
James A. Garfield Teacher is One of Twenty-Five Chosen to Participate in ‘Auschwitz: The Past is Present’ Program

The Institute for Visual History and Education and Discovery Education have selected Steven Howell, a teacher at James A. Garfield High School in Garrettsville, as one of only 25 teachers from around the world to participate in a unique professional development program in Poland as part of Auschwitz: The Past is Present.

CIS Students Explore the Arts at Local Colleges

Mantua - For the second year in a row, Patty Timbrook, Visual Art Teacher at Crestwood Intermediate School, lead her students on a field trip to experience the art studios at Kent State University and Hiram College, exposing them to both college and potential careers in the arts.  This year, 14 students attended, with four parents and one grandparent...

Crestwood School Board News – November

In light of the recent school shooting in Seattle, Washington, Crestwood District Superintendent David Toth shared the information about safety procedures at the start of this month’s School Board meeting. Toth shared, “I got into this field to educate kids, not necessarily to talk about guns in schools, but unfortunately, it’s a reality of the time. That being said, we do multiple drills here at the Crestwood District, to try to be prepared for as many situations that we can to protect our students and staff.”

Mr. King’s Plays Return to the Stage

Garrettsville - After a three year hiatus, he’s back. Mr. King returns to the stage at James A Garfield School writing, directing and producing his play  “The Right to Bare Arms.” The play mixes modern day and ancient times together as a small island learns to overcome fear, to survive the curse that it has been said to be...

Hiram College Announces Writing Contest for High School Students

Cash prizes of $100-$300 will be awarded for first, second and third place. Honorable mentions will be awarded at the contest’s discretion and include no cash prize. Winners will be invited to read at An Evening ofHiram Writers on April 7, 2015 at Hiram College. All winning entries and honorable mentions will be published in the Evening of Hiram Writers book.

The Truth Behind Snow Days

Is there a magic number of inches of snow needed to call school? Is there a specific street that has to be impassable? The answer to each of to each of these aforementioned questions is no.

Crestwood Is A “Google District”

Mantua - This school year the Crestwood District began using Google Apps for Education and is a “Google District.” The technology department has been hard at work ensuring a smooth transition and we are continuing to add applications for our teachers and students to use. Why did we switch to Google Apps? •  Google apps allow us to provide our teachers...

TREE House Takes Root in Hiram

Minor work is still being finalized on the TREE House, with a schedule for public access to be established in early 2015. Contact Debbie Kasper at for more information.

Hiram College to receive funds from Talent Dividend

Hiram College’s share of the grand prize will be put toward degree completion initiatives.

Garfield G-Men “Tackle” Cancer

The Garfield Stadium was a sea of pink Friday night as the G-men football team held a “pink out” night to pay tribute to those who have conquered breast cancer, those who are conquering the disease and those who lost the battle prior to the Mogadore-G-men game.

Excellence Abounds At Garfield Schools

While testing is how the state ranks our schools, our students excel in so many more areas. For example, JAG High School students earned 102 college credits through dual enrollment and AP courses. Our band continues to impress at band shows across the area, and even performed at the Hiram College Homecoming game!

Nature Treks Help Kids Discover Local Treasures

While some kids treasure their extra days off school by sleeping in, on NEOEA Day, several kids donned rubber boots, joined their families to hunt for treasures in the heart of Mantua Village.

Petrie and Beach are Crowned Garfield’s Royalty

Garrettsville - The week leading up to homecoming is always an exciting week as the student council held spirit week with various themes. Monday’s theme was camouflage, Tuesday was tie-dyed, Wednesday was class t-shirts, Thursday was pink for breast cancer awareness and Friday was black and gold. Besides the themed days, they had a bonfire night, hall-decorating contest, fence...

Garfield Middle School Accepts Rachel’s Challenge

Rachel’s Challenge is based on the life and writings of Rachel Joy Scott who was the first victim of the Columbine school shootings in 1999. Through her example, Rachel’s Challenge is making a positive impact in the lives of millions of people every year.

Hiram College Receives U.S. State Department Grant to Fund International Collaboration

Hiram  – Hiram College will help build bridges between local high schools and their international peers, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of State. The program is in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University, The Shoals Marine Laboratory and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. The grant, totaling $492,309 for “Public Diplomacy Programs for Afghanistan and Pakistan” is the...

Richmond Named Commended Student

James A Garfield principal Michael Dobran announced today that Jason Richmond has been named a Commended Student in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented by the principal to this scholastically talented senior.

Northeast Ohio Medical University Dedicates Education and Wellness Center, Announces Summa Health System as Newest Tenant

"This facility not only grows our campus in an exciting new way, but it is the cornerstone of our community wellness initiatives," said Jay A. Gershen, D.D.S., Ph.D., president of Northeast Ohio Medical University. "By collaborating with other health professionals, NEOMED is bringing an innovative vision of health and fitness to Portage County, one that promotes true wellness by addressing every avenue of care to develop and sustain healthy, active lifestyles."

Crestwood Kids Hold Walkathon Fundraiser

At the end of the day, the grand total of 1,287,442 steps was reached -- or nearly 130 miles!

Crestwood Students Celebrate Peace

Across the world, many nations are engaged in political conflicts. At the same time, millions of paper pinwheels emblazoned with childrens’ messages of peace and hope spin worldwide, in places like South America, the Middle East, and even Mantua, Ohio. Last Friday, Crestwood students from kindergarten through grade five planted hand-made pinwheels at Crestwood Intermediate & Primary Schools to...

Little Village Dedicates New Outdoor Classroom

Little Village Early Learning Center at Hiram Christian Church celebrated the dedication of their new outdoor classroom and playground on September 16, 2014 at 4:30PM. The ribbon cutting was a culmination of months of planning, cooperation and coordination between Little Village and its many partners, including Hiram College, Kiwanis of the Western Reserve and Hiram Village as well as individual families and churches.

Alumni Banquet — A Good Time

It was a fine old time with friends and family (note the number of Collinses and Andrewses, among others, in attendance) and the date has already been set for the next one. Mark your calendars for September 19, 2015, same time , same place. Everybody learn the Alma Mater!

Pinwheels for Peace in Windham

In today's world, peace needs to become more than just a word. Students at KT Elementary School took part in an International art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by "planting" pinwheels with messages of peace at their school in Windham.

The Official Ribbon Cutting

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Local School District cut a ribbon on Saturday, September 20 marking the amazing (120 days!) completion of the addition to the James A. Garfield Elementary School, bringing about the relocation of the district’s fifth and sixth graders to the Campus of Excellence, with all of the system’s students sharing the same venue.  This...

Garfield Marching Pride’s Longest Day

James A. Garfield High School’s Marching Pride Band took this past weekend by storm as they performed four times in 24 hours.

Official Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Scheduled for the “Campus of Excellence”

We did it! The James A. Garfield Local Schools used funds from a $5 Million State Grant to create a “Campus of Excellence” that will enhance education for children in our district for decades to come. The district will celebrate this wonderful accomplishment on Saturday, September 20 at 10am with a ribbon cutting ceremony that will be open to the public.

Windham School Enrollment is Down From Last Year

Windham Board of Education (BOE) held their regularly-scheduled meeting on August 28, 2014 at the high school. Melissa Roubic presented the Maplewood report.  The biggest news to report was the summer construction of the animal science lab, is now completed. This is a new program added to the Maplewood Career Center and it appears to be a hit with the...

I want three volunteers–you, you and you.

It’s that time again. School has begun and so have a number of other activities.  Most of them could use some volunteers to keep things moving along and produce the best outcomes for all concerned. Booster groups of every stripe need help in their fund-raising  activities.  Picture yourself hustling hot dogs at a game or topping off a root beer float...

Crestwood School News – August 2014

This Sunday, August 24th, from 5-8pm, Crestwood Schools will hold Community Day at Crestwood High School. Come for an evening of family fun, including bouncy houses, magic, balloon twisting and face painting. A pep rally will begin at 7pm. In addition, the fire and police departments will give tours of a fire truck and police car, and local organizations will be on hand to share community information. Please bring extra school supplies and new or gently used backpacks to “Stuff the Bus” for less fortunate families in the community.

Heads Up!

The James A. Garfield Local School District has got a TON of things—programs, activities, competitions, etc.—coming up.  Here’s a quick look; check the district website for more info or watch for stories in The Villager. 8/20—the Elementary School addition is to be finished - Frantic activity 8/21—the Steering committee tours the facility -   Frantic activity 8/23—the State Superintendent inspects the facility...

James A Garfield Local School District Bus Routes

Bus Route Information for the 2013/14 school year is now available! Note: Bus Route Information is provided to the Villager by the school district. Please DO NOT call the Villager with questions or concerns.


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