
New Addition…New Traffic Pattern

This map should help provide some direction for everyone as you return to school on August 26. We will also have staff members at specific areas the first week back to assist everyone with these new traffic patterns.

The Harlem Ambassadors to Challenge the Garrettsville Inspectors in October: Tickets go on sale Monday, August 18th

Advance tickets go on sale Monday, August 18th and may be purchased online at or at one of many area businesses including: The Villager (8088 Main St); Charles Auto Family (10851 North St); Miller’s Family Restaurant (8045 State St); Garrettsville DQ Grill & Chill (8013 State St); and the James A Garfield School offices when school returns.

Campus of Excellence Update: School Construction is On Schedule and Under Budget

"Regardless of the obstacles, the addition is on schedule to open for students on August 26. Here are the latest developments on each component of the grant".

Student Laptop Pickup Dates Scheduled

Dates have been scheduled for parents to come in with their children to receive their laptops over the coming weeks. Our goal is to distribute all laptops before the first day of school on August 26.

Are You Our Alumni?

If you attended James A. Garfield (at any point), or Freedom, Nelson or Garrettsville Schools prior to the 1951 consolidation.... you are! JAG Alumni are cordially invited to the James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet which will be held on September 20, 2014 at JamesA. Garfield Elementary School. The banquet is a wonderful opportunity to reacquaint with past classmates, enjoy...

One To Go!

Savings were realized in the bidding process and have been re-invested in upgrades throughout the James A. Garfield campus, for all buildings. This includes more efficient windows, security upgrades (also utilizing funds raised initially by Dee Synnestvedt for parking lot security cameras), digital signage for the high school and elementary school campus—5’x8’, wireless, , kitchen improvements, carpeting in the new elementary band room, furniture upgrades…the whole shootin’ match…looking good.

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the July meeting of the Crestwood School Board, the Board approved a contract with Virtual Community School (VCS), an online school based in Ohio. Through enrollment in the special program, families who choose online schooling for their students would be supplied with a computer, printer and online instruction aligned with State and common core standards through...

Campus of Excellence Progress

The latest update, delivered June 19 in a presentation and walk-through to an interested and inquisitive group disclosed the various contracts and contractors involved, from sitework and concrete through structural steel, lockers, HVAC, building electric(Scotchman Electric),painting and wall covering(Doug Seaman Decorating), technology and paving. Not to mention kitchen equipment, carpentry, flooring and plumbing. Every one of these contracts was bid out and issued keeping both the cost and the time constraints in mind. The intricacies of scope in such construction are quite amazing, involving the “breathability” of a building combined with building efficiency, updating of the utility functions for the entire campus, the element of “Seek and ye shall find,” in discovering an Insinkerator in the bus garage attic, brick types and so much more.

Local Resident Leaves Legacy

By terms of the sale the house will be called the Garfield Robbins Zimmerman House, to reflect the history of those who owned it. The home will house the offices for the Garfield Institute for Public Leadership, which instructs students in public service. Eventually, it will serve as a venue for discussions and guest speakers and a mini-museum showcasing the legacy left by James Garfield.

Bio-Med Science Academy Selected As Ohio STEM Learning Network Regional Training Center

Rootstown - As a result of its ongoing success in developing innovative and progressive learning opportunities for students, Bio-Med Science Academy, a year-round public STEM+M high school located on the campus of Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), has been selected by the Ohio STEM Learning Network to serve as one of its regional STEM training center sites. The Ohio STEM Learning...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the June meeting of the Crestwood School Board, District Technology Supervisor Jeff Woolard was asked to give a presentation to the Board sharing his team’s achievements this year, and the projects they’re looking to implement within the District over the coming months. With the help of his team, District Network Technicians Carl Zeleznik and Nicholas Karman,...

Local Firm Helps Student’s Dreams Take Flight

Hiram - This spring, Hiram-based advertising agency the Communications Factory used a little helium to help an area high school senior on her way to earning a higher education. Over its last eleven years in operation, the Factory has awarded a $1,000 scholarship every spring to a deserving northeastern Ohio high school senior to help them in pursuit of...

Folio and Swigonski are 2014 Chess Champions

Garrettsville - Isabella Folio (right)  and Brody Swigonski (left) won their respective divisions for the annual Garfield 4th grade PTO chess tournament (pictured).  Congratulations to them both!  The tournament was held over their lunch break for several weeks, and they recently competed in the finals. For the boys division, Brody Swigonski defeated Kodiak Brogan in the final match.  For the...

Simeon Brown Wins Scholarship

Garrettsville - Garfield High School graduate Simeon Brown of Garrettsville is the 2014 recipient of the President James A. Garfield Award.  The $1000 scholarship honors the values held  by James A. Garfield, who at age 26 became president of what would later be known as Hiram College and who later became president of the United States.  The scholarship is...

Mantua Rotary Awards Scholarship

Mantua - The Rotary Club of Mantua would like to congratulate Crestwood high school junior Morgan Strenk.  Morgan is the winner of the prestigious Rotary Youth Leadership Award scholarship. This award will enable Morgan to participate at a camp held at Baldwin Wallace University from June 8-14, 2014. Approximately 50 juniors from the northeast, Ohio area will participate at this...

Burton High School Class of 2014

Ryan Louis Acker Mikayla R. Ashba Madison Claire Barber McKenzie Marie Blau Sasha Rose Brotman Bianca Rae Brown Lindsey Nicole Burnett Courtney Karam Call Cassandra Cameron Tyler Alex Chapek Cody Allen Charvat Julie Anne Combs Branden Matthew Conrad MacKenzie Anne Cossick Dominic Allan DeLuca Julie Ann Dingman Kaylee Ann Marie Evans Kaitlyn Elena Freiling Luke Anton Freiling Joshua Michael Garrett Mackenzie Elizabeth Gilliland Max Franklin Gilliland Breanna Marie Girolamo Marc Alan Girolamo Gage Kristopher Green Jessica Cheyenne Hackett Erica Rose Marie Harris Brandon Donald Haycox William Frederick...

Garrettsville Area Chamber Scholarship Winners

Garrettsville - On June 4th the Garrettsville Area Chamber held their annual Scholarship Luncheon at Cal’s Restaurant.  Each year the Chamber awards three scholarships to graduating Garfield High School seniors. Pictured above are the 2014 recipients of the scholarships.  Amber Wenger (right) will be attending Kent State University to study Nursing; Trevor Chambers (left) will be pursuing a degree in...

Twardzik and Gorby Named OHSAA Scholar Athletes of the Year

Emma Twardzik and Travis Gorby were selected as the 2013-14 Garfield High School “OHSAA Scholar Athletes of the Year”. Ironically they were both soccer players and have played together since 2005 on various travel teams, etc. The criteria for the Award was. 1. Minimum of 3.25 or above G.P.A. 2. Minimum of Four Varsity Letters. 3. Three of the Varsity Letters must be...

Garrettsville Eagles Award Scholarships

For the ninth year in its more than 30 years of history the Garrettsville Eagles Club No 2705 has award four $750.00 scholarships to family members of members. Bradley Kowalski is a  2014 graduate of Windham High School as valedictorian and is accepted both by Bowling Green and Kent State universities. After he makes his choice will major in Pre-Med...

James A. Garfield High School Class of 2014

Morgan Aebischer Stephanie Alexander Ziad Al-Noubani Daniel Anders Kyle Angermeier Trevor Baldwin-Hoobler Brianna Bandy Katie Bartlett Shelby Baughman Austin Bracken Anna Brigham Jessica Britton Alan Broadwater Simeon Brown Marilyn Brunton Samuel Buganski Mason Butler Victoria Carnahan Trevor Chambers Chase Chapman Kaley Collins Jared Damko Cassie Daniels John Davenport Brandon Davis Jamie Davis Holly DeYoung Olivia Doraski Seth Duvall Michael Ebie Tessa Flattum David Forgony Ashley Freiberg Christopher Gadus Katlyn Gembicki Krista Gholson Caitlynn Gilles Candace Glinski Travis Gorby Sasha Gough Assyria Gray Kevin Griggy Racheal Gruszewski Alec Hartman Jewels Haylett Ryan Hecky Kyle Heim Ethan Hoffmann Zachary Hoffmann Courtney Hood Sarah Hyde Adriene Kearney Jessica Kelley Megan Kenesky Rebecca Kern Erica King Kayla Kuzniakowski Yakira Lane Jeffrey...

Crestwood Class of 2014

Ian Sterling Adams Jacob Louis Agle Victoria Hope Andexler Clyde Douglas Arnett Taylor Leigh Atkins George William Baran Landis Grant Bates Douglas Guy Battiest BreAnna Lee Benner Carrigan Alyssa Benoit Ryan Adam Bernhard Tod Allen Bevilacqua Lauren Olivia Bissell Charles Wesley Blankenship Megan Leann Blankenship Mikayla Rae Blankenship Tyler Richard Brady Sarah Ann Bridgman Kyle Stephen Brookover Miranda Louise Brothers Emily Katherine Bruyere Travis James Burkett Erin Marie Calvey Brittany Renae Campbell Samantha Lee Canepa Samantha Rose Cannella Jordan Ashland Carver Danielle Raye Cavanaugh Jenna Marie Cisar Madison...

Challenge Raffle a Success!

Garrettsville - Months ago I challenged the James A. Garfield students to take an active part in a fundraising effort to kick off renovations to the schools’ athletic facilities. Our students accepted the challenge with great fervor, and I am proud to report that the “Challenge Raffle” winner was drawn at noon on Friday, May 30th by Mayor Rick...

Brittany Myers Scholarships Awarded

Garrettsville - The Brittany Myers Scholarship Fund was founded in 2001 as a memorial to Brittany, a 9 year old little girl who lost her life in a tragic car accident in 2000. Brittany attended James A. Garfield Elementary School where she was an avid softball player and a complete joy to everyone. Left behind are her parents, Tom...

One Book, One School, and One Local Hero

Mantua - Specialist Adam Scott Hamilton was one of the top marksmen in his unit and was assigned as a sniper. Since joining the U.S. Army in March, 2009 Specialist Hamilton has been awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. But he was more than that to Crestwood...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last meeting of the Crestwood School Board, the 2014 District retirees were honored for their combined 255 years of service in the District. Middle School Principal Julie Schmitt, Intermediate Principal Michelle Gerbrick, Director of Pupil Services Mike Maglionico, and past School Board member Martha Phillips spoke on behalf of the retirees, sharing laughter and a...

New Student Artwork Adorns Garfield High School

Garrettsville - Pictured From Left to Right, are the painters of the new banners hanging in front of James A. Garfield High School: Danielle Konecek, Shannon Stowe, Renee Perrault, Savannah Sheer, Dicey Miller, Edana Rankin, Casey Mansell, Anna Brigham, Ally Milano, Libby Frato-Sweeney, Madisson Geddes, Brittany Davis, Whitney Miller, Todd Barton.  Not Pictured: Madeline Lininger, Katlyn Simpson.

Fandango Historiana

Garrettsville - Take THAT, Creepy Karpis! A northeast Ohio tornado watch didn’t stop interested folks from turning up at the Iva Walker Auditorium on Wednesday, May 15, 2014 to get the low-down on “Two Grants, and Three Giant Leaps” for the James A. Garfield Schools and the Garrettsville Communities.  Perhaps they were reassured by the tommy-gun toting G-Man at...

Bands in the Round

Garrettsville - Sunday, May 18, 2014 was the BIG SHOW (Anybody remember Ed Sullivan?  Never mind). Opened with the High School Concert Band’s rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” and proceeding through the presentations of the Intermediate School Fifth Grade Band, the Middle School Concert Band and the Intermediate School Sixth Grade Band to the big finish with the High...

Garfield Senior Receives “Saved by the Belt Award”

Aurora - James A. Garfield Senior, Anna Brigham was awarded the “Saved by the Belt Award” by the Ohio State Patrol at Aurora Farms Outlets in Aurora, Ohio Saturday, May 17, 2014 at their annual kick-off for the “Click it or Ticket” campaign. Miss Brigham survived a head-on collision during blizzard-like conditions on February 27, 2014 near the intersection of...

Full Speed Ahead!

Garrettsville - The  Campus of Excellence steering committee met on May 15 (third Thursday of the month, MS Library/Media Center) for a progress report and quick look at the construction of the new elementary school addition to house the fifth and sixth grade, come August. The first question had to do with the weather and its effect on the situation. ...


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