
Amazing Support For Backpack Program

Newton Falls - The Newton Falls Community Backpack Program continues to provide supplemental food and a book for qualifying K-6 students at Newton Falls Elementary and Middle Schools every week. The support of the community keeps this program going, and it is appreciated. Thank you, everyone, so much for continuing to care about our young people.  You are all setting...

Mobile Dentists to Visit James A. Garfield Elementary

On March 8th and 9th 2017, The Mobile Dentists will come to the Elementary with all the necessities to do x-rays, exams and routine cleaning.  Parents, take advantage of this awesome program.  There will be no need for you to take off work or take your child out of school for their dental appointment.  You will also receive a...

J.A. Garfield Students Are “Too Good for Drugs”

Garrettsville - Kindergarten students learn the importance of keeping their bodies healthy during an interactive “Too Good for Drugs” lesson at James A. Garfield Elementary School. The classes, funded by the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County, are taught by instructors from Townhall II and are offered to all the county school districts. Representative Sarah LaTourette recently observed...

JA Garfield Expands Accelerated Offerings For 2017/18 School Year

The James A. Garfield Local Schools have always taken great pride in providing an outstanding education for every student. The District released a Quality Profile in 2016 (this can be found on the district website) that showcases a tremendous value on a well-rounded education. One critical component of a strong educational program is its ability to adjust to the...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their first meeting of 2017, the Board voted to elect Debbie Soltisz as the 2017 School Board President, with Todd Monroe as Board Vice President. In addition, the Board voted to change the regularly scheduled monthly meetings to take place in the CHS library on the second Tuesday of each month. As such, the February meeting...

New Projects Bring Savings and Facelift to Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - If you have been in our buildings you know that our custodial and maintenance staff do an outstanding job of keeping them looking spectacular, but there is only so much our staff can do to maintain an aging building before some changes need to be made. As you drive by our campus over the coming weeks you...

Read To Succeed National Winners

Windham - Mr. Pennell’s grade 6 class earned the Read to Succeed Award from Achieve 3000. Achieve 3000 is a program where students receive differentiated instruction according to their reading capabilities. Mr. Pennell’s class goal is for each student to complete five articles a week, earning a 75% or higher on their assessments. Students have the opportunity to read...

Winners of Middle School Spelling Bee Will Advance To County

Garrettsville - On December 21, the James A. Garfield Middle School held its annual Spelling Bee. Words like clodhopper, precursor, heredity, and opinionated stumped all but 3 of the 44 spellers. The winners were 7th grader Travis Witchey, son of Jeremy and Clarissa Witchey of Freedom and 8th grader, Aaron Craver, son of Christie and Donald Craver of...

GHS Art Club Lockergram Fundraiser

Garrettsville- Want a creative way to ask someone to Prom? Want to wish a son or granddaughter happy birthday? Want to send a football player good luck before the big game? If you’re looking for a creative and original way to do any of these, consider purchasing the art club’s lockergrams. Lockergrams are personalized banners made by the GHS...

News from Garfield Schools

Garrettsville - Last week, our safety plans were put to a test, and it was clear that we were prepared on all fronts. The situation resulted in all students leaving our campus safely. We were prepared and could not have accomplished what we did without the help of our staff, law enforcement, students and community. The Portage County Sherriff, Garrettsville...

GES FLL Zebra Mussels Wins Judges Award At First Lego League Competition

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Elementary School robotics team, Team GES FLL Zebra Mussels, competed at the University of Akron on Saturday, January 7 at the FIRST LEGO League competition. This was a makeup date for the snowed in competition in Kirtland from December 10. Team GES FLL Zebra Mussels was judged on their research, robot design, core values,...

Hiram College receives $1 million gift from Paul and Maxine Frohring Foundation

Hiram – Hiram College received a year-end $1 million cash gift from trustee Paula Frohring, through the Paul and Maxine Frohring Foundation. This is the largest single gift of the Foundation’s nearly $6.5 million total to the College. The $1 million will support scholarships for biology and chemistry students, as well as faculty and student research at Hiram’s 500-plus-acre...

Garfield Student Council Decorates McDonald’s

Garrettsville - JAG Student Council is the student government that supports positive changes for the students and those within our school community. They run the blood drives and sponsor the parade and homecoming events for the school and community. When student council sees a need, they get together to help out. Members all vote on the events and projects...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last board meeting, the school board unanimously approved the placement on the May 2017 ballot  $23,000,000 improvement bonds and the levy of an additional tax of .5 mills to provide funds to the School District. The proposed resolution, if passed by voters, would fund the renovation and construction of a grade 7-through-12 school campus. If...

Windham Veterans Day Assembly

Windham - The Windham Junior and Senior High held a Veterans Day Assembly honoring those who have served on Friday, November 11 at 8:30 AM in the high school gymnasium. There were over 30 military men and women who attended the ceremony. The ceremony was led by former Boardman High School Principal, Mr. Lou Rucci. Rucci served in the US...

“Acting Can Be Murder”

Garrettsville - Dolores Gordon (Clare Workman), who loves the stage, has always dreamed of stardom, but the only role she ever seems to land is that of the lowly understudy. She decides the only way she might receive the lead role in an upcoming theater production is to murder the lead actress, Guinevere Black (Kaitlyn Workman). And that is...

Hundreds Crowd Main Street to Cheer On G-Men

Garrettsville - Hundreds of Garfield G-Men fans and family members shut down Main Street in a fantastic show of support for the 2016 football team. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); We're proud to be in G-Men...

James A. Garfield Defines Excellence In Core Beliefs

The James A. Garfield Schools have always viewed themselves as the cornerstone of an excellent community. Last spring, JAG staff worked to define what excellence looks like within the school community.  A survey was sent to all staff members asking each person to identify the values that define our district.  The board of education and leadership team then compiled...

Drum Lessons @ GES

Students at the James A. Garfield Elementary School were treated to a fascinating program featuring  Brother Olugbala Manns, teacher of African drumming at Hiram College and Kent State University.  He taught the assembled crowd the expression “On the One” (ready, set to go, focused) and got their attention—not always an easy task—by calling out “Ah-go” and requiring the response,...

Crestwood School Board News

At their last meeting, the Crestwood School Board recognized two special employees of the month. First up, Crestwood Primary Principal Cindy Ducca honored first grade teacher Sara Picone, thanking her for her special ability to “make learning fun.” As an example, she cited Mrs. Picone’s summer ice cream party, where 24 of 28 of Picone’s first grade graduates came...

Windham High School Students Participate In YSU Math Fest

Windham - On Thursday, October 13th, five students from Windham High School attended the Youngstown State University MathFest. Windham has been attending this event for 13 years, which requires students to gather statistics on specific subjects and provide posters on their findings. There were over 320 students  attending, representing 40 different schools. Juniors  Zach McGlone and Deidra Hankins placed first...

CHS Program Receives Major Grant

Mantua - Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’re familiar with the phrase, “like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” Recently, Garrettsville State Farm insurance representative Shannon Jursa took that phrase to heart when she when she presented the students of the Crestwood High School Academy / Health Professions Affinity Community (HPAC) with a check for $99,976...

Educators Experience the “Wonders of Watersheds”

Right about….there.  Right?  Yep, it was gone. I squinted in an effort to improve the accuracy of my reading.  Indeed this was the place where the black and white plate suspended from a rope, this thing that researchers refer to as a “secchi disk,” had completely disappeared from view.  In an instant it was swallowed up in the vastness of...

James A. Garfield High School’s Amazing Athletes

Garrettsville - Congrats to Garfield’s two state champs Edie Svonavec and Lauren Jones in this year’s track and field competition down in Columbus.

James A. Garfield Schools Year In Review

Garrettsville - On or around June 1st of every year, children begin to realize summer break is quickly approaching for the James A. Garfield Schools. After nine long months of exerting academic rigor, athletic competition, artistic prowess and community service, our students gain a little extra energy as the end of the school year nears. While our students are excited for the long summer break, our staff begins to take an emotional roller coaster ride. They are excited to begin planning another year with students, but are sad to see a group of familiar students move to the next grade. They are inspired by the speeches of our graduating seniors, but feel a brief sense of emptiness as the seniors walk out our doors for the final time. Whether you are a student or staff member, the one common feeling we all share is a sense of pride in what we have accomplished this year. Here is a quick glance in the 2014/15 rearview mirror...

Windham Hires New Principal for KT

Windham - It has been a busy few months at Windham Schools, as individuals announced their retirement or resignation, leaving the board the daunting task of filling the positions. In April, the board accepted the resignations of Craig Alderman, head of the Transportation and Maintenance Department, and Michael Chaffee as Jr/Sr. High School Principal. Earlier in the year, Harry Selner,...

Trike-A-Thon Raises Money for St. Jude’s Hospital

This is the preschool’s eighth year hosting this event and over the years students have raised more than $12,500 for the children and families of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Garfield Elementary Raises $1836.50 in “Roundup For A Cure”

Garrettsville - GES students in grades K-6 participated in an all day walk-a-thon Friday, May 22nd, entitled “Roundup For A Cure”. Students brought donations totaling $1836.50 which was donated to the Friends of Melana Foundation

Crestwood Local Schools Receives Nearly $1 Million Grant From U.S. Department of Education

“We applied for this grant because we recognized a trend in student discipline referrals among low socioeconomic students and among those students who were experiencing hardship in the family, including unemployment, divorce, and parents being deployed overseas,” said Toth. “Students’ personal and social needs must be successfully addressed during the key elementary years if they are to succeed in the future.”

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Clawfoot Couch Plays Unexpected Role in College Senior Project

College-level senior projects typically focus on the future career objective of the student who is about to graduate and enter the adult workforce. But for Kent State University senior and Garrettsville native Aaron Cain (JAG Class of 2011), his senior project took him way outside his box and taught him unexpected life lessons.


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