We’re All Invited
Book Review At The YMCA 1st & 3rd Mondays LOVE 101 by author Peter McWilliams “To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.” Share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions at our book review & discussion, 10am, the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month. Presented by Dr J Patella: Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave, (330)469-2044. NO book...
We’re All Invited
Book Review At The YMCA 1st & 3rd Mondays LOVE 101 by author Peter McWilliams “To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.” Share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions at our book review & discussion, 10am, the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month. Presented by Dr J Patella: Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave, (330)469-2044. NO book or...
We’re All Invited
Book Review At The YMCA 1st & 3rd Mondays LOVE 101 by author Peter McWilliams “To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.” Share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions at our book review & discussion, 10am, the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month. Presented by Dr J Patella: Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave, (330)469-2044. NO book or...
Help the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Cupboard “shut the door on hunger” in 2025
Since 2012, the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard (NGCC) has been a lifeline for families struggling with food insecurity. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the NGCC’s mission is simple yet profound: ensuring no one in the community goes hungry. Through its dedicated efforts, the NGCC distributes food every month to hundreds of families, many of whom never thought they would...
Shop with a Hero Brings Holiday Cheer to Local Children
This holiday season, 29 local kids and their families in the Crestwood and James A. Garfield School Districts enjoyed some extra holiday cheer. This extra cheer was due, in part, to the extra help that was provided by several local first responder organizations. This year, the Hiram Police Department joined forces with the Village of Garrettsville Police Department, Garrettsville Freedom...
Food Pantry Serves Hundreds in 2024
The Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard, a 501(c)(3) organization serving residents within the James A. Garfield Local School District, provided critical food assistance to hundreds of families in 2024. Covering Garrettsville, Nelson Township, Freedom Township, and parts of Hiram Township, the program served as a vital lifeline for those in need. Over the course of the year, the organization assisted 136...
Road Repairs, Zoning Updates, and Financial Milestone Highlight Trustee Meeting
The Nelson Township Board of Trustees gathered on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting at the Nelson Community House. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with Trustees Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, Mike Kortan, and Joe Leonard, Fiscal Officer Kevin Cihan, Road Supervisor Chuck Vanek, and Zoning Inspector Jackie Kable in attendance. Community House caretaker...
We’re All Invited
Book Review At The YMCA 1st & 3rd Mondays LOVE 101 by author Peter McWilliams “To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.” Share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions at our book review & discussion, 10am, the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month. Presented by Dr J Patella: Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Ave, (330)469-2044. NO book or...
Mark your calendars for the inaugural Zach Peterson Memorial Car & Bike Show
September’s car show in Garrettsville normally could be seen in Garfield Plaza outside G-Ville Auto’s NAPA store (Peterson family owned & operated). This year’s car show will have a different name and purpose - The Zach Peterson Memorial Car & Bike Show - commemorating a young automotive enthusiast lost to us too soon. The event will be presented at...
We’re All Invited
Book Review at YMCA 1st & 3rd Mondays OUTLIVE The Science & Art of Longevity by Peter Attia, MD Share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions at our book review & discussion, 10am, the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month. Presented by Dr J Patella: A manifesto on living better, longer, challenging conventional medical thinking, revealing an approach to prevent chronic...
The Streetsboro Sportsman Association presents “Women on Target” event
Ladies, mark your calendars for the annual “Women On Target” event hosted by the Streetsboro Sportsman Association on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, at 11280 Bloom Road. This inclusive event welcomes ladies aged 8 and above, offering a unique opportunity to learn rifle and pistol shooting in a safe and supportive environment. From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with registration...
Hermann Family introduces Bella Dawn on Nelson Circle
Garrettsville residents Larry and Laurie Hermann’s idea of retirement did not involve too much lazing around. The married couple along with their daughter, Wendy, announced their plans to build a new enterprise called Bella Dawn, an events business, at the 20th Century Club of Garrettsville’s Meeting on Oct. 19. “We are very excited to get going,” Laurie told The Weekly...
JAG Schools to Host League of Women Voters’ “Meet the Candidates Night” for the Garrettsville Area
The League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County invites members of the community to Meet the Candidates Night 2023 - Garrettsville Area (Garrettsville, Nelson, Windham, Freedom). The event will be held at Charles C. Klamer Professional Development Center on the James A Garfield Schools campus, 10207 State Route 88, Garrettsville, 44231, starting at 6:30 pm on October 10th.
Scouting Runs in the Schaefer Family
Nelson Twp - Scouting means a great deal to the Schaefer family. And not just because Kyle Schaefer recently earned the Eagle Scout designation, the highest accomplishment in scouting. By earning the Eagle Scout rank, Kyle joined his older brothers in earning this top honor, something that makes it even more special. His father, David Schaefer participated in scouting...
Linda Simera of Asheboro, NC
Linda Simera, 62, of Asheboro, NC, passed away Sunday, June 11, 2023, with her loving husband by her side. She was born July 29, 1960, in Youngstown, OH, to the late Raymond and Betty Gettings. She was a lifelong Ohioan until she and her husband, Brian, decided to head to warmer weather in NC. Linda was proud to have worked...
Garrettsville/Nelson Boy Scouts Observe Flag Day
Nelson Twp - Flag Day commemorates the anniversary of the day the Continental Congress approved the design of a National flag (June 14, 1777). In honor of that special anniversary, the boys in Garrettsville Cub Scout Pack 4062 and Nelson Boy Scout Troop 4065 held a flag retirement ceremony at Pixley Park in Nelson. Scout Leader David Schaefer noted that...
Sherry Michele Quiggle of Nelson, OH
Sherry Michele Quiggle (59) returned to the Earth on March 19th, 2023. She is survived by daughter Tabitha Quiggle (Ian Hawkins), son Jeremy Quiggle (Krystal Crisman), sisters’ Belinda Miller and Amanda Yanavari, brother Damon Knight, Mother Deborah Quiggle, and the brightest light in her life, grandson Ryan Quiggle. Along with countless others that ever needed the comfort of a...
Nelson United Methodist Church News
Barbara Cooper has been a member of Nelson United Methodist Church since she was sixteen. Barbara married Dale Cooper in the church on November 16, 1946. At the proud age of 95 she continues to have very active life. Barbara plays games 3 days a week and attends crafty ladies at the church two times a month. She goes to...
Nelson United Methodist Church News
Nelson Twp. - D. J. Missions met August 2 with nine members present. In devotions the history of song “In My Heart There Rings a Melody” was given and then they sang it followed by shared blessings and prayer.In business the group decided to send money to the Methodist disaster fund. It was announced about our yearly assisting of our...
Nelson United Methodist Church News
Nelson Twp. - D. J. Missions monthly meeting held on April 5 opened with devotions from God is Able book, prayer, time of sharing testimonies, and two thank you cards were read. Under old business it was announced the final delivery of socks, hats, ear muffs, scarfs, and gloves to Haven of Portage County was completed. Thank you notes had...
NGCC Launches “0 to 100” Campaign
Garrettsville - NGCC wants to share with you an exciting new campaign called “0-100” that will help us reach many more individuals who are in need of our services. Currently, NGCC is open to the public four days each month to serve individuals who attend or reside in the James A. Garfield Schools community. In the last two years, we...
Virtual Voter Forum
League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County is hosting a Virtual Voter Form on April 7th at 7 pm. The forum will present new tax issues on the ballot for the May 4th election that impact the communities we serve which are Aurora, Freedom, Garrettsville, Hiram, Mantua, Nelson and Shalersville. Register to attend the webinar by visiting https://www.northernportagecountylwv.org/ or...
NGCC and JAG Schools Rise to The Challenge
Garrettsville - It is often said that difficult times will test what you are made of. There is no question that when the Governor of Ohio issued a stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard was tested. On Thursday, March 12th the Governor announced that schools would be closed for three weeks,...
Silver Anniversary
Married November 1, 1994 Geza and Alice (Pawlowski) Molnar, blessed to celebrate 25 good years together. Geza was a lifelong resident of Hiram, where he worked on his family farm, and Alice is from Poland and came to Cleveland with her mom in 1949. Geza retired from construction, farming and the Portage Metro Housing Authority. Alice followed later, retiring from a...
Nelson Twp Plans Weekend Cleanup
Nelson Township will be having the township clean-up on May 4 & 5. The hours of operation will be from 9 am - 4 pm both days or until the dumpsters are full. Location will be the Nelson Community House. There will be a limit of 10 clean car tires per household and unlimited amount of batteries and appliances. Semi-tires...
Local Artist’s Work Featured in Major Exhibit
Dragons, Unicorns & Mermaids: Mythic Creatures is a collaboration between COSI in Columbus, Ohio and the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. And local artist Joe Leonard, a custom wood carver in Garrettsville, has two pieces -- a Pegasus and a griffin -- prominently featured. Both pieces originally went on tour in 2007 as part of a...
JAG Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call 330-527-2184 for a registration appointment. If you are preparing to transition...
Wensel Family Donates to Pixley Park
Nelson Twp. - The Pixley Park Committee graciously accepted a $3000 donation from Suzanne Wensel for bleachers at the ball fields in Pixley Park. The money donated by Mrs. Suzanne Wensel was in memory of her late husband Byron. Mrs. Wensel stated that family, friends, and former players donated to the memorial fund she had set up at the...
Literary Musical Club News
Nelson Twp. - The Literary Musical Club of Nelson held the November 10th meeting at the Nelson Community Center. There were ten in attendance and one visitor, Margaret Lapport. This meeting was hosted by Anne Spolarich who put on a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and lots of desserts. Thanks Anne, you always outdo yourself. We were entertained...
Nelson Website Almost Ready
Nelson Township - Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently. Items on the agenda were website update, neighborhood watch program, and fuel tank situation. Trustee Joe Leonard updated the board on the website. The website domain NelsonTownshipOhio.org will be free for a year if they purchase a small hosting package for $9.96 a month for a year....