
“You Can’t Take It With You”

Mantua - Crestwood High School Drama Club presents “You Can’t Take It with You”. The play will take place November 2 and 3, beginning at 7:30, and November 4th beginning at 2:00. The play will be performed on stage at Crestwood High School in the Gymnasium.  “You Can’t Take It with You”, is a glimpse into the lives of the...

G-Men – Bombers Football, The End of an Era

The best rivalry in Portage County is coming to an end this Friday when the Garfield G-Men and the Windham Bombers will play their final football game in the Portage Trail Conference (PTC), as Windham will exit the PTC at the end of the year. This year’s game will be held at Garfield and promises to be the game...

Windham Celebrates Homecoming

Last Friday, Windham High School held their Annual Homecoming festivities. The event started Monday with Spirit week, which had the students dressing up to different themes each day and ended Saturday night with the annual dance. Friday at 4:30 pm, the Homecoming Parade was held with the high school band leading the way. Each class was represented in the parade...

Crestwood School Board Special Meeting Held

Mantua - A special Crestwood School Board meeting was held at the High School on September 19 to discuss the $1.2 - $1.8 million dollars in District budget cuts coming shortly from the State. The public session of the meeting covered general category cuts or reductions, including increases in participation fees at the Middle and High Schools, proposed reductions...

Special Year Classes Honored at Alumni Banquet

Garrettsville - The Alumni Association of the James A. Garfield Local Schools met for its seventh annual dinner meeting on Saturday, September 15 with a sizable turnout, good food, good company and plans to carry on this newly-minted tradition. Members of the “Special Year” classes (10, 20, 25, 50, etc.) were recognized and everyone shared memories of  attending the various...

School Board News: Crestwood Schools Face Sizeable Budget Cuts

Mantua - “Crestwood enrollment has been declining, as larger graduating classes are replaced by smaller elementary classes. In the period of 2003 - 2013, enrollment has declined by 24.9%,” explains Superintendant, Joe Iacano.  Staff reductions of nearly 27% have been made during that same time period to balance Crestwood’s budget. In spite of these cuts, Crestwood Schools have managed...

2012 J.A. Garfield Homecoming Court

Pictured above are this years Homecoming Court for James. A. Garfield High School.From left to right are (back row) : Simeon Brown, Austin Dezort, Tim Schwann, Tyler Covey, Stefan Wickli, and Logan Dean.  In the front row are (left to right): Whitney Miller, Julie Russmanno, Shilo Van Oss, Hannah Kirk, Carley McCloskey, Britanny Sisson. The Homecoming Parade Starts at 4:30...

Nyaah, Nyaah, N-Nyaah, Nyaah

On the first day of school for James A. Garfield School District, retirees--teachers, tutors, custodians, bus drivers, secretaries, cafeterians, et al, were all invited to lunch at Roby Lee’s in Newton Falls to observe the occasion with “two hoots and a holler” and reminiscences aplenty.  There was catching up to be done-- travelogues, reports on well-remembered students and their...

Safety Comes First at Crestwood’s First Safety Town Program

Mantua - According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control, more children die every year due to unintentional injuries than from all diseases combined. To counteract these numbers, the Crestwood Primary School (CPS) PTO, kindergarten teacher Mrs. Jolene Reese, and a core group of volunteers worked together to educate area children on safety-related topics.  In August, 68 children and...

Windham BOE Hires New Treasurer

Windham - While students were enjoying their summer break, the Board of Education (BOE) was hard at work looking for a new treasurer, which they found. The Windham Board of Education hired Garfield graduate Samantha Pochedly as their treasurer replacing Dawn Altman who had served in the position for the last several years. Dawn left the district to take...

GCRTA Grants Awarded to Three Students

The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association awarded three $1,500 grants to deserving college seniors at their August 7th picnic supper at Observatory Park in Montville, Ohio.  The three recipients were Emily Stiftar, a graduate of Newbury High School and education major at Ohio Wesleyan, Kristin Habe, a graduate of Chardon High School and Lake Erie College who now attends...

“Food and Hunger” Theme For Hiram College in 2012/13

Hiram – There is no more recurrent and pervasive problem in the world than food and world hunger, and the entire campus of Hiram College will be focusing on it this school year with a series of public events, and focused learning opportunities. In the 2012-13 school year more than a dozen major events and seventeen courses across many academic...

Brick by Brick Fund Reaches Mile Stones

Windham - This year’s Brick by Brick Celebration Dinner and Fundraiser held at Windham High School helped the Brick by Brick Endowment Fund reach two milestones.  The first one was they have exceeded the $200,000 mark after only 11 years. The second milestone was the need to construct a fourth wall to hold all the engraved bricks that have...

Marching Pride Preview, a Hit

James A. Garfield (JAG) Marching Pride kicked-off their marching season with a band preview last Friday night at JAG Stadium. The students spent 12 hours each day last week learning music, choreographing movements, establishing camaraderie and unity as the band held their official band camp at the high school. The students took what they learned and gave their families...

Garfield G-Men’s Tyburski Selected For Blue-Grey National Super Combine

Josh Tyburski was selected to attend the Blue-Grey National Super Combine at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Stadium in Canton, OH.   Towards the end of his junior year of high school, Josh was invited to attend a combine at the Cincinnati Bengals Football Stadium,  he was one of about 200 other prospects from Ohio and Kentucky to...

Garrettsville Chamber Awards Scholarships

Garrettsville - On June 6th members of the Garrettsville Area Chamber met for their annual scholarship luncheon. Three seniors from J.A. Garfield were selected to receive scholarships.  The recipients were Mack Hawkins, who will be studying electrical engineering at  the University of Akron; Brent Jones who will be a forensic sciences major at Youngstown State and Jessie George who...

JAG Teacher Earns National Award for Teaching Tolerance

Just last Sunday, the James A. Garfield High School Class of 2012 celebrated its commencement exercises, the students officially closing the door on their high school career. Suddenly, all those teachers they spent day after day with were relegated to a file cabinet of high school memories... except for one or two great teachers who truly affected their outlook...

Reaching Beyond at GHS

Garrettsville - James A. Garfield senior Lauren Greathouse has worked for approximately six months on the new banners that are hanging proudly on the front of  Garfield High School. With the help of Jeff Lang, Lauren completed the banners in time to be hung for graduation. Lauren tossed around some ideas at the beginning of the school year, and...

Listen Up!

Music Lovers, listen up!  James A. Garfield instrumentalists will be on display Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. for their season finale.  The marching band will still be featured at Memorial Day and graduation but elementary, intermediate and middle school performers exhibit their tunes and talents this day along with the high school artists that they hope to...

Katherine Thomas Elementary Pre-school still going Strong

Windham - In days gone by, folks who were able to send their youngsters to a pre-school program were usually of the elite sector and pre-school was considered an option only for those who were financially blessed. Pre-schools, back in the day, were few and far between and had long waiting lists. Now all that has changed and pre-schools...

Harlem Ambassadors Wow the Crowd

Marty Hill Court was filled beyond capacity last Friday night as folks from around the region came out to see the Harlem Ambassadors take on the Hometown Heroes of Windham. The Hometown Heroes are a co-ed team comprised of former Windham High School (WHS) basketball stars. The oldest player was Jim Moore who graduated in the class of 1966....

Keeping Kids Safe

The Garfield MVP's Keep our Kids Safe Committee will be very busy over the next few months.  The committee is working hard towards their goal of having  security cameras installed for the 2012/2013 school year in the parking lots of the high school / elementary school complex.  The group has raised  $2,700 but still need $6,000 to make this...

And speaking of post-graduate success….

You know how, in literature there’s this thing called foreshadowing, where something that happens in the story is, like, a clue to what’s going to happen further on, a rehearsal for later action, say if Jack and Jill stumbled on the way up the hill prior to falling down--when Jack “broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after”--that kind...

Soup’d up Jazz, a Success

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Music Department presented the Third Annual Soup’d up Jazz Festival Saturday night at the elementary school. The fundraiser dinner attracted nearly 200 folks who came out to enjoy a wonderful soup and salad dinner along with some fantastic jazz music. Folks could choose from chili, chicken noodle, minestrone, potato and vegetable soups, add...

Intermediate Students Participate In Math Tournaments

Garrettsville - G.I.S. students participated in the Portage County Math 24 Tournament on February 24th, 2012. Sixth grade participants included Andrew Morrissey, Kevin Splinter and Derek Miller. Andrew took 1st place for the second year in a row, Kevin took 3rd, and Derek took 4th. Fifth grade participants included Rachel Rader, Mei Mei Tannehill and Lyndsey Johns. Rachel took...

Portage County Teams Fare Well At State Tournament

The Ohio State University played host to the OHSAA state wrestling tournament which marked its 75th anniversary this past weekend.  The OHSAA sponsors one of the finest wrestling tournaments in the country and this year was no exception. A few new frills added to the excitement this year and perennial powers Lakewood St. Edward and St. Paris Graham continued their...


Garrettsville - "Stomp" is a musical performance that incorporates singing, recorders and rhythms that are played on an unusual assortment of objects. In this rhythm driven program the students use 5 gallon detergent buckets as drums, floor brooms that are knocked on the floor as percussive instruments, and pvc pipes that are thumped in rhythmic patterns. It is truly amazing...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - Windham Board of Education met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all board members, including Treasurer Dawn Altman and Superintendent Gregg Isler in attendance. Board president Danny Burns called the meeting to order. After they presented the students of the month and Bomber Stars, Burns opened up the floor to guests who wanted to address the board. Art Bowen...

Garrettsville -vs- Windham: Rivals For A Cause

Garrettsville -  Two backyard rivals take their competition to a new level. Windham and Garfield schools last year decided to make change in the rivalry rather than contend against one another, they  decided come together for a joint cause. A year ago last fall, when Mike Chaffee took over as the principal of Windham Schools, he wanted to revive...

Garfield Band Excels at Solo & Ensemble Competition

Mantua - On Saturday, February 4, “a great group of band students represented GHS with class and quality performances,” said James A . Garfield High School band director Joe Gaither.  The annual Solo & Ensemble contest took place at Crestwood High School, with more than 280 entries and 29 schools participating. Under the direction of Gaither, Theo Cebulla and...


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