“Food and Hunger” Theme For Hiram College in 2012/13
Hiram – There is no more recurrent and pervasive problem in the world than food and world hunger, and the entire campus of Hiram College will be focusing on it this school year with a series of public events, and focused learning opportunities. In the 2012-13 school year more than a dozen major events and seventeen courses across many academic...
Brick by Brick Fund Reaches Mile Stones
Windham - This year’s Brick by Brick Celebration Dinner and Fundraiser held at Windham High School helped the Brick by Brick Endowment Fund reach two milestones. The first one was they have exceeded the $200,000 mark after only 11 years. The second milestone was the need to construct a fourth wall to hold all the engraved bricks that have...
Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians and their guests--District Governor Steve Zabor, past District Governor Jay Dzurilla, Daniel Cartwright, Caitlyn Lawless and Tom & Sherri Collins-- recently were treated to a program presented by Carol Dombrose, founder and operator of Angel House, a facility offering retreats and other programs for inner city young people, and member of the Strongsville Rotary Club. Ms. Dombrose spoke...
DeYoung to Marry Dailey
Mr. And Mrs. Paul D Pohto of Garrettsville, Ohio and Lorne W. DeYoung of Southington, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Anna DeYoung to Stephen Dailey; son of Robert Dailey of Carrollton, Ohio and Mr. And Mrs. John Leonardi of Ravenna. Rachel is a graduate of James A. Garfield High School, class of 2008 and is employed with...
Restoration of Buckeye Block Building Cues Revival on Main Street
Garrettsville - Restoration leads to revival. The renovation of downtown’s Buckeye Block Building is out to prove that. Just a year ago, the village’s anchor Main Street building was in such a severe state of deterioration, officials feared it was a public threat and might need to be torn down. Along with it would go four keystone businesses: Garrettsville Foot...
Silver Creek Garden Club Goes On Tour
The Silver Creek Garden Club organized a “Garden Tour” in July. Twenty four members and friends visited the homes of three Garden Club members. Each Garden was unique and showcased different garden styles. Garden #1 was a secluded in-town home with privacy and perennials. Appetizers were served while members were visiting this location. Garden #2 was out in the country, boasting...
Brick by Brick Honors Don Miller
Windham - Windham Brick by Brick Scholarship Program will hold their annual dinner on August 18, 2012. The doors will open at 5 pm with folks having the opportunity to view the new fourth wall and share stories. A fabulous chicken dinner, including homemade pies, will be served at 6pm by the Windham Congregational United Church of Christ...
Appalachian Experience 2012
A group of eleven volunteers from Mantua’s St. Joseph Parish recently participated in the Housing Repair Program out of St. Joseph Church in Clintwood, Virginia. Offering home repairs to the low-income people of Appalachia this outreach effort is coordinated by Sr. Jean Korkisch, CSC, who helps to ensure that those in need are warm, dry, and safe. The group made...
Dilapidated Mobile Homes Hot Topic at Windham Meeting
Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regular scheduled meeting last week with all trustees and fiscal officer present. Also in attendance, were township employee Mike Dye and Zoning inspector Joe Pinti. The meeting was called to order by chairman Dann Timmons. Residents from Gotham Road were there to question what was being done about the mobile homes...
Shaker Tree To Participate In “Shop Hop” Tour
Free gifts, a chance to win dozens of prizes and helping out the needy await customers walking through the doors of 10 area sewing stores during the dog days of August. The Second Annual Charming Quilt Shop Tour will be Thursday, Aug. 23, through Saturday, Sept. 1. The tour takes shoppers to Cortland, Champion, Niles, Fowler, Garrettsville, Chardon and across...
Raccoon County Music Festival is set for Aug. 18 in Burton
Burton - Traditional music – bluegrass, old-time, blues, folk, polka and more – will be the centerpiece of a day-long festival on Saturday, Aug. 18 in the Geauga County village of Burton. The Raccoon County Music Festival, which runs from noon to 8 p.m. in downtown Burton, will feature performances on four stages, a fiddle contest, square dancing, children’s songs...
Last Car Cruise will be Peachy
Garrettsville’s last car cruise of the season will be held in conjunction with the Peach Social at the fire station on Elm Street this Saturday, August 11, 2012, ( rain date August 12, 2012) beginning at 5 pm. They will have live music provided by “The Boys are Back,” and the “Garretttones,” door prizes, 50/50 raffle and of course...
“Wet & Wild” Olympics
Caught up in the excitement of the Summer Olympics? Dream of owning a gold medal? Bring your friends and have fun at Windham Library’s “Wet & Wild Olympics”, Monday, August 6 at 11:00 a.m. Challenge yourself and others in a selection of outside games all guaranteed to get you wet! If movies are more your speed, join us at...
It Was Surely Shirley
Garrettsville - On July 23, 2012, after a celebration of life (featuring colorful reminiscences by friend Mary Furillo) remembering long-time resident and active community member, Shirley Miller, an upbeat crowd gathered at the northeast corner of the James A. Garfield athletic field for a good-bye that she would have loved. Shirley was a booster of all things Garfield--athletics, attendance, music,...
Windham Welcomes Gano’s Auto Clinic
Windham - Gano’s Auto Clinic recently opened its door for business in Windham, ready to service your auto, light trucks, ATV, riding lawnmower and motorcycles. Owner Rich Gano has 26 years of repair experience and previously worked for D&A Oil. Gano’s Auto Clinic is located between St. Michaels Catholic Church and Circle K, also known as 9710 C East...
Marching Pride Preview, a Hit
James A. Garfield (JAG) Marching Pride kicked-off their marching season with a band preview last Friday night at JAG Stadium. The students spent 12 hours each day last week learning music, choreographing movements, establishing camaraderie and unity as the band held their official band camp at the high school. The students took what they learned and gave their families...
Nelson LMC News
Nelson Twp. - Literary Musical Club (LMC) held their monthly meeting on July 11. We had eleven member present, sorry to report a couple of members are seriously ill. Our prayers for a speedy recovery are sento to them. Our speaker-Jean Mackenzie from the “Mackenzie Creamery” in Hiram, the women enjoyed samples of goat cheese and her presentation. The hostesses...
Newton Township Cemetery Association
Newton Twp. - The cemetery association held their monthly meeting on July 19, 2012, Thursday, at 6 o’clock at the Township Building. Twelve people attended including two new members; one new member was not in attendance. It is great to see the interest of the community in becoming involved! There is so much history in the seven township...
Rotarian Roundup
On July 16th, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary club was treated to a travelogue and a performance by Tyler Brady, a member of the Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony, just returned from a tour of Hungary and Poland. He described the logistics of the tour and many of the experiences shared by the ninety-some students on the trip, which had enjoyable...
Windham Village places a .5% tax increase on the Ballot
Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting last week with all but one council member present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rob Donham. Council approved the amended agenda, finance report, and minutes from previous two meetings, with one meeting being a special meeting. The fiscal officer announced he would be unavailable for...
Family Fun Fundraiser
The Friends of Garrettsville Library are sponsoring a fun evening at the Candlelight Winery on August 10th, to benefit our local library. There will be a silent auction starting at 6:00pm and a performance by Damaris Peters-Pike as Doris Day (7:30-8:30pm) followed by a family-friendly outdoor light show. Enjoy an evening of fun for the entire family! From 4-7pm bring...
Rick Patrick Becomes Garrettsville Mayor
Garrettsville - Village council president, Rick Patrick, was sworn in as the mayor of Garrettsville last week after the unexpected death of his friend and mentor, Craig Moser. Patrick, who “did not want to become mayor this way”, took the official oath of office on Wednesday morning in a brief, tear-filled cermony. A second ceremony was held on Saturday morning...
Daylily Society to Participate at Village Flea Market
The Western Reserve Daylily Society (WRDS) will be selling modern hybrid daylilies at the Chesterland Historical Village Flea Market, corner of Caves and Mayfield Rd., on August 18, 8AM-3PM. WRDS will be featuring registered daylilies released by nationally known hybridizers located in Northeast Ohio including: Roy Woodhall, Moldovan Gardens, Avon Lake, OH; Gerda Brooker, Victorian Gardens, Strongsville, OH; and Curt...
Legal Notice – Village of Garrettsville
Garrettsville Village Council is accepting letters of interest for two vacant Council seats, terms expiring December 31, 2013. Submissions must be received at Garrettsville Village Hall, 8213 High Street, Garrettsville, OH, no later than 2:30pm, Friday August 3, 2012. Village Council will be holding a special meeting on Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 9:30am for the purpose of an executive...
Church Hosts Christmas in July Dinner
Covenant Bible Fellowship celebrated Christmas in July this month at their monthly Loaves and Fishes Meal. Earlier in the year the ladies’ group from the church thought it would be cool to do a Christmas in July themed meal for their monthly free meal. The group had the Christmas tree set-up, decorated the hall in a Christmas motif, along with...
J.A. Garfield Historical Society News
The James A. Garfield Historical Society, meeting in the historic Mott Building, Main Street, Garrettsville on July 16, 2012, began their proceedings by accepting several donations to their collection of documents and artifacts. From former resident, Virginia Quale, an Underwood portable typewriter (Remember those?), a Garrettsville H.S. graduation cap with classmates’ signatures, postcards and a mystery object which will require...
Bring Your Bike
Bicycles are more welcome now than ever in your Geauga Park District. After evaluating trail conditions for suitability for bicycles, the Board of Park Commissioners has decided on July 12 to expand access to bicycles on the trails in the following parks: Orchard Hills Park, Observatory Park, Frohring Meadows, Chickagami Park, Headwaters Park, Beartown Lakes Reservation, Sunnybrook Preserve and...