Say it with flowers…
Garrettsville - Valentines Day is almost here, have you ordered your flowers yet? If you have procrastinated like so many do, it’s not too late to get that done and the friendly folks at the Bay Window would be happy to help you with all your valentine needs as well as other floral needs. Sitting on the east edge of...
Reduce Your Theft Risk
Braceville Twp. - Over the last several weeks, people have contacted me asking what they could do to reduce the risk of theft from their residences. Here are a few things that could be done to help prevent this, and to help aid the police in recovering items taken: Limit what people can see. Leaving certain things lying around your yard...
Nelson Township to host Zoning Seminar
Nelson Twp - The Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting last week with trustees Jim Turos, Tom Matota, and Joe Leonard present. Fiscal officer Dave Finney was unavailable; however Brianne Finney took the minutes for the meeting. Brianne presented the wages and the trustees approved the payment of them, but not before Leonard stated that the prosecutor...
Windham Township hires Zoning Inspector, and Road Worker
Windham Twp - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees and fiscal officer present. They also had 11 residents, two guests and a deputy sheriff in attendance. Chairman Dann Timmons called the meeting to order and opened the floor to any guests. Guest Fran Teresi from Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs asked to address the...
News From Our County Seat
Portage County - The Portage County Board of Commissioners has had a busy start to the new year. This will highlight some of what has happened so far. After permanently abolishing many administrative jobs in late Fall, we recently approved a plan to streamline workflow and reassign jobs to existing staff. The new system will likely begin in late February. ...
GLTG Announces Summer Workshop Registration
Geauga County - Geauga Lyric Theater Guild, located in Chardon, Ohio, will offer many opportunities for youth ages 4 through 18 during the 2012 summer workshops. Mission Imagination, for early learners, will encourage children to sing, dance and perform, and will have three sessions. The Elementary Drama (Peter Pan) and Elementary Youth Musical (Once Upon a Time) workshops give children...
Portage Park District Foundation Fundraiser
Ravenna - The 14th Annual Portage Environmental Conservation Awards Dinner will take place Saturday April 21 and will feature a reception with music by Mitch Reed, hors d’oeuvres featuring local foods, a buffet dinner and more. The dinner steering committee is seeking nominations for potential awardees to be honored at the event. Nominations for this year’s awards will be considered...
Garrettsville Summerfest Needs Family and Military Photos
Garrettsville - The 2012 Summerfest planning is well on its way and the committee is in need of the public’s help for their latest project. The committee is planning on having a multi-media extravaganza at the conclusion of each day, but to do so we need help. We are looking for family pictures, vacation pictures and military pictures in...
Go for the Gold
Do you know a couple in the Garrettsville-Hiram-Windham community who’ve been married fifty years or more…your charming spouse and yourself, perhaps? The neighbors down the street? Friends, grandparents, the possibilities are nearly endless. Well, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club would like to recognize and honor folks who have reached this significant milestone as part of their Family Week activities this...
Portage County Library News
Portage County - Are you looking for your next great read? Let Portage County District Library help you by subscribing to NextReads electronic newsletters. There is a newsletter for every reading interest. Mystery, Thriller, Armchair Travel, Picture Books, and more. Subscribe to as many newsletters as you’d like. Subscribing is easy. Just visit and select the “Suggested Reads”...
Agape Christian Academy Hosts Open House
Geauga County – Agape Christian Academy is hosting an Open House on Monday, February 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at both of its campuses. Parents and children are invited to attend and learn more about the school, tour the facilities and meet the staff. There will be refreshments and activities for the children. The school serves students at two...
Hiram College Wind Ensemble accepting new members from the community
Hiram - The Hiram College Wind Ensemble is inviting members of the surrounding communities to join the ensemble. The ensemble rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 – 5:45pm in the recital hall of the music building on campus. Community members, including advanced high school students with a background in wind and percussion instruments, are encouraged to join. The ensemble...
The game’s afoot, Watson!
Well, sort of…. Scott Lawless, once upon a time a member of the Garfield class of ’79, later a graduate of Chippewa High School in Doylestown, OH, and a member of the far-flung Lawless clan hereabouts is on a mission to uncover more information about the origin of an artifact that he found under the floorboards of his grandfather’s...
Garfield Band Excels at Solo & Ensemble Competition
Mantua - On Saturday, February 4, “a great group of band students represented GHS with class and quality performances,” said James A . Garfield High School band director Joe Gaither. The annual Solo & Ensemble contest took place at Crestwood High School, with more than 280 entries and 29 schools participating. Under the direction of Gaither, Theo Cebulla and...
Garrettsville Summerfest Seeks Wedding Couple
Have you been recently engaged or engaged for a while and have been thinking about planning your wedding? Perhaps you have been married a long time and would like to renew your vows. Whichever it is, why not consider being Garrettsville’s First Couple and get married or renew your vows right on Main Street Saturday afternoon, June 23, 2012...
Look to the library to help with planning your special day
Now that the congratulations have begun and as family members and friends have marveled at the ring, it’s now time to get busy on planning your wedding. Your feelings of being overwhelmed may have just begun, but there are many avenues available to help you sort out such questions as: Whom do I invite? Where do we hold the...
Primary Election Information
Geauga County - A Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, March 6, 2012. Those residents of Geauga County who would like to vote an absentee ballot should make arrangements now. In order to request an absentee ballot for the Election, registered voters must fill out an absentee application. Each request must have the applicant’s original signature. Requests may be...
Charles Chevrolet Donates to G-W (Garrettsville-Windham) Soccer Club
Garrettsville– Charles Chevrolet, one of 28 Chevrolet dealers from the Cleveland area that partnered with local youth soccer leagues for the 2011 season, raised nearly $87800 in total donations from the dealership and private parties. In addition to monetary support, Charles Chevrolet provided G-W (Garrettsville-Windham) Soccer Club with equipment donations, an opportunity to raise and keep up to $10,000...
Garrettsville to be proactive regarding well water quality
Garrettsville - Since oil/gas drilling can be associated with changes in well water quality, Garrettsville’s Board of Public Affairs has decided to be proactive in setting up a Water Monitoring Program for the Village’s water well fields. A proposal was accepted from Dr. Jeffrey C. Dick of YSU’s Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences to conduct a physical and...
Mayor Lou Bertrand Delivers 2012 State of Hiram Village Address
Hiram - According to Hiram village custom, Mayor Lou Bertrand presented the 2012 State of the HiramVillage Address during the first regular council meeting in January. During the 106th annual meeting of Hiram Village Council on January 17, Bertrand reported that Hiram village government "is in stable financial condition, operating in an efficient manner and providing good service to...
Hiram Receives 152-acre Gift of Protected Land
Hiram – Hiram College has added 152 acres of protected woodlands and wetlands property as part of its James T. Barrow Field Station east of the college’s main campus. Western Reserve Land Conservancy, a nonprofit conservation organization working in 14 northern Ohio counties, partnered with the college to acquire the property, which was formerly owned by Isaac Yomtovian and is...
Chinese New Year: Year of the Water Dragon
On the second new moon after the winter solstice, the Chinese celebrate their new year. During this holiday gifts are exchanged, families hold reunions, and fireworks explode into the sky. In chinese, the name for their new year celebration is 'Spring Festival', since it heralds the beginning of spring and the new year. The origin of the Chinese New Year...
Garrettsville and Windham embrace the “Heart of the Lyons”
By now, just about everyone in the community knows that early Christmas morning Garfield senior Porter Lyons was thrust into a fight for his life as he learned that his heart was failing and he would need a heart transplant. On New Year’s Eve Porter received a new heart and is now on the road to recovery. Once again the...
Jeff Stanley Memorial Scholarship Dinner a Hit
Windham - The weather didn’t stop the Second Annual Jeff Stanley Memorial Scholarship spaghetti dinner fund-raiser from being held on Friday the 13th before the basketball game with the Garfield G-Men. The dinner was a hit with both teams’ fans as they were spotted enjoying the never ending spaghetti before the big game. The all-you-can-eat spaghetti was served with...
Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!
Only nine more months left until Christmas Walk 2012! The official sites have not yet been set in stone but preparations will be beginning soon at most locations…and all over town…including the sponsoring organization, the James A. Garfield Historical Society. But first …. The JAGHS has had some pictures from their collection scanned for the Portage County District Library website, with...
Do you have what it takes to stay safe this winter?
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to the 2012 Winter Water Safety Event at Berlin Lake. There’s no reason to stay inside, just because it is cold outside! Like ice fishing? How about ice skating, sled riding, or enjoying a day of paddling on a crisp winter day? While all of these are a great way to...
LAF/SOMe Announces 2012 Trips
LAF/SOMe, the Garrettsville Area Seniors Group is pleased to announce the following upcoming trips. Reservations are required and should be made by calling The Villager at 330-527-5761. Trips are open to anyone over the age of 21 who wants to enjoy life! Friday, February 10, 2012, The Great Big Home and Garden Expo and the Cleveland IX Center. Includes event...
The Old Road… The Old Fishing Car
The old fishing car is a concept that goes way back in my family to at least the mid 1950's, as far as I can remember. I was maybe 9 or 10 at that time. For some reason my mother thought that we should have a second car, one that would be used primarily for fishing trips. After...
Puppy Tails
Doodle Dog woke up and went to the window, sleepily tugging on the bottom of the curtain to make the fabric push aside so he could see the beautiful day outside. What a surprise then to find not the sun streaming through the glass and winter birds singing in the new morning, but rather the floppy-eared puppy found himself...
GCRTA Luncheon
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 for a luncheon and meeting at the Geauga County Library Administration Center, 12701 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, OH. Gathering time at 11:15 AM, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and lunch at 12:00. The menu will consist of a chili bar with hot chili, onions, sour...