
Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Superintendent David Toth publicly recognized Food Service Director Jennifer Bujak-Hirsch and her Nutrition Service team for helping to support Crestwood students and their families throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Mr. Toth noted that the team served more than 300,000 meals to area families, both in school and via drive-through services from March through December...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their recent organizational meeting, the Crestwood School Board elected Karen Schulz to serve as Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh to serve as Vice President in 2021. They determined that the board would continue the pattern of meeting monthly at the Crestwood Primary School building at 7 pm.  In their first regular meeting of 2021, which was held...

Crestwood Distributes Food and Holiday Cheer

Mantua - A week or so before the final meal distribution before the Christmas, Jennifer Bujak-Hirsch, Director of Nutrition Services at the Crestwood Local School District had an idea. The Crestwood Local School District has provided over 300,000 meals since the pandemic began in March. And while local families have appreciated receiving breakfasts and lunches, she thought, after a...

Windham School Board News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) held their most recent meeting via Zoom due to the high COVID-19 numbers. They had all board members in attendance, along with the superintendent and the treasurer. A discussion was held on an Ohio house bill that looks good initially, but when delved into, it takes more money from already financially strapped...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the November Board meeting, District Treasurer Sarah Palm shared the District’s Five Year Forecast. In it, Palm noted that in Fiscal Year 2021, a revenue shortfall is expected. According to Palm, “This means that expenditures are expected to be greater than revenue by $374,231.” She also noted that based on current projections, by Fiscal Year 2025...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last Board meeting, Crestwood School District Treasurer Sarah Palm shared the latest Revenue and Expenditure comparisons with the Board. She noted that the latest Revenue Comparison shows that District revenues are generally aligned with what was presented in the May 5th Year Forecast. She shared that in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, revenues are currently $20,141,208....

Emergency Relief Fund Helps Students Stay on Course Despite COVID-19 Disruptions

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyday life for everyone. For some, it’s minor. For others, it’s catastrophic. Here on the Kent State University at Geauga Campus, economic hardships caused by the pandemic have threatened to derail many students’ academic plans and their hopes for a better future. Consider just a few examples: One student (a single mother) had her hours cut...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last School Board meeting, Crestwood High School Principal Dave McMahon recognized two impressive students for their excellent achievements. He shared that CHS senior Allison Sabol had been recognized as a National Merit Commended Scholar and CHS senior Zoe Simmons had been selected as a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist. The board and superintendent joined McMahon in...

Zoom Rooms to the Rescue!

Burton - What’s a Zoom Room? It’s an innovative delivery method for an effective college education during a pandemic via remote instruction. Zoom Rooms are providing the way forward for local students seeking to further their education at the Kent State University Geauga Campus in Burton. Proving that “necessity is the mother of invention,” the COVID-19 pandemic is revolutionizing the...

Windham Puts a 1.5 Mills Replacement Levy on the November Ballot

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting last week with all but one member in attendance. The board approved the usual -- minutes, expenditures, and financial report. Superintendent Aireane Curtis said, they are placing a replacement 1.5 mills on the ballot in November. Residents can look for it under Issue 29 on the...

Windham’s Student Food Pantry is in the Running for the Neighborhood Assist Grant

Windham - Windham School’s Student Food Pantry is in the top 200 for a $25,000 State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant. The application was submitted by Crystal Hickman. On the application, Hickman stated, that the student food pantry focuses on meeting the needs of the students. They knew the kids had two meals a day during the week because they...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last School Board meeting, which was held the evening after the first day of the new school year, Superintendent David Toth shared that nearly 1,300 District students had attended in-person class, while an additional 280 students attended school virtually. He thanked teachers and staff for their hard work in preparing the buildings and individual classrooms...

Garfield Grad Earns Two Awards While Completing Marine Boot Camp

A Garrettsville, OH native who excelled in track & field at James A. Garfield High School has translated her skills to rare achievement in her military service. US Marine Corps Private First-Class Mariah Vazquez recently scored the highest in Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness of her company. PFC Vazquez scored 600 out of 600 points, surpassing 161 men and...

2020 – 2021 Bus Routes – James A Garfield Local School District

Editor's Note: The bus routes are provided by the school for publication. Please DO NOT call the Villager to complain about them. Bus 1 - Dreama AdkinsHigh School / Middle SchoolSTREET TIMESouthwood Apts 7:05Creekwood Apts 7:06South St 7:08Clover Lane 7:10Meadow Run 7:15North St 7:20Village Dr 7:25Vanderslice 7:26South St 7:30 Elementary SchoolSTREET TIMESouthwood Apts 8:00Creekwood Apts 8:02Clover Lane 8:06Meadow Run 8:10North St...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - Items sent to parents over the last few weeks: Crestwood has contracted with Akron Children’s’ Hospital for nursing services for school clinics. Together with ACH, they’ve developed protocols for students and families during the pandemic. First and foremost, they are asking parents and staff to complete a daily health check each morning before coming to school or sending...

Hiram College Board of Trustees announces Dr. David Haney as interim president

The Hiram College Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of David P. Haney, Ph.D., an established higher education leader, as interim president, effective September 1, 2020. Dr. Haney comes to Hiram College after serving two years as the President of Centenary University, a private liberal arts university in Hackettstown, New Jersey. Prior to his presidency at Centenary,...

Starting a Year Like No Other

The start of a normal school year involves weeks of planning, teams of staff and countless people working behind the scenes to make opening day perfect for our kids. This year, however, has tested the best of us. Teams of employees have been working around the clock to ensure the safest environment for our students, staff and families.As we...

Tips for Parents with Back-to-School Uncertainty

BE A ROLE MODEL Children feel our energy about topics so parents, how is your energy? If you are anxious, they will pick up on your anxious energy. If you are calm, they will take on that calm energy.Model healthy lifestyle choices for coping with stress such as eating healthy, getting in daily physical activity, getting plenty of sleep, and...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Superintendent David Toth showed a plexi-glass tri-fold, sharing that every student and teacher desk within the district would be equipped with one at the start of school. In addition, thanks to hard work by teachers and custodians, every classroom has been set up to ensure 6-feet space around desks in each classroom. Classrooms...

Windham BOE Unveils School Re-Opening Plans

Windham - In these trying times, we are seeing a new normal in almost every aspect of our lives, and school systems are no different. After months of working on a plan with the county health department, CDC and other Portage County school districts, Windham Board of Education (BOE) unveiled their plan at a special board of education meeting,...

School Fluoride Program

The Ohio Department of Health is no longer able to provide supplies for administering Fluoride in the school setting. Students previously were able to participate in the SWISH program for weekly dental fluoride treatments during the school year. As a result, James A. Garfield students will not be receiving this service beginning with the current school year. Please take this...

JAG School Reminder For Immunizations

Summer is moving quickly and we are nearing the beginning of the school year. Students are reminded to have their required immunizations before school begins. Kindergarten students are required to have all of the shots mandated by the State of Ohio prior to entering school in the fall. Documentation must be provided to the school by a parent prior to...

JA Garfield Board Adopts Re-opening Plan

The JA Garfield Board of Education met on Monday evening to approve the reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.Teams of staff members have worked together to create a reopening plan that will get students back in school with extensive safety measures in place. The reopening plan implements best practices which were recommended by experts including, but not limited...

Windham School News June 2020

Windham - Windham Schools are moving forward with plans to open in the fall. Now, just because the district is being pro-active in getting the building ready for students, it remains to be seen if they are, indeed, returning to the classroom. Everything is in the hands of the governor and the health department. The district is moving toward making...

J.A. Garfield Student Top Performer In National Online Quiz Competition

The move to social distancing caused many changes for students, but the changes also brought about new opportunities to shine on an international stage. Jack Rado, a rising 10th-grader from James A. Garfield High School, was one of 178 high school students competing online in Buzzword this season. But unlike their normal quiz bowl competitions, in which teams play...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last board meeting, Superintendent David Toth asked the board to consider approving placing a request for new revenue on the November 3rd ballot. He reiterated that such a measure was necessary in order to provide the same services and programs to students in light of state budget cuts and inflationary increases. Toth noted the district...

NGCC and JAG Schools Rise to The Challenge

Garrettsville - It is often said that difficult times will test what you are made of. There is no question that when the Governor of Ohio issued a stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard was tested. On Thursday, March 12th the Governor announced that schools would be closed for three weeks,...

Ohio Turnpike announces 3rd annual W82TXT Teen Video Contest

The Ohio Turnpike today announced a fun and important contest for high schoolers to encourage distracted drivers to kick their dangerous habit. Students entering grades 9-12 and graduating seniors can encourage their peers to drive safely and win some great prizes by participating in the 3rd annual “W82TXT” Teen Video Contest. By producing and submitting a video, high schoolers can have...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - As this unusual school year draws to a close, Crestwood Schools commemorated their graduates in an unusual manner. Driving by Crestwood High School, you’ll notice school buses parked in the front parking lot. From ground level, you may not notice, but seen from above, thanks to aerial photographer John Rayle, the buses are arranged to display 2020...

WATCH: Garfield High School’s 2020 Virtual Commencement

Congratulations to the James A. Garfield High School Class of 2020! Austin Evan ArmstrongMandolin Win Arnett £Austin Paul Babuka »Camron Ian Hobart BackEthan James BakerJoseph Ryan Ball *~Kaylie Elizabeth BatesAlyssa Rae BellHannah Elizabeth Bittence *§+Kannon Douglas BorrelliJesse Edward Bounds £Preston Allen Chase Brainard £Maya Nicole Brown ~Kage William Callahan ~Mason Michael Cebulla *§+Hannah Frances Chartier *~Madison Ann ClarkLucas Xavier ClemensTalon...


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