
Isler Triad keeps Windham in the Game

Windham - When one thinks of Windham Basketball they immediately think of Marty Hill and the years of success the district has had in the sport. No one ever considers the girls’ team and now is the time one might want consider them too. The girls’ team has struggled as of late but the tide seems to be turning...

James A. Garfield Local School District Receives Auditor of State Award

Garrettsville - Most of the time, doing excellent work on the job is merely meeting an expectation. But for James A. Garfield School District Treasurer Tracy Knauer, excellence at work has earned her a rare award from the Auditor of the State of Ohio, Dave Yost. According to a letter from the State Auditor’s office,  a recent financial audit of...

Sounds of the Season

James A. Garfield High School showcased its outstanding Concert Band (another incarnation of the famous “Marching Pride”) and its resurgent vocal music program (in the form of the Concert Choir, directed by Theo Cebulla, and the Varsity Gold Show Choir, directed by Joe Gaither) on Sunday, December 18 in the Iva Walker Auditorium to a packed house (SRO). There were...

Crestwood Students donate to Rose’s Rescue

 Mantua - Rose’s Rescue, a 501c3 pet rescue, was presented with a $285.00 donation by Crestwood Students Angela Spencer, Brandon Houpt, and Jarupat Kannula.  The students formed a group for their Senior Seminar class. They chose the name G.A.I.N. (Giving to Animals in Need). Angela heard about Rose’s Rescue at her veterinarian’s office, and the three agreed to make...

Not just another canned food drive

What would you do if you won a million dollars? Maybe buy a fancy house, a sports car, an exotic cruise, the latest tech gadget or entertainment package? When a local teacher posed that question to students recently, she didn’t get all typical responses. More than one said they’d buy groceries for their families, because they had no food in the...

Crestwood Primary School First-Grade Teacher Makes Crestwood-Antarctica Connection

Mantua –  Crestwood Primary School first-grade teacher Natalie Harr will depart December 26 for a five-to-six week research trip to Antarctica. Harr will join Dr. Richard Lee, Jr., an extreme entomologist from Miami University, to research a unique Antarctic fly. Lee has traveled to Palmer Station in Antarctica for several years to conduct his research, and each year invites a...

Financial Education

Christopher Perme of Perme Financial Group, Garrettsville, recently came to the Personal Financial Literacy class of teacher Jake Derr at James A. Garfield H.S. hoping to help the  group of mostly seniors avoid making many of the most common financial mistakes of those  newly-launched on the stormy seas of money management. He pointed out that long-term employment with a single...

Mobile Dentist Coming To Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - James A Garfield Schools is hosting the Smile Programs mobile dentist in January.  Children can use their insurance, Medicaid, or apply with grant forms for dental care at no cost.  There are also subsidized fees for those who choose to pay for preventive care. Tooth decay is the most common chronic and infectious disease among children.  In addition,...

High School Honors Veterans

Newton Falls - The students at the Newton Falls High School gathered Friday 11-11-11 to remember and honor members of our Armed Forces past, present, and future. Starting off the ceremony, several dozen local veterans filed into the auditorium one at a time while each of their names and branch of service was announced with every military branch represented. Masters...

College Camp Coaches Parents on Choices

Hiram – Parents hungry for information to help their teenaged children make their college choices can get the answers to their questions when Hiram College hosts “College Camp: A Training Program for Parents,” from 9 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, November 19, in the Kennedy Center located on the Hiram campus. Hiram is partnering with Cuyahoga Community College, Saint Joseph...

Windham Schools Received Commendations

Windham -  Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting with board members Darryl McGuire, Melissa Roubic, Danny Burns, Bill Hickman, with Treasurer Dawn Altman, and Superintendent Gregg Isler  also in attendance. Board member Terrie Altiere was excused to attend a family funeral. Melissa Roubic gave the legislative report on what’s changing at the state level in...

Rival High School Bands Make History

The last football game of the season has a tendency to be some what bittersweet for the seniors, especially those that are players, cheerleaders, and band members, but Friday’s game gave the senior band members an event to remember. The Garfield Band made history when they played their halftime show at Windham High School last Friday night at the...

Youth Bowling News

Last week in the 11:00 Trio League, Collin McGurer rolled his first 600 series ever, a very nice 613.  Collin rolled 191 and 198 the first two games and then started the third game with 6 strikes in a row on his way to a 224.  Collin came into the day with a 192 average, high for the league. ...

Friday Night Lights

Last Friday the winless Bombers took the field against a much-improved Waterloo football program. The results of the game were very disappointing for the host Windham Bombers, a 40-0 loss to the Vikings. The Vikings defense held Windham to just five first downs and 124 total yards. Meanwhile the Waterloo offense rolled up 395 rushing yards. This week the...

PDA – Public Display of Art

Garrettsville - Garrettsville’s newest piece of public art is quite smashing.  Pictured on the cover you can see the progression of their work – and artists Carly McLoskey, Sam Buganski, Annie Wilthew, Chris Mathews, Karen Root, Edena Rankin, Clarke Kolmorgen, Samara Pasek, Arianna Beskur, Austin Bracken, Jeff Lange, Michael Paolone, Lauren Greathouse, Selina Slaughter, Shelby Grenzow, Mike Heisler, Kayleigh...

Friday Night Lights

The Windham Bombers dropped their fourth straight game of the season and their 11th dating back to last year. Unfortunately for the Bombers 41-0 loss to the undefeated Rootstown Rovers is not the worse news. Regrettably, the schedule is not in the Bombers’ favor this week as the Southeast Pirates host the Bombers this Friday. The Bombers and Pirates...

Sixth Annual Alumni Banquet

Weeeeellll, a fine time was had by all! Or at least they all certainly appeared to be enjoying themselves at  the sixth annual Garfield Alumni Banquet held last Saturday at the Garfield Elementary School.  Several classes--’56, ’61, ’66, ’71, ’81 & ’86--were especially recognized for hitting milestone years (twenty-five and up) with most of their faculties intact and their memories...

Garfield Elementary & Intermediate Bus Routes

Elementary/Intermediate Routes *Estimated Times* Bus #1 7:40    Gotham Rd. 8:00    Stanley Rd. 8:02    Slagle 8:05    Smalley Road 8:07    Nichols Rd. 8:27    Right on S.R. 88 Bus #2 7:55    Center St. 8:07    Garfield 8:12    Center St. 8:15    Maple 8:17    North St. 8:20    Clover Lane 8:25    Meadow Run 8:30    Wolff 8:32    Elm Street 8:35    State Street 8:37    Park 8:38    Maple/Center Bus #4 7:35    Streeter 7:45    Stamm Rd. 7:50    Streeter 7:55    Stamm Rd. 8:00    Hankee 8:05    Blackbrook Trailer Park 8:15    White Street Bus #6 8:00    Pritchard 8:03    S.R. 282 8:06    Kool Lakes 8:10    Nelson Trailer Park 8:12   ...

Garfield Middle School & High School Bus Schedule

Middle/High School Routes *All times are approximate* Bus #1 6:40    Gotham 6:48    Stanley 6:55    S.R. 303 6:42    Slagle 6:55    Smalley Rd. 6:56    Nichols Rd. 7:13    Slagle Bus #2 6:42    Center/Maple 6:45    Garfield Drive 6:50    High St. 6:51    Maple 6:52    North Street 6:54    Meadow Run 7:00    Harris Drive 7:01    Forest 7:06    Park 7:08    French Street 7:12    Vanderslice 7:15    White St. Bus #4 6:25    Asbury 6:30    Streeter 6:40    Limeridge 6:51    Goodell 6:55    Limeridge 7:00    S.R. 303 7:10    Blackbrook Trailer Park Bus #6 6:50    Kennedy Ledge 6:52    S.R. 282 7:00    Kool Lakes 7:02    NTP Shelter 7:07    Bloom Rd. 7:09   ...

Newton Falls Football Season Passes

Newton Falls - Tickets are on sale at the Superintendent’s Office located at 9091?2 Milton Blvd., for the upcoming Newton Falls Tiger football season from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost for reserved season passes for 5 homes games will be $40.00. We also have a 10-game pass available for adults to purchase for $50.00, and students 10-game...

JAG District Launches New Website

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield School District has launched a new website.  Please use the following address: The new website will include the capability for parents to view student grades and schedules.  Any questions should be directed to

Windham Receives Grant To Update Technology

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly-scheduled meeting for August with one member missing.  The meeting was opened with the pledge and a moment of silence before moving forward with the agenda. The first item on the agenda was a technology update from Brian Shanower who is the districts techie guru. According to Shanower, their system...

A “Premier” Performance

Garrettsville - Nice job by the Marching Pride at their Premier performance last Friday.  It was a showcase for all of the music and routines they worked on during a super-heated week at BAND CAMP and a thank you to all of the contributors to the program--this year and every year.  Amazing results, considering that the weather for the...

James A Garfield Class of 1961 Celebrates 50 Years

The James A Garfield Class of “1961” celebrated their 50th class reunion at Roby Lee’s Restaurant in Newton Falls on Saturday June 18th. There were 63 in attendance, 38 of those being classmates. Each classmate received a certificate of congratulation from the Superintendent, Charles Klamer and the Board of Education, an engraved “class of 1961 50th ” key...

J.A. Garfield Students Visit Capitol Hill

Garrettsville - This past week the sixth graders at James A. Garfield (JAG) Intermediate School had the opportunity to discover our nation’s heritage first-hand as they toured Washington D.C. The highlights of the trip were the National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetery, memorials, monuments, and Mount Vernon. This was a trip that many of them will remember forever and for...

A Celebration Of Heroes

Mantua - Crestwood Intermediate School dressed in red, white and blue and took up flags to celebrate heroes today.  The inspiration for this celebration was their One School, One Book program.  The entire school -- the lunch room staff, students, teachers, principal and counselor -- is  reading the book On the Wings of Heroes by Richard Peck.  Set in...

District-Wide Band Concert Honors Armed Forces

Garrettsville - On Sunday, the day after Armed Forces Day, the J.A. Garfield School District held its district-wide concert.   The twenty-first annual event featured band students from each grade, including the fourth grade recorders, and  honored those who have served and are serving our country.  The high school band opened the program with our National Anthem while Reservists...

Hiram College to Establish Veterans Service Center

Hiram – Armed forces veterans and their families who want to take advantage of their GI educational benefits will be able to access a wide range of services, including beginning or continuing their college education, when Hiram College opens its new resource center for veterans  on the campus this fall.The center will be one of the first in a...

Area Schools Awarded Grant

Hiram - On Tuesday, May 17, 2011, representatives from the James A. Garfield, Crestwood and Woodridge Local Schools along with Roxanne Sorrick, Head of Teacher Education and Project Director for Hiram College  traveled to Columbus to accept a Teacher Planning Grant and begin advanced planning for the 2011-2012 school year. During the 2011-12 school year, Hiram College teacher candidates will...

Gallagher Receives Entrepreneur Honor

Kent - James A. Garfield graduate and Kent State University senior, Shannon Gallagher was recently inducted as a charter member of the Kent State chapter of Sigma Nu Tau Entrepreneurship Honor Society, the first academic honor society dedicated to entrepreneurship. The mission of Sigma Nu Tau is to promote, recognize, honor, and reward academic excellence in entrepreneurship and to encourage...


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