
“HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT” Designed to Shock Parents into Awareness

Garrettsville - Don’t get caught with your head in the sand. Parents have often been accused of being out of touch or naive when it comes to their children’s (mis)behavior. Here’s your chance to either redeem yourself or to get a rude awakening. Looks can be deceiving. Don’t be fooled. This is the message of “Hidden in Plain Sight,” a...

Windham High School Band Marches at Disney

Windham - After a year of planning and fundraising, the Windham High School Band made the trek to Florida over spring break for a once - in-a-lifetime experience, to march at Disney World in Orlando. The students began raising funds for the trip over a year ago and had some help from donations and area sponsors. The trip cost...

Cinderella Comes to Life at Crestwood High School

Mantua - Dust off your tiara, because on April 19th to April 21st, you’ll be transported into one of childhood’s best-loved fairy tales. Crestwood High Drama Club will present Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” at the nearby CHS gymnasium, so pumpkin coaches are not required. You’ll be transported as Cinderella, Crestwood junior Amber Harrison, waltzes her way into the on-stage...

Klamer Steps Down After 22 Years

Garrettsville - On March 22, James A. Garfield School District Superintendent Charles C. Klamer submitted his letter of resignation to school board president Guy Pietra. The school board is expected to accept Klamer’s resignation officially at its next regular meeting on April 11. When his resignation goes into effect on July 31, it will bring Klamer’s record-breaking 22 years...

Windham High School’s Variety Show Rocked!

Windham - This past weekend Windham Choir presented their Annual Variety Show. The event lived up to its name providing quite a variety of acts to entertain the crowd. The choir opened up the show with “The Nicest Kids in Town,” which set the tone for the evening. The show was emceed by Cameron Pozgai and Devonte Taylor. The two...

Middle School Math Whizzes!

Garrettsville - Garfield Middle School students recently competed in the Greater Cleveland Council Of Teachers Math Tournament at Middlefield Cardinal Middle School. The eighth grade students earned winner ribbons and champion's medals.  Pictured above at left are the seventh graders (front row)  Theresa Paroff, Dominic Ionno, Andrew Morrisey,Ramsey Goodner; (back row) Advisor Mrs. Rossi, Justin Riebe, Jenna Montez,John Lininger, Derek...

Windham Board Of Education News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly-scheduled meeting with all but one board member in attendance, along with Superintendent Gregg Isler and Treasurer Samantha Pochedly Melissa Roubic gave the Maplewood report and reported that the new electricity instructor has done a great job in setting up the electrical lab. She also reported that The Maplewood board...

JAG Book Swap Chili Cook-Off a Success

Garrettsville - James A Garfield PTO recently held their 6th Annual Book Swap and Chili Cook-off at the elementary school on Thursday evening February 21, 2013. The book swap was a way for readers to recycle books they have read for ones they haven’t read. Over 250 folks came out to swap books. While swapping books one could enjoy...

J.A. Garfield Intermediate School Honor / Merit Roll for 2nd Nine Weeks

5th Grade - “All A” Honor Roll Colton Klatik, Jenna Conley, Nathan Pitsinger, Anthony Lunardi, Rayana Goodner, Noah Cornicelli, Michael Martin, Jesse Marderwald, Cassandra Finney, Madelyn Scirocco, Jacob Nottingham, Anna Morrissey, Lillian Oles, Ellie Frato-Sweeney, Noah Frato-Sweeney, Owen Cmunt, Nathan Phillips, Madison Vankirk, Phillip West, Mason Cebulla, Hannah Bittence   5th Grade - Honor Roll Irma Miller, Joseph Ball, Sara Kittle, Kya Fresch, Cameron...

One Book, One School, One Principal and Two Pigs?

Mantua - Charlotte’s Web came to life at Crestwood Primary School (CPS) last Thursday. Students, teachers and staff learned that they had “Some School” as they saw their cafeteria transformed into Wilbur’s home at Mr. Zuckerman’s farm.  The menagerie included two sheep, one miniature horse, and one calf, courtesy of Larry Guyette, father of first grader Abby, and second...

Schedule Your Parent / Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences for James A. Garfield High School are schedule for February 27th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  If you are interested in scheduling appointments with your child’s teachers, please call Mrs. Fisher @ 330-527-4341.

‘We Regret to Inform You’ Rocks Cleveland

CLEVELAND—"This next band isn’t from Streetsboro High School, it IS Streetsboro High School!" quipped emcee Jeff Kutz as he introduced Streetsboro’s own ‘We Regret to Inform You’ at the Tri-C® High School Rock Off on January 27th. All joking aside, Kutz wasn’t too far from the truth. Brought together in a Streetsboro High School songwriting class, this fifteen member...

Local Firm Helps Students Realize College Dreams

Hiram - According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the annual current dollar prices for the 2010-2011 academic year for undergraduate tuition, room and board were estimated to be $13,600 at public institutions and a whopping $36,300 at private institutions. NCES also reports that only one in eight students enrolled full-time at 4-year institutions received scholarships in...

GCRTA Luncheon

The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 for a luncheon and meeting at the Bond Building in Century Village, 14653 East Park Street, Burton, OH  44021. Gathering time at 11:15 AM, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and  lunch at 12:00.  The menu will consist of a Chili Bar with hot chili, onions,...

Register now for the Class of 2026!

The James A. Garfield School District is now accepting Kindergarten registration information for your child that will turn age 5 before September 30, 2013. Registration will take place on Tuesday, March 12, Wednesday, March 13, and Thursday, March 14, 2013 at the elementary.  Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon...

Crestwood Middle School December Students of the Month

6th Grade - Ashleigh Fowler, Mira Soukenik, Alexander Maiden, Logan Bailey, Kathleen Hawley, Luke Leister7th Grade - Avrie Talboo, Kassandra Fedor, Austin Shaffer, Ryan Britt, Emily Hawkins, Lincoln Chiller8th Grade - Emily Walker, Olivia Brady, Blaine Sorrick, Adam Fitzgerald, Krystal Willett, Kenneth Haynie

Crestwood Schools — Student Safety and Superintendent Search

At December’s School Board meeting, the Board voted to approve the revision of the Five-Year Forecast for fiscal years ending in 2017. The forecast is required by law to be submitted to the Ohio Department of Education.  The Board also discussed Strategic Planning for the District, as items in the existing Continuous Improvement Plan -- developed in 2008 --...

Windham Jr/Sr. High Students Receive ALICE Training

Windham - The Windham BOE met for their monthly meeting at a special time and date to accommodate holiday schedules. All the board members along with the treasurer and superintendent were in attendance. The meeting was called to order and students of the month were recognized, along with other student achievements for the month of November. Board President Danny Burns reported...

Message from J.A. Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield School District is very concerned with the safety of our students and staff members.  We strive to protect every child in every way.  We will increase our vigilance through the end of the school year.  Currently, every school building is locked; entrance is only gained by pressing a buzzer to be admitted by...

Marching Pride Performs at Cavaliers Game

The Garfield Marching Pride High School Band played pregame at the Sat. Dec. 8th Cleveland Cavaliers game.  The Band played a few songs and the National Anthem before the unfortunate Cavaliers loss to the Detroit Pistons.  The Band sounded wonderful and the kids had a great time showing their dancing and playing talents for a delighted crowd. The kids...


Prithee, milords and miladies, hast thou fetched thy silken smallclothes and finest gowns?  Hast thou brought thy doublet and jerkin from the wardrobe? Art thy jewels brought from the strongroom?  Dost thou have thy tickets to the Yuletide Revels?Forsooth!  Make haste to send a page to the James A. Garfield High School, forthwith (Or call Laura Young for reservations...

Crestwood Schools Launch Student Helpline

Mantua - In a letter sent home to Crestwood School District students, Mary Ann Strenk, Director of Curriculum for the District, announced the launch of a program called ‘Safe School Helpline’, an anonymous tip line set up through a partnership between the School District and the Mantua Village Police Department. The system, which is available 24/7, can be accessed...

Crestwood Middle School Honor Roll – First Nine Weeks

8th Grade Honor Roll Melody Bencie*, Emma Bene, Madisyn Benoit, Karli Bigler*, Alyssa Blake*, Haley Brady*, Olivia Brady*, Colin Brooks, Allyson Buchert, Gabrielle Campana*, Morgan Chesla, Lilly Cline, Aaron Cox, Cameron Crabtree, Derek Crislip, Megan Cymanski*, Haley Davis*, Jacquelynne Deuley, Emma Dockery*, Francis Donat, Allison Durham*, Melina Edic*, Jordan  Fabry, Mackenzie Fairfield, Adam Fitzgerald, Dakota Frenz, Taylor Gall*, Alexandrea Geraci,...

Crestwood High School Honor Roll—First Nine Weeks

3.5+ SENIORS Sara Amport, Kathleen Bailey, Kelly Baker, Madeline Becker, Nichole Bencie, Cole Benjamin, Courtney Berish, Steven Bokesch, Katie Bretland, Gabrielle Caddell, Andrew Carney, Victoria Chiller, Emma Cline, Mallory Czuchra, David Defer, Brandon Derr, Brittany Donell, Kira Edic, Nicholas Erway, Mckenzie Faust, Tyler Fear, Amber Feddor, Ryan Fedor, Brett Fisher, Thomas Ford, Andrea Foster, Garrett Gerardi, Zakary Goldinger, Jacob Graves,...

J.A. Garfield High School Honor Roll – First Nine Weeks

12th Grade - All A's Josie Baum, Caitlin Chartier, Tyler Covey, Briana Miller, Andrew Soukenik*, Shiloh VanOss, Stefan Wickli   3.2 & Above Andrew Anderson*, Heidi Basel, Trent Bontrager, Austin Bowman, Joseph Brahler, Abbie Brown, Ethan Carter*, Kaytlin Collin, Logan Dean, Patrick Enoch*, Racheal Forcier*, Dakota Frank, Kenneth Fulton*, Kaleigh Gilmer, Alexandra Gushura, Megan Hadzinsky, Julia Hayes, Rachel Huehner, Kevin Hurd*, Hannah Kirk,...

Windham High School Honor Roll – First Nine Weeks

Freshmen Joseph Barnes,  Dakota Casseday,  Christopher Chambers,  Samantha Dean,  Taylor Gump, *Tristan Hankins,  Logan Hershberger, *Nicole James, *Brittany Knight,  Tasheana Martinez,  Jasmine Nevarez,  Giana Pemberton, *Joseph Prasky, *Alexia Rushnok,  Kyle Russell,  Mariah Scott, Floyd Shackelford, *Lauren Simmons,  Colton Starcher, *Adam Tanner,  Alexander Workman,  Briana Workman   Sophomores Alexandrea Blake,  Alexis Fabry,  Daisy Fleming,  Rocky Hager,  Darianna Heller,  Macey Hickman, *Kyle Hilfer, *Sarah Hodson,...

Volunteers? Do I hear volunteers?

Here’s your chance to check into the current scene amongst the “younger set”.  Portage County has a regular program of Quiz Bowl competitions hosted by  the participating  schools--Garfield, Ravenna, Field, Streetsboro, Southeast, Waterloo, Aurora (which also presents the Early Bird Open Tournament), Rootstown and a new (outside) addition, Lake Christian in Hartville.  These competitions are held at various locations...

JAG Earns A+ on State Report Card

Garrettsville -  The James A. Garfield School District has once again distinguished itself with highest honors. It earned the Excellent with Distinction (A+) status on statewide district report cards for the 2011-2012 academic year. JAG was one of only four among Portage County’s 11 school districts to achieve such a high mark, including Aurora, Kent and Field. This marks the fifth...


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