
Hiram College selected for Peace Corps Prep Program

Hiram - Hiram College is one of only six institutions nationwide recently accepted into the Peace Corps Prep Program. The collaboration offers students a unique combination of undergraduate coursework and community service that prepares them for work in international development. In addition to gaining skills and experience which will make them competitive Peace Corps applicants, students also earn a...

Mantua Rotary Club and Crestwood Schools partner for a “Hot Event”!

Mantua - Refuse to COOK and attend “The BEST CHILI COOK-OFF EVER”.  It starts Thursday, February 27th from 5-7 pm, in the decorated Crestwood HS cafeteria. The proceeds will assist the Rotary Club of Mantuas to fund 2014 Scholarships and Awards for Crestwood students!  The Mantua Rotary Club has supported the academic and service achievements of our Crestwood students...

JA Garfield Middle School Honor Roll

All A Honor Roll 7th Grade Andrew Pemberton, Evan Pawlus, Eric Jackson, Caillean Galayde, Jason Conley, Racquel Koleszar, Jessica (Mei Mei) Tannehill, Sarah DeSalvo, Max Kane, Brooke Morgan, Zoe Swenson, Mathew Glinski, Samantha Ensinger, Rachel Rader, Adam Norris, Tyler Klouda, Sarah Miller   All A Honor Roll 8th Grade Jackson Neer, Jacey Luzny, Jenna Montez, Jason Riebe, Derek Miller, Kylie Hoover, Ramsey Goodner,...

Windham High School Honor Roll

9th Grade *Cali Apthorpe, Ja'Mario Brown, Alexis Knight, Benjamin Knight, *Elizabeth Richmond, *Kathlyn Richmond, Erik Roche, Jacob Sheesley, Paige Simpson, *Mahlia Smith, Sara Taylor, *Holly Thompson   10th Grade Tobie Barker, *Joseph Barnes, Chandler Bee, Christopher Chambers, Samantha Dean, *Tristan Hankins, Logan Hershberger, *Nicole James, *Brittany Knight, *Brooke Lissy, Jasmine Nevarez, Joseph Prasky, Alexia Rushnok, Floyd Shackelford, *Lauren Simmons, Adam Tanner, Alexander Workman,...

Windham Junior High Honor Roll

Grade Six Jazelle Artman, Aiden Barker, Heavenly Cheatham, Paige Collins, Darah Fall, Abigail Forsythe, Samuel Howell, Landen Kiser, Brevin McCrae, Michael Priddy, Annetta Sanders, Victoria Showalter, Ashley Simmons, David Stout, Dawson Swearingen, Tyler Wiley   Grade Seven Eugenia Brown, Nathan Carpenter, Garrett Cogar, Josh Forsythe, Madison Howes, Phillip Maiorca, Blake Eye, Mackenzie McLean, Trynity Mock, Isabella Simpson, Rebekah Stout, Isabella Warrick   Grade Eight Claire Alderman,...

2014 Teacher Workshops? Just say “WOW”! The Wonders of Watersheds: Outdoor Explorations for Classroom Applications

Are you looking for ways to incorporate Ohio’s New Learning Standards into your curriculum?  Seeking resources to enhance your classroom content and students’ success?  Interested in acquiring graduate credits?  Or maybe you are just in need of a fun and enriching learning adventure?  Through outdoor learning and inquiry experiences, we can help your transition to tackle the standards!  Don’t miss...

A Challenge to the James A. Garfield Community

Garrettsville - As you may be aware, the James A. Garfield Local Schools were recently awarded a $5 Million grant to construct an addition on the elementary to create a centralized campus and update our technology.  While this is exciting and will shape the education of kids for years to come, this is just the beginning!  Since grant dollars...

Windham BOE Welcomes New Members

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting at Katherine Thomas Elementary School Thursday, January 23, 2014. All BOE members were in attendance along with Treasurer Samantha Pochedly. Superintendent Gregg Isler was excused from the meeting to coach the girl’s basketball game scheduled that evening. The meeting was called to order by Melissa Roubic...

Newton Falls Announces Kindergarten Registration Dates

Newton Falls - Registration for children entering the Newton Falls School System for the 2014-2015 school year will be held: February 10 & 11, 2014 from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. March 17 through March 21 8:30-11:30 a.m. & 12:30-2:30 p.m. daily You do NOT need an appointment, but please only come during these times.  It is not necessary to bring your child at this...

Garfield Hosts Power of the Pen

Garrettsville - James A. Garfield Middle School was the site of the recent district competition for Power of the Pen, a program to encourage the development of young adolescents’ writing skills through  practice and competition, in much  the same vein as sport, with many of the same components, such as teamwork and concentration. Ten schools—Chamberlain, Crestwood, Field, Garfield, Harmon, Manchester,...

Scout Pack 4062 Holds Pinewood Derby

Cub Scout Pack 4062 held their Annual Pinewood Derby at James A. Garfield Elementary School on Saturday January 25, 2013.  This year the event was sponsored by Charles Auto Family and Warren Construction. Prior to race day, each participant was given a derby kit that contain a block of wood, axle nails and wheels for the event. The scout had...

Kinder Than Necessary

Mantua - "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle..." is a quote you will see displayed throughout Crestwood Middle School. Eighth grade Crestwood Middle School Wrestler, Tom Carson, acted in the very spirit of this quote showing the finest character and integrity during a wrestling tournament at West Geauga the weekend of January...

One grant…..three giant leaps for James A. Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - Over the next nine months the James A. Garfield Community will take three giant leaps into the future because of the $5 Million Straight A Grant.  The construction of an addition on the elementary school will create a “Campus of Excellence”.  Partnerships hope to bring exciting services to the school on Park Avenue. Finally, technology improvements for...

Mobile Dentists to Visit James A. Garfield Elementary

Garrettsville - On January 28, 2014 The Mobile Dentists will come to the Elementary with all the necessities to do x-rays, exams and routine cleaning.  Parents, take advantage of this awesome program.  There will be no need for you to take off work or take your child out of school for their dental appointment.  You will also receive a...

JAG Performers Earn 12 Superior Ratings at Solo & Ensemble Event

Mantua - This past Saturday Crestwood High School hosted the Ohio Music Education Association District Six High School Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event. Students from 32 area schools participated in the event.  The event covered vocals as well as instrumentals, including brass, woodwinds, stringed and percussion instruments. James A. Garfield (JAG) School had 18 entries in the contest. Students are...

Crestwood School Board Organizational Meeting

Mantua - At the School Board Organizational meeting on January 6th, new School Board members David Becker and Todd Monroe took the oath of office. Once they took their seats, the Board held an election to fill the office of board president and vice president. Matt Sorrick was elected to the position of President, while Debbie Soltisz was elected...

Garfield’s Svonavec Sets Records

Garrettsville - This past weekend J.A. Garfield High School junior Edie Svonavec turned in big performances at two indoor track meets. On Saturday she established a new meet record at the Jerome Field Open at Akron University in the shot put with a throw of 43'7". She followed up that performance on Sunday by not only winning the shot put...

Mantua K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship

Mantua - Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2014 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship.  This is a fun, free activity for area youth to compete in a Free Throw (foul shot) competition for best of fifteen consecutive shots.  The Knights of Columbus Free...

Windham History Class Visits State House

Windham - Windham High School sophomore US History students recently had the opportunity to take part in a trip to the Ohio State House. The trip was made possible by a grant from the Capitol Square Foundation with funding by Honda of American and Wal-Mart. Over twenty students took the three hour trip to Columbus to spend the day sharing...

CHS Student Lights Up Mantua

Mantua - Principal Arden Sommers is pretty proud of “his kids” at Crestwood High School.  At a recent visit to the school, Sommers proudly shared their stories, as he discussed a program called the Junior/Senior Seminar. The class, which is an elective, and therefore, not a requirement for graduation, is always one of the most popular, even though it...

Grant approved…. “This is just the beginning.”

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Schools was recently awarded $5 million through a state grant to create a “Campus of Excellence”. The project will be funded 100% by grant dollars that would never have to be paid back. The project includes constructing a nearly 20,000 square foot addition to the elementary school in order to bring the fifth...

CMS Students Trained in Real-Life Skills

Mantua - The Eighth Grade Crestwood Middle School Pre-Engineering Academy, under the direction of instructor Ed Judd, have the opportunity not only to learn valuable engineering skills, but to how to accurately present their ideas to potential clients. According to Judd, the Acedemy took root when Crestwood Middle School Principal, Julie Schmidt, wanted to add an additional “Star” class...

Hidden in Plain Sight — Looks Can Be Deceiving

We’ve all heard that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Well on Tuesday, December 10th, that old adage will be updated to include paper clips, dryer sheets, and lots of other seemingly harmless household items. That evening, the Mantua Police Department will host a traveling exhibit entitled “Hidden In Plain Sight,” at the Crestwood High School. The...

Mantua K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship

Mantua - Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2014 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship.  This is a fun, free activity for area youth to compete in a Free Throw (foul shot) competition for best of fifteen consecutive shots.  The Knights of Columbus Free...

The Truth Behind Snow Days

Winter weather is officially upon us.  With this weather comes the ‘polarizing’ topic of Snow Days. When I was a child I participated in all of the rituals that supposedly helped the snow day cause.  I wore my pajamas backwards.  I flushed ice cubes down the toilet.  I even opened the door to the refrigerator and danced the snow-day...

CIS Talent Show Was Huge Success

Mantua - Author Leo Buscaglia is quoted as saying, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Never has that statement been truer, than in the case of fifth grader...

Crestwood School Board Report – November 2013

Mantua - At the recent School Board meeting, the Board approved the resubmission of the Five-Year forecast for the fiscal years ending June 20, 2014 through 2018. The forecast was submitted to the Ohio Department of Education, as required by law. Continuing, the Board approved the first reading of several new and revised Board policies. Items included were several...

Conscientious, Citizenship, and Chloe

Mantua - Crestwood Schools have much more going for them than just the three Rs. This fall, Primary School Principal Cindy Ducca and Intermediate School Principal Michelle Gerbrick have instituted a program that rewards students for exhibiting crucial skills at each of their schools -- qualities they call the two Cs. Those character traits include being conscientious students and...

A Campus of Excellence

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Schools recently submitted an application to the Ohio Department of Education to create a “Campus of Excellence” through a newly established Straight A Fund.  The project would cost $5 million and be funded 100% by grant dollars that would never have to be paid back.  The project is very extensive and includes moving...

Can You See Excellence In Action?

Our students are amazing. Academically they perform at levels that exceed expectations. For example, our third grade math scores were third highest in Northeast Ohio (96.6%). Our high school students showed improvements in all five areas of the Ohio Graduation Test, and this is after they were already scoring above 90% in all areas! This excellence does not stop...


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