
Windham Students Participate in Tinker Tour

Windham - Students at Windham High School recently had the opportunity to meet the student free speech advocate that virtually all high school Government and US History students cite as a landmark case. Mary Beth Tinker was the lead plaintiff in the Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District. Ms. Tinker, siblings and classmates were suspended for wearing...

Garfield Boys Soccer Team on a Roll

Garfield Boys Soccer Team has dominated their opponents all season and the past two  weeks were no different. The boys have kept their winning streak going by defeating Streetsboro 8-0. The group played as a team, with the scoring being spread out. Four players managed to score goals for the G-Men. They were Ante Dejanovic, who scored four goals...

Crestwood Primary & Intermediate Celebrate 10 Years

Students and faculty at Crestwood’s Primary and Intermediate Schools will ring in the tenth school year in the same way they celebrated the first one; with a concert by national children’s musician and author Jim Gill. Gill has performed for early childhood educators, families and children’s librarians across the country, and on September 25th, he will again be sharing...

Whirled Peace At Crestwood Schools

Mantua - Imagine millions of pinwheels spinning in the wind. Pinwheels around the world in Great Britain, South America, the Middle East, and here in Mantua, Ohio. Yes, on Friday, September 20th, in honor of the International Day of Peace, Crestwood students will take part in an international art and literacy project called “Pinwheels for Peace.” On Friday, students...

Spotlight On: Book Box Program

Garrettsville - Portage County District Library would like to help educators prepare for the upcoming school year by placing its September service spotlight on its Book Box program. Book Boxes are ideal for classroom teachers or other educators who need multiple copies of the same title. Each Book Box contains 30 books of a title and most contain a...

JAG Maintains High Score with New State Grading System

Garrettsville - School districts throughout Ohio finally learned their scores for 2012-2013 according to the new state report cards last week. James A. Garfield School District -- which has achieved Excellent with Distinction for two of the past three years -- maintained high scores for 2012/13 by earning an overall A grade in Progress from the state.  JAG Superintendent Ted...

James A Garfield Local Schools Bus Routes

* Route information has been provided by the Garfield Transportation Office.  If you have questions, please contact the bus garage at 330-527-4250. BUS #1 HS/MS  6:35 AM  Right on S.R. 88, Right on S.R. 303, Right on Asbury 6:50 AM  Right on Limeridge 6:55 AM Left on Schustrich, Left on Vaughn, Left on Goodell 6:56 AM  Right on Limeridge, Right on Streeter 6:58 AM  Right on Limeridge 7:05 AM ...

Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools News

Newton Falls - Tickets are on sale at the Superintendent’s Office located at 909 ½ Milton Blvd., for the upcoming Newton Falls Tiger football season from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm. The cost for reserved season passes for 5 home games will be $40.00. We also have a 10-game pass available for adults to purchase for $50.00, and students...

CHS Band Plans for a Banner Day

Mantua - Throughout its 60-year history, the Crestwood Scarlet Guard Marching Band has had a long tradition of excellence.  The band consistently appears at OMEA State Finals and Bands of America Championships, and in 2012 was named Class A Regional Champion at the Pittsburgh & Pontiac Regional Championships. Recently, they have been invited to participate in the Bands of...

Hoffmann Recognized For Excellence

Garrettsville - Senior Zach Hoffmann recently spent a week sharpening his leadership skills and is ready to bring them back to the athletic fields and classrooms at James A. Garfield High School.  Zach was among an elite group of students selected to attend the 12th annual Oelschlager Summer Leadership Institute, sponsored by Jim Oelschlager, owner of Oak Associates Inc....

Crestwood Schools Undergo Major Overhaul

Mantua - Superintendent David Toth opened the meeting by addressing the School Board and the 50 meeting attendees by highlighting his goal of increasing communication throughout the district. To that end, Toth plans to continue using the automated phone system to share district-wide events with community members. In addition, Superintendent Toth is available via phone or email, and via...

News From Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - The 2013-14 school year is now only weeks away and promises to be one filled with excitement and new opportunities. We should all be proud to be a part of this district.  The James A. Garfield School district has a record of being one of the finest places to live, to work and to learn. It is...

Brick by Brick Honors Final-Four Baseball Teams

Windham -  The Brick by Brick Scholarship Committee will hold their annual fundraiser dinner this Saturday August 10, 2013 at Windham High School. Each year, the committee searches for the just the right person or group to honor at the dinner. The past honorees have been authors, local business people, Windham graduates who were/are superintendents, corporate clothing executive, musician,...

Class of 1963 Celebrates Fifty Years

Garrettsville - The Class of 1963 met at the Main Street Grille and Brewing Company on July 27th. Some came from Illinois, Florida and Georgia. For those that were lost, they were remembered. There was a lot of catching up on the last 50 years; we will meet again in 5 years. We missed the ones that couldn’t make...

Crestwood School News

At a special board meeting held last week, the Crestwood Local School Board voted unanimously to hire Michelle Gerbrick as the new Principal at Crestwood Intermediate School. Superintendent David Toth recommended Gerbrick for the position, sharing that her extensive background in instructional leadership, especially in technology would make her a huge asset to the District. Gerbrick formerly worked as...

Windham Puts Renewal Levy on the November Ballot

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met last Thursday at Katherine Thomas Elementary School for their regularly scheduled board meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Danny Burns. President Burns suggested the BOE consider changing the meeting time to 6pm rather than 7pm. A discussion was held on the issue and they would consider doing...

It’s Showtime!

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Marching Pride pulled out all of the stops last Friday to give a preview(Preview—that means that they’re just going to get better) of their fall band show line-up.  A fine audience of parents, grandparents, friends and supporters were treated to an evening of musical excitement—on the field and in the stands They opened with...

Sun, Fun…and Schoolwork?

If you don’t think those three things go together, your kids might be at risk of suffering from summer slide. While it may sound like one of those cool attractions at a nearby water park, summer slide actually refers to the learning that kids lose each summer, as priorities shift from class time and homework to swimming pools and...

Crestwood School News

Mantua - Superintendent, David Toth recently announced that the Crestwood Local School Board approved a contract to hire Cynthia Ducca as the new principal at Crestwood Primary for the 2013-2014 academic year. According to Superintendent Toth, Ms. Ducca has an extensive teaching and administrative background, and most recently served as the principal of Berkshire Elementary. While at Berkshire Elementary,...

Windham High School Seeks Spanish Teacher

Windham - School may be out for the summer, but the Windham Board of Education (BOE) is continuing to work hard to get ready for the upcoming year. The BOE met recently at the elementary school with all members present. Principal Mike Chaffee introduced the new history teacher Terry Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong shared with the board his vision for...

Girl Scouts & Friends Raise Funds for Classmate

Mantua - Recently at Crestwood Intermediate School, 4th grade Girl Scout Junior Troops #243, #533 & #442 sold homemade bracelets to fellow students to support classmate Mathieu Arotin.  Mathieu has a disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 2 (SMA type 2).  Due to this disease, Mathieu is confined to a power wheelchair. The wheelchair gives him the ability to...

Crestwood’s Hershey Track Camp

Mantua - When the information came home from school last spring for Crestwood’s Hershey Track Camp, we had no idea what to expect. As a parent, I was looking for fun and interesting activities for my girls, ages seven and nine, to try over the summer. The weeklong camp looked good to me. Luckily, my girls agreed, so we...

J.A. Garfield 45th Class Reunion Update

The James A. Garfield, Class of 68'- 45th Reunion will be held at Sugarbush Golf Course, September 28, 2013. Meet & Greet 5 pm / Dinner 6 pm / Social 7 pm This is just a reminder if you haven't already sent in your check for the dinner(s), payment is due by                  August 1, 2013.  The cost is $25 per person ...

Crestwood District Sports News

Mantua - At the June School Board meeting, outgoing Crestwood All Sports Booster President Debbie Stephens presented a check to the School Board in the amount of $25,000 to cover part of the cost of resurfacing the track at Jack Lambert Stadium. The money was raised over the past seven years through participant registration charges, gate fees and concession...

Crestwood District Financial News

Mantua - At a recent School Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved the Five-Year Forecast for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2013 through 2017. Crestwood District Treasurer, Jill Rowe, proposed the forecast. In calculating the Forecast, Ms. Rowe made several assumptions based on the current state of the economy. First, the District does not anticipate increased revenue resulting...

A New Era: A New Superintendent for JAG Schools

Garrettsville - June 13, 2013 marked the beginning of a new era for James A. Garfield Schools. After 22 years under the leadership of Charles Klamer, the JAG Board of Education hired a new superintendent: Ted Lysiak of Garrettsville.  Lysiak was formerly Director of Curriculum & Instruction at Euclid Schools since 2011. A member of JAG PTO, he is also...

Garfield Schools Celebrating Excellence

Garrettsville - Congratulations to the students and staff of the James A. Garfield Local School District. The district as a whole has achieved an "Excellent", or "Excellent with Distinction" rating for five consecutive years with many of the schools holding these titles individually much longer than that. Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, schools will be ranked using a...

Crescendo Club Awards Scholarship

Newton Falls - The Newton Falls Crescendo Club is please to announce the winner of this year's Scholarship.  Band Senior Taylor Phelps was selected by the Scholarship Committee to receive the $500 award.  Taylor will be attending Kent State next year to study Zoology.  Congratulations!   We would also like to thank all of the parents who helped with this...

2013 Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Recipients

Garrettsville - On June 5th the Garrettsville Area Chamber held their annual Scholarship Luncheon at Cal’s Restaurant.  Pictured above are the 2013 recipients of the scholarships.  Kaleigh Gilmer (left) will be attending the Indiana University of Pennsylvania to study nursing and psychology; Garrett McArdle (center) will be persuing a degree in actuarial sciences at Ohio University; Caitlin Chartier will...

Chiropractic Center Awards Scholarship

Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce Andrew Anderson as the recipient of the sixth annual scholarship awarded to a James A. Garfield graduating senior. Mr. Anderson was awarded eight hundred fifty dollars to assist in his goal to further his education in the field of business management . The Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville plans to continue to award...


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