be offering hamburgers, hot dogs and other refreshments for purchase, as well.

From 6 until the parade steps off 45 minutes later, kids of all ages are encouraged to check out the Fire and Police vehicles on display. According to Assistant Fire Chief Jason Groselle, vehicles from Hiram as well as Garrettsville, Windham, Troy, and Auburn will be participating in the event. The parade will begin at 6:45 pm at the Hiram Christian Church parking lot, travel west on Wakefield/SR 82, right on Peckham Avenue and continue down Hinsdale to the Hiram College football field. A helicopter will be on display at the field, courtesy of University Hospitals. Concessions will also be available near the field, with donations being accepted to help fund next year’s festivities. And at dusk, the fireworks display will begin, thanks to the Hiram Fire Association.

Assistant Chief Groselle noted, “After the trials of last year, we wanted to make sure the community had something special to celebrate the 4th.” Donations for future fireworks displays will be accepted that evening, or can be dropped off at the station at any time. To help support this event by mail, send donations to Hiram Village, Attention Hire Fire Association, P.O. Box 234, Hiram, OH 44234 (Please note that your donation is for fireworks).

As of press time, no old-fashioned games and contests had been planned. Chief Gregory and Assistant Chief Groselle are optimistic that residents will step in to help organize the return of this well-loved tradition next year. For more information on how you can help organize next year’s festivities, call the Rosser Municipal Building during business hours at (330) 569-7677.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography