“Doomsday” Spells Fresh Start for Local Shop
Newton Falls - December 21st, 2012 was, according to the Mayans, supposed to be the end of the world as we know it. It is on that date, supposedly, that the winged god Quetzalcoatl would return to the earth and signify the end of days.Well, since it is now January 2013, it’s safe to say that fortunately that interpretation...
Windham Repeals Tax Credit
Windham - Twenty-five residents filled council chambers for the last council meeting of the year to voice their opinion on council’s plan to repeal the tax credit given to residents that work outside the village. Residents claim council is rushing it through in one month’s time (November council meeting was first time it appeared on the agenda) by...
Crestwood Schools — Student Safety and Superintendent Search
At December’s School Board meeting, the Board voted to approve the revision of the Five-Year Forecast for fiscal years ending in 2017. The forecast is required by law to be submitted to the Ohio Department of Education. The Board also discussed Strategic Planning for the District, as items in the existing Continuous Improvement Plan -- developed in 2008 --...
David Haas to Perform January 18th
David Haas, nationally renowned composer of liturgical music, has composed a song entitled “In the Love of Christ” for the people of St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville, OH. The song will premier during a concert/workshop presented by David Haas and Lori True January 18 & 19, 2013 in Hiram Ohio at Hayden Auditorium. This event is funded in part...
New Year, New You Programs At Burton Library
Burton Public Library announces four “New Year, New You” programs in January. The first is New Year, New You: Makeovers on Wednesday, January 9 at 1 p.m. Limited to 6 lucky ladies, you will leave with your “new look” and personalized color scheme from Mary Kay. No products will be sold. A $5 class fee is payable at...
Christmas on Main Winners Announced
Garrettsville - Garrettsville Area Chamber announced the winners of the Christmas on Main, shop local event. The drawing took place at the Annual Chamber Christmas Social held at the Sugar Bush Golf Club on December 19, 2012. Scott Walls, Alliance Foods Project Manager from the Save-A-Lot Store in Garrettsville did the honors of drawing the winning names. ...
“The Dinner Party”
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents “The Dinner Party” by Neil Simon on January 11, 12, 18 and 19th at 7pm and January 13th at 2pm. The production will be held in the James A. Garfield High School’s, Iva Walker Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door for: $10.00 for Adults 12 years of age and over, $7.00...
A Successful Resolution — Food & Fellowship
Nelson Twp. - January is traditionally a time to make resolutions, with eating healthy, spending more time with family & friends, and helping others topping the list. If you’re looking for some motivation for your own resolutions, or would like to hear about some local folks who’ve managed to be successful at all three for the last 20 years,...
Putting a Face on Fracking: It All Began With a Bison (Part One)
Portage County - How did a bison named “Gentle Ben” get involved with horizontal fracturing wells? Back in June, Ben’s owner, flight attendant Beckie Dean, had some painting done at her home. At that time, she learned her pilot was having a difficult time convincing his wife to add his recently acquired eight-point buck to their home décor. Dean...
Windham Jr/Sr. High Students Receive ALICE Training
Windham - The Windham BOE met for their monthly meeting at a special time and date to accommodate holiday schedules. All the board members along with the treasurer and superintendent were in attendance. The meeting was called to order and students of the month were recognized, along with other student achievements for the month of November. Board President Danny Burns reported...
Rotary Report
The members of Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary recently hosted the assistant District Governor of District 6630, George Schumacher, for the induction ceremony confirming new members Caitlin Ellerhorst Lawless, Mary Ann Brockett, Tom Collins and Don Holtry (LDS corporate member). Schumacher highlighted the identity of Rotary International as a global network of community volunteers with both privileges and responsibilities. One million, two...
Eagles Donate To Library
Garrettsville - This year the Garrettsville Eagles Club Aerie No. 27's donation of $5,185 was once again awarded to the Portage County District Libraries. The club members felt that there is great need for funds to continue the many services the library provides. Receiving the check from Eagles president Tim Kelly were Director Cecilia Swanson, Kathleen Kozup Branch Manager, and Board...
Message from J.A. Garfield Schools
Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield School District is very concerned with the safety of our students and staff members. We strive to protect every child in every way. We will increase our vigilance through the end of the school year. Currently, every school building is locked; entrance is only gained by pressing a buzzer to be admitted by...
Free Wildlife-Related Workshop For Educators To Take Place in Portage Lakes
Educators who work with children pre-kindergarten through 8th grade are invited to attend a free workshop on Friday, January 11th, 2013. The workshop focuses on two supplemental curriculums that help teach wildlife-related concepts. Growing Up WILD (for ages 3-7 years) and traditional Project WILD (K-12) guidebooks will be provided to all participants who stay for the duration of the...
Winter and Spring Class Registration Open at Geauga Lyric Theater Guild and Arts Center
The Geauga Lyric Theater Guild will be offering a wide array of classes for the upcoming winter and spring session. There are many favorite performing arts classes which will return along with a few new surprises. Perhaps you've always wanted to test your skills with Shakespeare. Adults and children will be offered the opportunity to experience the humor and...
Area Residents Ready to “Save-A-Lot” in Garrettsville
Garrettsville - Save-A-Lot officially opened their doors to the public on Wednesday, December 19th. After a successful “invitation only” soft opening on Tuesday evening attended by local business leaders and government officials, Save-A-Lot is well on its way to making an impact in the community. Area residents were clamoring to be first in line on Wednesday morning. Expressing the gratitude...
This is How We Roll
One of the most enjoyable moments in youth leagues is when a bowler hits the 200 mark for the first time in league play. Jacob Britton did that last week in the 11:00 Trio League, with a 208 his last game. Jacob, who averages 125, also added a 152 game on his way to a nice 484 series, which...
Marching Pride Performs at Cavaliers Game
The Garfield Marching Pride High School Band played pregame at the Sat. Dec. 8th Cleveland Cavaliers game. The Band played a few songs and the National Anthem before the unfortunate Cavaliers loss to the Detroit Pistons. The Band sounded wonderful and the kids had a great time showing their dancing and playing talents for a delighted crowd. The kids...
Happy Birthday Dann!
Dann Timmons celebrated 60 years of living on November 17, 2012 and his family held a cake and punch reception in his honor last weekend at the Brick Chapel in Windham to commemorate this milestone. Over 60 friends, family and community leaders were on hand to help celebrate the event. Folks greeted the man of the hour, shared some memories,...
King Family Returns to Cal’s
Garrettsville - After a three year break, the King Family is back at the helm of Cal’s Restaurant and Pizza Express in Garrettsville. Aaron and his mother, Carole took over the ownership of the facility on November 29, 2012 and they are eager to return Cal’s to one of the top restaurants in the area. Carole and Aaron both...
Garrettsville Masonic Lodge Installs Officers
Garrettsville Masonic Lodge # 246 annual Installation of Officers was held in November 2012. The following Brothers were installed for the 2012-13 yr. The new officers, from left to right are : John Porter treasurer, Rev. Fred Bell- chaplain, Glenn Showalter - Master of the Lodge, Richard Collopy -Sr. Warden, Roger Norton -outgoing Master, Jon Trego -Sr. Deacon, John...
Prithee, milords and miladies, hast thou fetched thy silken smallclothes and finest gowns? Hast thou brought thy doublet and jerkin from the wardrobe? Art thy jewels brought from the strongroom? Dost thou have thy tickets to the Yuletide Revels?Forsooth! Make haste to send a page to the James A. Garfield High School, forthwith (Or call Laura Young for reservations...
Sky Plaza IGA Open House a Success
Garrettsville - Sky Plaza IGA held an Open House last Friday night that featured their Seafood Road Show, food samples, displays in each department, Santa Claus, and Marine Mike Rowe who brought his holiday letters to a service member project. The event began at 4 pm and ran until 8pm and was an opportunity for the public to see...
Portage County Literacy Coalition Sponsors Literacy Workshop
Portage County - The Portage County Literacy Coalition (PCLC) sponsored a 14-Hour Laubach Literacy Workshop to train volunteer reading tutors. The workshop took place on November 12th, 14th, and December 1st at Maplewood Career Center. The workshop was presented by Doris Schoning, the Adult Basic and Literacy Education (ABLE) Coordinator/PCLC Director with the help of an ABLE...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are on the move again. They’re planning for their annual Christmas party on December 17…including the White Elephant gift exchange, which is always a hit(lots of peanuts). They’re finalizing their lists (addresses, not who’s been naughty or nice) for the Santa gift delivery on December 23--any donations got to support the People Tree--and setting up routes for...
Mantua K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship
Mantua - Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2013 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. This is a fun, free activity for area youth to compete in a Free Throw (foul shot) competition for best of fifteen consecutive shots. The Knights of Columbus Free...
Crestwood Kids Enjoyed Lunch with Santa
Mantua - The Crestwood Primary School (CPS) PTO hosted lunch with Santa last Saturday at the Historic Mantua Center Elementary School. Nearly 150 people attended, with almost half the number of attendees measured in at less than four feet tall.Shannon Sayre, one of the event organizers stated, “We reviewed other locations, but thought the Mantua Center School was the...
Windham United Methodist Church Breakfast with Santa
Windham - Area children and their families converged on the Renaissance Family Center (RFC) to have breakfast with Santa. The event was hosted by the Windham United Methodist Church (WUMC). Children and their parents were treated to a breakfast of French toast stix, breakfast casserole, juice and milk. Coffee was also available for the adults. Following the breakfast, the...
The Hiram Community Chorus Program will be at 7:30 on Friday, December 7, 2012. Mea culpa! Must have been thinking of some OTHER festivity going on during this busy holiday season. Wasn’t there a movie with a title something like, “Every Night, Josephine”? That’s what it’s like around here (Well, not quite. Jacqueline Susann wrote the book the...
Fast-paced Game of Celebrity Icons Makes a Perfect Gift for the Holidays
Hiram – Let’s face it. We live in a celebrity-obsessed culture. We’re fascinated by Justin Bieber’s love life, Lindsey Lohan’s rehab sessions, the Obamas’ dog, and Taylor Swift’s song lyrics. Even in a tough economy, celebrity magazines continue to enjoy robust sales, as Americans just can’t seem to get enough of their favorite stars.To celebrate that obsession, there’s Celebritease!,...