28.5 F
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Factory Turns Dreams into Reality Local Advertising Agency Offers High-School Seniors Money for College

Hiram -  The Communications Factory is doing its part again this year to help area seniors turn their dream of higher education into reality by sponsoring its annual scholarship program. In its eleventh year, the Factory's program awards $1,000 to a deserving area high-school student that completes the agency's scholarship application. Last year's winner was Elaine Warren of Cardinal...

Garrettsville Village Council News

Garrettsville - When session opened for the February 12, 2014 Garrettsville village council meeting, the first order of business was Mayor Patrick presenting a plaque to former village councilman Robert Matson in recognition of his many years of service to the village.Following the presentation, the minutes from the January meeting were approved.  Revenue, Expenditure, Cash Balance and Income Tax...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are focusing on their next community outreach project, the Four-Way Speech Contest.  The premise of the competition is that the speakers are to choose a social, moral and/or ethical problem that they feel strongly about and have personal knowledge about. This confrontation should be bearing in mind the quartet of principles that give the contest its name. ...

Upcoming Chamber of Commerce Events

Garrettsville - Spring is right around the corner, probably buried in a snowdrift but it is coming nevertheless. One of the first signs of spring is the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. Grab your friends and neighbors, and follow the road to Garrettsville Monday, March 17th for a fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day you won’t forget....

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua -  In his report to the School Board, Superintendent David Toth shared that first grade teacher Natalie Harr was one of only two Ohio educators to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science this year. Harr will receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation, which administers the program. She is currently on professional...


Portage County - The Adult Basic & Literacy Education (ABLE) Program at Maplewood Career Center in Ravenna would like everyone to know that the 2014 GED is finally here! The new GED is now computer based and taken at a local center.   There are four sections to the new test:   Math, Language, Science, and Social Studies.   Also, there is an...

Hiram College selected for Peace Corps Prep Program

Hiram - Hiram College is one of only six institutions nationwide recently accepted into the Peace Corps Prep Program. The collaboration offers students a unique combination of undergraduate coursework and community service that prepares them for work in international development. In addition to gaining skills and experience which will make them competitive Peace Corps applicants, students also earn a...

2014 Spring Tree and Fish Sale is here!

Though winter is definitely here, think spring with the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s (SWCD) 2014 Spring Tree and Fish Sale!  This year the District is offering both “Conifer Seedling Packets” and “Root Production Method” (RPM) trees and plants.  The Conifer Seedling Packets are tree seedlings in packs of 25 and offer one tree species per pack of...

Feinstein Challenge Begins March 1st

For the past 16 years Alan Feinstein has been giving away one million dollars each year to aid agencies throughout the country that are dealing with hunger issues. He does it because he believes, “Each of us was put here on earth to do what we can to help those in need.” His money started this campaign but each one...

It’s Chili Cook-Off Time!

Middlefield - Looking for an inexpensive outing to beat the winter shivers?  Middlefield Market’s annual Chili Cook-Off provides a day of warm entertainment to fit any budget! Admission is free into the Pavilion where the doors open to the public at 11:30am Saturday, February 22, 2014.  Live musical entertainment will be performed by Soft Tones until the festivities are...

Mantua Rotary Club and Crestwood Schools partner for a “Hot Event”!

Mantua - Refuse to COOK and attend “The BEST CHILI COOK-OFF EVER”.  It starts Thursday, February 27th from 5-7 pm, in the decorated Crestwood HS cafeteria. The proceeds will assist the Rotary Club of Mantuas to fund 2014 Scholarships and Awards for Crestwood students!  The Mantua Rotary Club has supported the academic and service achievements of our Crestwood students...

Portage County Needs Poll Workers for Primary Election

Ravenna – The Portage County Board of Elections is seeking energetic, civically-minded area residents to serve their community by becoming poll workers. With the coming year’s elections for governor and other statewide offices, the need is critical. “We need thoughtful, respectful people to work the polls now more than ever,” Director Faith Lyon said.  The county needs around 600 volunteers...

3-2-1, Action! Coming Back Soon to Garrettsville Cinema

Garrettsville - The lights are coming back on at Garrettsville Cinema at 8009 Main Street. The Garfield Plaza movie theater is now under new management, renovated and updated with digital projectors and surround sound. New tenant Justin Dlugokecki of Showplace Theaters plans to re-open “the new and improved Garrettsville Cinema” on Friday, March 7, with showings  of “Mr. Peabody...

A Little Maple Madness, Anyone?

This week’s installment is a little light on recipes, and heavy on the rambling part. But I’ve got a very good reason. Because this Saturday, February 15th, the nice folks at the Burton Chamber of Commerce will be holding their annual Tree Tapping Ceremony. This event signifies the official start of Maple Syrup Season, and hopefully, the end to...

This Is How We Roll

Star of the 9:00 League on January 25 was Ryleigh Gough.  Ryleigh was over her 81 average all three games, with 118, 120, and 92, for a 330 series, which was high for the day.  Zach Seebacher rolled the high game of 135, 43 pins over his average of 92.  Emily Linamen was 48 over average with her 118...

Mantua Township Discusses Center School

Mantua Twp. - At the last meeting to discuss prospective plans for the Mantua Center School/Administration Building, over 60 residents braved the blustery weather to find out the results of community feedback regarding the historic township structure. Todd Peetz, from Portage County Regional Planning Commission again led the meeting. According to Peetz, the Township has owned the building since purchasing...

Make February Your Month for Fitness

Honestly. We are without excuse. We’re fresh into the New Year and the launchpad of New Resolutions. February is Heart Month, sponsored by the American Heart Association to build awareness that heart disease is the #1 killer among American men and women — and it’s largely preventable with a lifestyle marked by regular exercise and a healthy diet. And...

Hiram Township Happenings

Hiram Twp - After Steve Pancost, Chairman of the Township Trustees called the meeting to order, Assistant Fire Chief Mark Kozak presented his monthly report, sharing that, fortunately, January’s calls were, “kind of low.” Kozak reported 32 total calls within the village and college, with a total of 14 in the township. He also reported that the Fire Department...

Children and teen page added to GCPL’s digital collection

Geauga County – Geauga County Public Library has expanded its digital offerings with the addition of an Overdrive page devoted to children’s and teen’s eBooks and audiobooks. This collection features thousands of digital titles, and can be found at: http://geaugalibrary.lib.overdrive.com/. Navigation is a snap. Books are organized into groups based on age, interest, reading level, subject, popular series and several...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians met on February 3, 20014 to look back with pride and a sense of accomplishment  on the 2014 incarnation of Family Week and its culmination in Family Fun Day ( see last week’s Villager) and to move on to planning a bigger and better event for next year.  Book the Balloon Man! This involved setting up a rubric...

Windham Township Salt Supply is Solid

Windham Twp. - While many townships, cities and municipalities are struggling to get road salt, Windham Township seems to have dodged that bullet for now. According to Road Supervisor Brian Miller they are currently doing all right with their salt supply after securing a delivery from the county engineer earlier in the year. For now they are holding their...

Nelson Township Trustee News

Nelson Twp - Officials present at the February 5th, 2014 trustee meeting were fiscal officer J. David Finney and township trustees Joe Leonard, Mike Elias, and Tom Matota. Also present were, Roads Supervisor Chuck Vanek, Zoning Inspector Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, and Community House Caretaker Michelle Cmunt. As the first order of business, Finney presented the minutes of the January 15th...

Twentieth Century Club News

The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met on February 6, 2014 in the Garrettsville branch of the Portage County District Library as part of the theme for the year, Through the Year with Dewey (Dewey Decimal System, that is).  The roll call was answered by proposing what members felt would be fine new inventions for the betterment of everyday...

Hiram College Swim Coach Breaks U.S. Masters Swimming National and World Record

Hiram - Hiram College head swimming and diving coach Jack Groselle recently competed in the 27th Annual “Super” Swim Meet in Michigan as part of U.S. Masters Swimming and set a national and world record time in the short course 400-meter freestyle in the 60-64 age group. The meet was held on Sunday, Feb. 2 at Brighton High School in...

My FURRY Valentine

Ravenna - In celebration of the Valentine’s holiday and in hopes to increase adoptions, Portage APL is holding an adoption event, called My Furry Valentine. February 14-15, adopters will receive 14% off of cat and dog adoption fees (reg. fees for dogs are $150 and cats are $50).  Also, each animal adopted will go home with a brand new...

Time flies when you’re having fun…or not

Hiram - Hear ye!  Hear ye!  Richard W. and Evelynne Troyer Spencer have been married for seventy-five years!  That’s 75 years…that’s LXXV years( as their fellow Romans would have noted)…that’s 1001011 ( in digital/binary notation, more or less)….  That’s a lot! That’s an accomplishment.  That’s going to be celebrated on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Hiram Christian Church from...

Hiram College Welcomes HEROs Home

Hiram - Recently, on a brisk winter afternoon, Hiram College unveiled the Homefront Education Ready Op (HERO) Program at the Freedom Center; the first on-campus housing dedicated to veterans in the Midwest. Hiram College President Thomas Chema acknowledged, "We, as a country, are so fortunate to have these dedicated men and women.” Chema continued, “We, as a college, seek...

Park Levy on May Ballot

Portage County - The Citizens for Portage Parks has launched its campaign asking voters to support a 1/2 mill operating and improvement levy for the Portage Parks on May 6, 2014. Tom Clapper, Chair of the Citizens for Portage Parks Levy Steering Committee, said, “Since July 2013, we have conducted an educational campaign about the incredible value of our Portage...

Meet the Neighbors: Theater Ninjas present ‘[sic]’

Cleveland - Babette, Frank and Theo are three neighbors who are on the verge of life changing episodes in their individual lives. Babette is a writer trying to get her first book deal, Frank is trying to launch an auctioneering career and Theo is in the throes of trying to finish the composition of his roller coaster theme song....

Art’s Alive in the Dead of Winter

Sharon, PA - The second annual "Art's Alive in the Dead of Winter" will be held Friday, Feb. 21 from 6 to 10 p.m. at the James E. Winner Jr. Arts & Culture Center, 98 E. State St. in downtown Sharon. Art's Alive is an evening out celebrating the handmade work of more than 80 regional artisans from all...


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