
Cleveland Foundation Grant Ensures Promising Future for Rising Scholars

Silver spoon or plastic fork? Every child is born with certain economic advantages and disadvantages that shape their futures.  The fledgling Rising Scholars program was initiated last year to level the playing field for at-risk Geauga County students who face uncertain outcomes after high school graduation. Thanks to a $14,079 grant from the Lake-Geauga Fund of the Cleveland Foundation, this...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - They did it! They graduated without the usual “Pomp and Circumstance”, the class of 2020 are now graduates of Windham High School. Windham High School seniors had a chance to experience graduation in a different way. Instead of the usual band, lots of family members and friends offering congratulatory hugs and hand-shakes, it was a quiet, intimate...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Crestwood Superintendent David Toth shared that at the start of that week, the district’s nutrition team had distributed 35,172 meals to local families. While the school year has progressed virtually, Toth noted that no new instruction will take place after May 22nd. He shared that each school will determine the review and practice...

State Budget Cuts Impact J.A. Garfield

Garrettsville - On Tuesday, May 5, Governor DeWine announced significant cuts to public education due to a shortfall in tax collections due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This will certainly have a direct impact here at JAG. I wanted to communicate to our community the impact of these cuts as well as address other questions you may have. The cuts Governor...

Hiram College and Cuyahoga Community College form new pathway for honors students

Hiram College, in partnership with Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C), is pleased to announce a new articulation agreement that creates a seamless and sequential progression of academic courses from the associate level to the baccalaureate level for honors students.??  The pathway offers students direct acceptance into Hiram’s Eclectic Scholars program upon completion of the honors program at Tri-C with a cumulative...

Windham Teachers and Staff Parade Through The Community

Windham -  It was a wet, dreary day in a serene small-town that was interrupted by the sounds of blaring horns, cheers and sirens last Friday afternoon as the Windham Exempted School teachers and staff paraded through the community.  Onlookers could hear them coming long before they were seen, the students waiting for them, began cheering as the vehicles arrived....

Crestwood To Honor Graduates at Midway Drive-In

Mantua - Recently Dave McMahon, Principal of Crestwood High School, shared details on the graduation plans for the class of 2020. He noted that based on guidelines released on April 29th by Governor DeWine and the Ohio Board of Health, schools are not permitted to conduct face-to-face graduations at any time this summer. He noted that Crestwood is working...

Hiram College announces enhanced services, changes to summer and fall semesters

Hiram - With physical distancing recommendations likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future, Hiram College is leveraging its small size and low-density environs to make real-time and future-focused decisions. To promote the health and well-being of its students, as well as the success of the institution, the College is pleased to announce many changes beginning summer 2020....

JAG To Celebrate Seniors During The Month Of May

Garrettsville - The JAG Graduation Committee has put plans in place to celebrate the Class of 2020 beginning this week and culminating  with a special graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 31st at 2pm.   Starting this week, Garfield teachers will be delivering yard signs to every senior’s yard.  Parents are encouraged to take pictures of thier kids next to the...

United Way of Portage County Awards Grant to Kent State University Design Innovation

United Way of Portage County (UWPC) has recently began accepting applications to address emerging needs of organizations in the community due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant provides funds for non-profit programs and public school districts, making sure they have supplies needed to support the overwhelming need in our community. Kent State’s Design Innovation is responding to...

Windham School Board News

Windham - Due to technical difficulties I was unable to log in and attend the virtual Board of Education (BOE) meeting, however through email the superintendent brought me up to speed on what I missed and also answered some questions I had about how the district is running on the COVID -19 Protocol.  The board passed a resolution on COVID-19....

Crestwood High School Yearbook in Search of “School from Home” Submissions

The Crestwood High School Yearbook staff is working hard to complete the yearbook during the COVID19 crisis. The end of a school year is typically a busy time for the staff, but especially this year when students are not able to go to school. The staff came up with a way to document this difficult time in the yearbook...

Students Can Apply Now for Pay it Flash Forward Emergency Funds

Kent - Even before the coronavirus crisis up-ended daily life, college students were already juggling critical demands on their time, careers and finances. Any interruption in their study-work-life balance could threaten their stability. COVID-19 has proven to be that sudden and severe disturbance and now scores of students are experiencing serious setbacks. Fortunately, Kent State University has established the...

Nursing Program at Hiram College Donates Medical Supplies and Assistance to Area Hospitals

Hiram - During this unprecedented time, Hiram College is supporting surrounding communities and those on the frontlines working to contain and slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). As medical workers and first responders face a critical shortage of much-needed personal protective equipment (PPE), Hiram’s nursing program donated over 5,700 pieces of medical equipment to University Hospitals Portage Medical...

Deadline Extended for Garrettsville Area Chamber Scholarships For Garfield HS Graduates

The Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it will be awarding two (2) $1,000 scholarships to college-bound graduates, and two (2) $500 scholarships to graduates pursuing further education at a trade/technical school. The decision of the Chamber’s Scholarship Committee is final and will be based on the following criteria:  Student desire/goals GPA School activities, outside interests and community/volunteer activities A...

JAG Alumni Banquet Canceled for 2020

The James A. Garfield Alumni Reunion Banquet scheduled for Sept. 19, 2020, has been canceled. The next alumni banquet will be held on Sept. 18, 2021. The classes of 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 and the classes of 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001 will be honored at the 2021 banquet. Alumni who would like to receive...

Assistance With Homeschooling

Shannan Jursa State Farm would like to assist in providing the use of our copiers and printers, as well as wifi to families in need. If you have a need please reach out to Shannan about how you can access the office or get access to the wifi to contact teachers or administration. To keep everyone safe wifi  would be...

Windham School News

Two weeks ago, give or take, Governor Mike DeWine ordered all schools closed to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This action left many districts scrambling to get digital/ online classes and hard copy educational plans ready for their students. Windham Exempted Village School was no different in getting that set up. Administration and teachers armed with Chromebooks...

Local Experts Share Their Gifts Online

As people are encouraged to stay home and schools and local business close their doors, many people are finding new, safer alternatives to continue doing what they love. For example, while local zoos and other family-friendly locations have closed their doors to in-person visits, experts have moved online to share about the animals they care for with online visitors...

Stalking Opponent Speaks at Local High School

Garrettsville - Last week, nationally recognized victim advocate Debbie Riddle spoke to juniors and seniors at James A. Garfield High School to shed light on the topic of stalking. According to Riddle, stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Riddle explained that stalkers use non-criminal behavior...

Crestwood Students Bring Home Gold and Silver

Two Crestwood students that are currently enrolled in the Electricity program at Maplewood Career Center brought home Gold and Silver at the Northeast Ohio SkillsUSA Regional Competition. James Wheeler, a senior, competed in the construction wiring competition last year but did not make it to state. “James came into this year with a desire to learn and be the...

Area Undergraduate Students Invited to Apply to NEOMED’s MEDCAMP

Rootstown – Northeast Ohio Medical University’s MEDCAMP program, to be held July 9-11, 2020, is accepting applications from highly motivated undergraduate students. Now in its 30th year, MEDCAMP provides “hands-on” experiences in bio-medical science workshops ? research, clinical problem-solving and an introduction to the fields of clinical medicine. Participants join physicians, College of Medicine students, faculty and researchers in performing...

Windham has a School Levy on March Ballot

Windham - Windham Board of Education has placed a 1.5 Permanent Improvement (PI) Levy on the March 17th ballot this year. The 1.5 mills PI Levy can only be used for the following: for building repairs and upgrades, buses, bus repair, heating and cooling parts, parking lots and repairs, maintenance grounds equipment and repairs to technology and technology infrastructure....

James A. Garfield Elementary School Hosts Talent Show

Garrettsville - Recently the J.A. Garfield Elementary School hosted the their 3rd Annual Talent Show which showcased the talents of many students.  The first act was Bella Wright saying all the 50 states in order while jumping on a pogo stick. It was very impressive and looked very hard to do. The second act was Madi Seiler singing the song...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with all board members in attendance. BOE President Mia Beradinelli called the meeting to order, gave the president’s report and reported that they had 24 participants in the History Day Competition and 10 of those participants have advanced to compete at Youngstown State in April. She also reported that the...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Crestwood High School Principal Dave McMahon reviewed the CHS course selection and block scheduling process. McMahon acknowledged that the process began last year in a staff meeting, when he posed several questions to CHS staff. He asked staff to consider who Crestwood is and what the school should be known for. Lastly, the...

The G-Men’s Greatest Fan

Garrettsville - Sitting in the stands every week at every boys’ basketball game, home or away, one will find the G-Men’s greatest fan. If you have been paying attention and you attend football games or boys’ basketball you would have seen him in the stands cheering on the G-men.  He is Jim Gyulai. He loves high school football, and...

Maplewood Preschool Now Enrolling for the 2020-21 School Year

Ravenna - Maplewood Preschool is now accepting registrations for the upcoming school year.  The state-licensed school operates two preschool classes Tuesday through Friday.  The Pre-K class runs from 8:40-10:40 and the preschool class runs from 12:00-2:00.  The registration fee is $25.00 and tuition is $75.00 a month. Students in Maplewood’s Early Childhood Education program, under the direction of their instructors,...

Sunshine Fund Brings Light to Students at CMS

Mantua - “One day I walked outside and the sunset was awesome, so I grabbed the camera and took some photos,” shared CMS eighth-grader Ben Roegiers. The light that day inspired the 13-year-old Crestwood Middle School student with a newfound passion for landscape photography. Since that day six months ago, Roegiers has been trekking to local parks to capture...

Students Help Home Town Bid for Makeover

Mantua - If you’ve ever seen HGTV’s “Home Town” show, you know that it chronicles the work of Erin and Ben Napier as they revitalize historic properties in their hometown of Laurel, Mississippi. While the talented couple has been on air for four seasons, focused on renovating homes in the South, their latest endeavor has them expanding their focus...


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