
Calling All Frozen Yogurt Lovers!!

Hiram - Want a place where you can take a minute to sit down, relax. and enjoy the cool sweet taste of Frozen Yogurt?If you would be willing to take a moment of your time to fill out a short questionnaire, a local frozen yogurt cafe could be on the horizon...and just around the corner from your

“The Test”

Garrettsville - If  you enjoy Saturday Night Live humor, you’ll enjoy James A. Garfield’s final drama production of the year titled “The Test” by Cliff McClelland. This play chronicles a series of scenes all devoted to the idea that we must face so many tests in our lives here in America. While many of the scenes poke fun at these...

Crestwood Middle School Band Students Earn 57 Superior, and 13 Excellent Rankings

Mantua - Eighty CMS Band students participated in the annual Solo and Ensemble Contest April 9, 2011 held at Crestwood Middle School. Students in grades seven and eight performed 47 solos and in 22 ensembles. CMS Middle School band students received 57 Superior and 13 Excellent ratings. Each performance was evaluated by an adjudicator on rhythm and pitch accuracy,...

Final Curtain Call For Graduating Garfield Seniors

Garrettsville - Anyone fortunate enough to snag a golden ticket to James A. Garfield High School’s musical theatre production of  “Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” had a simply nutterrific time. The four-day run of the show was virtually sold out before opening night on April 7, and only a few lucky latecomers managed to get a ticket the...

Machine-O-Mania / Touch-A-Truck Returns

The QuizMasters/Academic Challenge Team of James A. Garfield High School is again sponsoring this activity in conjunction with the Garrettsville Chamber of Commerce Community-Wide Garage/Yard Sale. Sunday, May 22 from 10:00 to 2:00 in the Garfield Elementary School parking lot there will be wheeled vehicles of all sorts–ambulances and emergency vehicles, fire trucks, jeeps and motorcycles, construction monsters, high-rise...

Pitcher Perfect!

Garrettsville - James A. Garfield senior baseball standout Brandon Baumgardner’s favorite song is “Lights Out” by P.O.D. It is no wonder the first game of the season Brandon was exactly that... LIGHTS OUT. When the lefty took the mound last Thursday at Waterloo little did Brandon know he was on the cusp of greatness... Perfection to be exact. Brandon struck...

“Willy Wonka” Opens Thursday

Garrettsville - OPENING NIGHT for J.A. Garfield’s performance of “Willy Wonka” is Thursday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students and senior citizens.  House doors will open 30 minutes prior to show start time. Pictured above are the cast and crew of “Willy Wonka” who invite you to attend their performance. Performance dates...

Hall of Fame – Part 3

The 2011 James A. Garfield Hall of Fame slate is completed by two young men a decade apart who displayed their talent and teamwork in several venues and at several levels. Matt Paul, class of ‘85, earned letters in golf (3), basketball (3) and baseball (4);football only got one year of his time, golf took precedence for time avilable. Baseball was...

Champion Relays Kick Off Season

CHAMPION, Ohio – The Champion High School Relays have become an annual event for the J. A. Garfield G-Men high school track & field team.  Last week, the Berkshire High School track & field team joined the fun on a blustery, yet sunny afternoon. Garfield and Berkshire hold a lot of promise in this early show of the season.  The...

Hall of Fame Inductees — Take Two

“Consider the ladies” First Lady Abigail Adams wrote to her destined-to-be-second-U.S.-President John Adams when he was one of the patriots, politicos and visionaries laboring to write a constitution for the new nation, the United States of America. Mrs. Adams didn’t have a whole lot of luck at influencing the direction that took but the James A. Garfield School District has...

PTO Chess Champions

Garrettsville - Zoe Swenson and Adam Norris won their respective divisions for the 4th grade PTO chess tournament.  Congratulations to them both!  The tournament was held over their lunch break for several weeks, and they recently competed in the finals. For the boys, Chad Angermeier came in second while Nathanael Dech came in third.  For the girls, Trinity Syvertson came...

Hall of Fame Inductees – Round 1

The James A. Garfield High School Hall of Fame returns.  Honorees in this year’s class total six, with one a holdover from a previous flight who will finally face the music (Fight Song, anyone?)after being deferred  from a previous ceremony. Who are these worthy individuals?  Read on. First up : Daniel James Gallagher, Class of 1970.  Dan made his mark in...

“Hi-Crier” Hits Newstands Thursday

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Mass Media Class under the direction of Mrs. Tina Downing in conjunction with The Weekly Villager, is pleased to announce their first edition of the “Hi-Crier”. Look for this quarterly publication produced by talented Garfield students who will share school district news, events and items of interest. The paper will...

Garfield Boys Roll Their Way To Third Place At State

Columbus - On Saturday, March 5th the Garfield and Crestwood boy’s bowling teams competed in the State Championships at Wayne Webb’sColumbus Bowl.  It was the first trip to State for both teams. The G-Men got off to a great start in game one, led by Kyle Bolton’s 258 and Cody Berg’s 251.  They got some clutch bowling the rest of...

Crestwood National Honor Society Student Aims to Raise Money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Mantua - Every year, Crestwood students are recognized for outstanding contributions in the classroom and in the athletic field. Students who help in the community are no exception. Crestwood senior Kyle Vertoch, a member of the National Honor Society, is organizing a rummage sale as his NHS service project to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Vertoch’s aunt and grandmother...

Area Wrestlers Represent Northeast Ohio In Columbus (Photo Gallery)

Columbus - Area wrestlers did a fantastic job in representing northeast Ohio and their respective high schools in Columbus last week. Leading the way were the Crestwood Red Devils who qualified a school record seven wrestlers.  After finishing second in the Akron Firestone district the week before, head coach Dave Wrobel was confident that his team could make a run...

Klamer Celebrates 20 Years As Superintendant

Garrettsville - On March 11, 2011, Charles Klamer will celebrate a benchmark which makes him the longest-serving school district superintendent in Portage County. On that date in 1991, Klamer became superintendent of the James A. Garfield School District. Over the next 20 years, he was to pull the flailing school district from the brink of bankruptcy, oversee a successful tax...

Get Your Golden Ticket to Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Garrettsville -  It’s gonna be sweet! ...Not just the edible set of candy confections, but the entire production of “Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”, the spring musical taking the James A. Garfield High School stage April 7-10. Come and see how Violet Beauregarde morphs into the Blueberry Girl, how snotty Veruca Salt can be, how the Oompa-Loompas make...

JAG Freshman Named Athlete of the Week on WEWS

Garrettsville - Brian Gorby is a proud father. And he has every right to be. His son, Travis, has been selected as McDonald’s Student Athlete of the Week, representing the Greater Cleveland/Northeast Ohio area. A television news crew from WEWS Channel 5 traveled to the Garrettsville G-Plex sports complex on Tuesday night to video and interview the freshman soccer...

Neighboring Schools Rival for a Cause

Rivalries have been around for years and many times the rivalries brings out the not so good in people. Folks get so caught up in the rivalry they have a tendency to be more negative than positive, but that has been changed recently with the Garrettsville–Windham Rivalry. Last fall when Mike Chaffee took over as the principal of Windham Schools,...

Quiz Masters Make The Grade

Garrettsville - Bulletin: the James A. Garfield Quiz Masters appeared this past Saturday on the WEWS Channel 5 Academic Challenge program at 7:00.  Interesting mix of competitors--Indian Valley (Gnadenhutten, Tuscarawas County), Canton Central Catholic and Garfield.  Quite an extensive viewing area the station has from which  to draw participation.  It was a “Great Battle of the Brains” whereby the...

Power Of The Pen

Garrettsville - Alien adolescents (Yes, yes, aren’t they all?) wandered the halls of James A. Garfield Middle School on Saturday, January 15, 2011, looking for the auditorium (the Iva Walker Auditorium), looking for their assigned rooms, looking for inspiration.  It was the District Power of the Pen tournament, locally underwritten by the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary, and attended by schools including...

Maplewood To Host Spaghetti Dinner

Ravenna - On Thursday, February 10, 2011 Maplewood Career Center will hold its annual Open House and Spaghetti Dinner between the hours of 4:30 and 8:30 p.m.  A spaghetti dinner featuring salad, pasta with choice of sauces, bread, dessert and drink, will be served from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. and self-guided tours will be permitted until 8:30 p.m.  The...

Comedian/Hypnotist To Appear January 22nd

Garrettsville -  Michael Oddo, a comedian/hypnotist, will perform on Saturday, January 22nd.  He will do two family-friendly shows- one at 3:30 pm and the other at 7:30 pm in the James A. Garfield High School auditorium.  Each show will last from 60-75 min.  Tickets are $8 per person, per show (regardless of age). Oddo’s performances are to raise money...

Think It Over

Garrettsville - The Child Development Class at J.A. Garfield High School is eagerly awaiting the “Baby Think It Over” dolls.  Pat Wetzel, the teacher of the class has applied for a grant through “”  to receive two of the computerized babies for the classroom to use. The purpose of the infant simulator, after the student has cared for it for...

Comedian/Hypnotist To Appear January 22nd

Garrettsville -  Michael Oddo, a comedian/hypnotist, will perform on Saturday, January 22nd.  He will do two family-friendly shows- one at 3:30 pm and the other at 7:30 pm in the James A. Garfield High School auditorium.  Each show will last from 60-75 min.  Tickets are $8 per person, per show (regardless of age). Oddo’s performances are to raise money...

Berkshire Jr./Sr. High School News

Burton-Berkshire High School is proud to announce their Junior and Senior Students of the Month for December.  Congratulations go out to Nathan Dornback, Patience Elliott, Lisa Gregory, Melissa Koziol, James Rohaley and Spencer Wilson.  Great job and keep up the good work! The Berkshire After Prom Committee is holding a raffle for Berkshire Juniors only.  New Directions Photography located at...

Middle School Spelling Bee Crowns Finalists

Garrettsville - Excitement filled the air.  Tension mounted as the contestants moved into position for the competition.  The crowd was hushed....  No, wait...this was the annual James A Garfield Middle School Spelling Bee...this crowd is never hushed...quiet, maybe...attentive, perhaps...but hushed?   In your dreams, Principal Tom Sullivan, organizer Jackie Lovelace, in your dreams. The judges table featured a Webster’s...

Schools Forecast Delays Rather than Closures when Bad Weather Returns

Portage County - Snow days are every school kid’s fantasy come true... until it’s time to make up for lost instructional time. Most area school districts have already exhausted their allowable cancellation days due to two major snow storms in early December. Now districts are on borrowed time as actual winter weather kicks into typical gear, with drifting snow,...

Mobile Dentist To Visit Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - James A. Garfield Schools will be sponsoring the Mobile Dentist again this year.  They will arrive at the Elementary, Intermediate, Middle, and High Schools on January 26.  We have invited the Smile Programs to bring their on-site preventative dental care services to our schools because we know how important good oral health is to a child’s overall...


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