
Photo Gallery: Streetsboro Theatre’s “Once Upon A Time”

Streetsboro Theatre's "Once Upon a Time: Not Your Ordinary Fairy Tale" was held May 1st-3rd at the Macklin Center in Streetsboro, OH. This production showcased the talents of all who were involved.

Keeping The Memory Alive

1,100 Holocaust survivors call Cleveland home. On April 15th, survivors were honored and those that perished in the Holocaust were remembered during a program held at the Green Road Synagogue in Beachwood.

Heads up, James A. Garfield Grads

The James A. Garfield Alumni association will be marking its 10th anniversary this fall while recognizing “old timers” of the classes of ‘2005, ‘95, ’85, ’75, ’65, ’55, ’45, ’35, and as far into the past as possible. Come one, come all. Bring your friends and family, classmates (and teachers, if they’re still tottering about) and folks in the neighborhood. Tom Klem is recruiting attendees from the Class of 1995, Andrea Fox is attempting the same for the Class of 2005. Anyone out there who’d like to do the same for your class, have at it. Y’all come!

Crestwood Intermediate School Visits Cleveland Museum of Art

During two special Saturdays in March, Crestwood Intermediate School (CIS) Art Teacher Patricia Timbrook hosted groups of CIS students and their guests on an excursion to the Cleveland Museum of Art on University Circle.

Active Minds of Hiram College Holds Panel Discussion

Active Minds of Hiram College held a panel discussion on suicide prevention as part of their “Green Week” – a week of mental health awareness activities on campus.

Windham’s Leadership and Legacies Teams Advance to State

Twenty winning teams from the local Leadership and Legacies History Contest held at Windham High School earlier this month, advanced to compete at Youngstown State University this past weekend.

Destination Imagination Competition at Hiram College

Hiram - This past weekend, 60 student-led teams from 12 area schools converged at the Hiram College campus for the District 15 Destination Imagination (DI) Competition. DI is an educational program where student teams solve open-ended challenges, then present their solutions at regional, state, and global tournaments. Competitors range in age from Early Learners (ages 4 through 7) to High...

The Garfield Alumni Association Is Looking For You!

Garrettsville - The Garfield Alumni Association is giving a heads-up to all individuals who attended—that’s graduates, plus—the schools/townships which make up the James A. Garfield Local District; that’s Freedom, Garrettsville, Nelson, the eastern remnants of Hiram, pieces-parts of Charlestown or Windham. If you’re a G-Man, listen up!  Mark September 19th, 2015 on your calendar This will be the 10th anniversary...

What Is Going On With Testing?

Garrettsville - Unless your address is “Under a Rock” Boulevard, you have most likely heard some degree of controversy surrounding testing in schools. The new tests have become a hot topic on social media and the buzz around the tests is becoming a distraction to education for students, staff, administration and parents.  While we have met with many parents...

Lady G-Men Win Section Title

Garrettsville - For the first time since 1997 the Garfield G-Men girl’s basketball team is making their second consecutive trip to the district semi-finals. Following Garfield’s convincing 48-23 victory last Wednesday against Champion; the Lady G-Men soared by the Hawks from Hawken 62-49 to earn their back-to-back sectional title. The wire-to-wire victories put Garfield at 16-7 on the season and puts...

Hiram students participate in AICUO Independent College Day in Columbus

Hiram - Three Hiram College students traveled to Columbus on Wednesday (February 25) to meet with key legislators and staffers in the Statehouse.  Hiram Senior Su Latt and Juniors Laura Baskin and Jacob Vaughan spoke about the importance of the Ohio College Opportunity Grant, a need-based grant provided by the state government to help students attend college.  They also...

Students Collect Change to Make A Change

Mantua - American author Margaret Mead said, “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Crestwood Intermediate students Emmy Grebb, Aspen Baynes and Lilly Kuchenbecker were inspired to make a positive change in their community. They decided to become Change Bandits -- collecting pocket change from fellow students and...

The Orchid Ensemble

Hiram - The 2015 Watson Memorial Concert will feature   the Orchid Ensemble, a Vancouver-based Chinese music trio which blends ancient musical instruments and traditions from China and beyond.  They create a beautiful new sound, both creative and distinct.  Acclaimed by Georgia Straight as “One of the brightest blossoms on the world music scene,” the Orchid Ensemblehas been tirelessly...

Hiram College and Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation Present Discussion on Dementia

Hiram – Hiram College’s Center for Literature and Medicine, in partnership with the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation, will present the lecture “The Woman in the Mirror: Reflections on Dementia” at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 23, 2015, in the Kennedy Center Ballroom. Mary Jean Flossie, M.Ed., LPN, LNHA, of Cognitive Concepts Consulting Services, is the Center’s Margaret Clark Morgan Scholar for...

Nature Treks Grants Students Special Access

Mantua - While many kids used their time off school on Martin Luther King Day sleeping in or hanging around the house being bored, several CIS students used that day to have an adventure back to the canal era of the mid 1800’s. During this special Nature Trek, led by Crestwood Intermediate teacher Rosemary Krupar, students had the opportunity...

Chili Cook-Off Has Hot Results

Ravenna - I recently had the pleasure of being asked to be a judge at the February 12th Maplewood Culinary Students’ Chili Cook Off.  My fellow judges: Susan Crowell from Farm and Dairy, Dan Pompili from The Record Courier, and Maplewood School Board President Donna Karg, and I were treated to an amazing culinary experience. The cook-off was held at...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, the School Board voted to approve the revised District calendar for the 2015-2016 year. In the revised calendar, the first day of class for students will be August 18th, 2015, with the last day of first semester ending on December 22nd. Classes for second semester will resume on January 5th (after winter break),...

An Owl, a Mouse & Ballroom Dancing Help Foster the Love of Reading at Crestwood Primary School

MANTUA - On a recent Friday evening, CPS students and their families had the chance to visit to Dimwood Forest, stepping into the pages of this year’s One Book, One School story, ‘Poppy’ by Newbury medal-winning author, Avi. Students and their teachers spent a total of 53,036 minutes over an eight-day period to read the book. Through the process, the story came to life in the classrooms, in the hallways lined with story-themed artwork, and more importantly, in the students’ minds.

Garfield Students Participate In Math 24 Competition

Math 24 is a fast-paced competition where students are given four digits on a card and told they have to use each one (only once) in some combination to total 24. Points are awarded for the level of difficulty -- the quicker a student solves the combination, the further they advance, and can add, subtract, multiply, or divide with each set of numbers presented. Students compete in grades 4-8 throughout the county. Pictured are the competitors and high school proctors sent from Garfield School District.

Windham Jr/Sr High School Honor Roll – 2nd Nine Weeks

Sixth Grade Shawn Barber, Gavin Bervish, Isaiah Consolo, Clay Dean, Payton Ihrig, Morgan Lovett, Christian Manista, Isis Post, Jared Purdy,  Kaylee Regan, Mercedes Riffle, Jessica Riley, Morgan Showalter,  Breena Smith, Seth Strausbaugh, Adam Thomas, Madison Wiley Seventh Grade Blaze Angle, Mason Angle, Jazelle Artman, Danny Chambers, Paige Collins, Abigail Forsythe, Brevin McCrae, Annetta Sanders, Ashley Simmons, David Stout, Dawson Swearingen, Megan Turk, Ericq...

Newton Falls Kindergarten Registration

Newton Falls - Registration for children entering the Newton Falls School System for the 2015-2016 school year was held in February and the beginning of March. If you have not yet registered your child for next year’s kindergarten, it is important that you do so immediately as there is a mandated screening time which will take place at the end of April.

Garfield Calamity Days

In all aspects of our organization we exceed minimum expectations. Our test scores reflect teachers and students going above and beyond. The condition of our grounds and buildings reflects doing much more than just the minimum. With new testing for students, higher standards and the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, this is no time to lower our expectations to a minimum.

Endowment Gifts to Aid in Science and Math at Hiram College

A large portion of that support originated from two single sources: a generous, $867,000 estate gift from Cleveland businessman Stan Proctor and a gift of $500,000 from an anonymous donor. “We are exceedingly grateful to Stan Proctor. Mr. Proctor was a beloved member of the Board of Trustees who believed in the teaching mission of Hiram College. Through his work on the board, he knew first-hand the transformative power of a Hiram education,” said Hiram College President, Lori Varlotta. “Thanks to these most recent gifts, that power will continue to transform the lives of students – and those who teach them – for many years to come.”

Wanted — Frog Watchers!

The dates for this years FrogWatch training will be January 29th and February 5th (Thursdays) from 7:00-9:00 pm. If volunteers would like to become certified, they will also need to take the certification exam on February 12th at 7:00 pm. We will hold our sessions at the James H. Barrow Field Station (Hiram College). There is a fee of $5.00 fee for the training, course materials, etc.

JAG Students Shine at Winter Concert

Sounds of the season resonated through the Iva Walker Auditorium this past Sunday as the High School Concert Band, High School Choir and Middle School Combined Concert Band played for a standing room only crowd.

How State Funding Effects Local School Districts

Given reductions in state spending on education, the State of Ohio has implemented state-guaranteed transitional aid to districts with declining enrollment. This “guarantee” means that the State of Ohio offers a promise to pay each district the amount of state funds the district had received in the previous year. “On the flip side,” remarked Jill Rowe, Crestwood District Treasurer/CFO, “it also means that the state feels that the district should not be getting 36% of the revenue it received in the previous year, but that the state will pay or “guarantee” the district these funds in good faith.”

Hiram College Students share Field Station research at International Neuroscience Conference

“We presented with undergraduates from many different schools and had the opportunity to go and explore the posters and presentations from the Ph.D. and M.D. level,” Emily Mortimer said. “It was interesting to see where we could potentially be in the future. Being able to attend a conference like this one is one of the many perks of attending Hiram College.”

G-Men Mobile Now Available

Parents and students can download the application for free through Apple iTunes and Google Play app stores. Developed by Blackboard Inc., the app is also expected to be popular with alumni, incoming students, and other members of the James A. Garfield community.

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last meeting of the Crestwood School Board, a brief discussion occurred at the start regarding the proposed 2015-2016 school year calendar. The proposal put forth recommends that the first day of instruction for students begin on August 19th, with the last day of instruction held on May 20th. Superintendent David Toth remarked that a change...

Local Students Experience Holiday Performance on Wheels

“It’s important for our children to experience life outside of school, within their global community. It’s a nice opportunity for them to get dressed up and enjoy something wonderful with their peers.” - CPS Principal Cindy Ducca


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