
Garrettsville Area Chamber Scholarship Winners

Garrettsville - On June 4th the Garrettsville Area Chamber held their annual Scholarship Luncheon at Cal’s Restaurant.  Each year the Chamber awards three scholarships to graduating Garfield High School seniors. Pictured above are the 2014 recipients of the scholarships.  Amber Wenger (right) will be attending Kent State University to study Nursing; Trevor Chambers (left) will be pursuing a degree in...

Twardzik and Gorby Named OHSAA Scholar Athletes of the Year

Emma Twardzik and Travis Gorby were selected as the 2013-14 Garfield High School “OHSAA Scholar Athletes of the Year”. Ironically they were both soccer players and have played together since 2005 on various travel teams, etc. The criteria for the Award was. 1. Minimum of 3.25 or above G.P.A. 2. Minimum of Four Varsity Letters. 3. Three of the Varsity Letters must be...

Cemetery Association Calendars On Sale

Newton Twp. - The Newton Township Cemetery Association calendar for 2015 will feature photos of the tornado damage that destroyed property 30 years ago in Newton Falls. The calendar price is $10.00 and may be purchased in mid-June from Association members or by calling 330.872.0236 or 330.872.5452.2015. Calendars can be obtained at that time from Art Effects, Newton Falls...

Hiram Village Council News

Hiram - At a recent meeting of the Hiram Village Council, Village resident Susan Merrill thanked Council for the effectiveness of the emergency siren that sounded during a recent storm. But she inquired as to how people without cell phones and radio or television reception would know when an emergency is over. This prompted a discussion about whether a...

Garrettsville Eagles Award Scholarships

For the ninth year in its more than 30 years of history the Garrettsville Eagles Club No 2705 has award four $750.00 scholarships to family members of members. Bradley Kowalski is a  2014 graduate of Windham High School as valedictorian and is accepted both by Bowling Green and Kent State universities. After he makes his choice will major in Pre-Med...

James A. Garfield High School Class of 2014

Morgan Aebischer Stephanie Alexander Ziad Al-Noubani Daniel Anders Kyle Angermeier Trevor Baldwin-Hoobler Brianna Bandy Katie Bartlett Shelby Baughman Austin Bracken Anna Brigham Jessica Britton Alan Broadwater Simeon Brown Marilyn Brunton Samuel Buganski Mason Butler Victoria Carnahan Trevor Chambers Chase Chapman Kaley Collins Jared Damko Cassie Daniels John Davenport Brandon Davis Jamie Davis Holly DeYoung Olivia Doraski Seth Duvall Michael Ebie Tessa Flattum David Forgony Ashley Freiberg Christopher Gadus Katlyn Gembicki Krista Gholson Caitlynn Gilles Candace Glinski Travis Gorby Sasha Gough Assyria Gray Kevin Griggy Racheal Gruszewski Alec Hartman Jewels Haylett Ryan Hecky Kyle Heim Ethan Hoffmann Zachary Hoffmann Courtney Hood Sarah Hyde Adriene Kearney Jessica Kelley Megan Kenesky Rebecca Kern Erica King Kayla Kuzniakowski Yakira Lane Jeffrey...

Crestwood Class of 2014

Ian Sterling Adams Jacob Louis Agle Victoria Hope Andexler Clyde Douglas Arnett Taylor Leigh Atkins George William Baran Landis Grant Bates Douglas Guy Battiest BreAnna Lee Benner Carrigan Alyssa Benoit Ryan Adam Bernhard Tod Allen Bevilacqua Lauren Olivia Bissell Charles Wesley Blankenship Megan Leann Blankenship Mikayla Rae Blankenship Tyler Richard Brady Sarah Ann Bridgman Kyle Stephen Brookover Miranda Louise Brothers Emily Katherine Bruyere Travis James Burkett Erin Marie Calvey Brittany Renae Campbell Samantha Lee Canepa Samantha Rose Cannella Jordan Ashland Carver Danielle Raye Cavanaugh Jenna Marie Cisar Madison...

Challenge Raffle a Success!

Garrettsville - Months ago I challenged the James A. Garfield students to take an active part in a fundraising effort to kick off renovations to the schools’ athletic facilities. Our students accepted the challenge with great fervor, and I am proud to report that the “Challenge Raffle” winner was drawn at noon on Friday, May 30th by Mayor Rick...

Notes From Out & About: Parades, Helicopters, Wine, Authors, and More!

Well.  Don’t miss the next one. The next “do” at the Candlelight Winery, that is.  The recent evening featuring food trucks and other festivities was an unqualified success, with  only the Premier Crepes truck left standing by the end of the evening—the others had run out of food, they were so popular.  Entrees were available, so were dessert items, there...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary will be entertaining their Rotary Youth Exchange student, Rachel Schwan, next week to hear more about last-minute preparations for her departure for Thailand to spend a year as an informal ambassador of our community under the auspices of Rotary International.  What an adventure! Evelyn West will be the local delegate to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) this summer...

Mantua Historical Society News

Mantua - Wayne Enders is coming to Mantua Center's Christian Church on June 16th at 7:00 p.m. for a presentation put on by the Mantua Historical Society. Wayne will enlighten members, guests and general public with an account of Rev. E. E. Lamb, who was the minister of the Rootstown Congregational Church during the American Civil War. Rev. Lamb...

Free Firearms Appraisal Fair

Kent -  The group REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition is hosting a FREE Firearms Appraisal Fair at the Ravenna VFW, 5998 New Milford Road, Ravenna Ohio on June 10 from 4:30 to 8:00 pm. Multiple area gun shops will participate in the 2nd annual FREE firearms valuation event.  Area citizens are invited to bring their collectibles, family heirlooms, gun show finds...

Students Raise Funds for Community Cupboard

Garrettsville -   Last week, students of the upper campus at Warren John F. Kennedy Catholic High School collected money for the food cupboard in Garrettsville, which had burned down during the March 22nd fire. One of the students of this school, Bart Kitko, lives locally in Garrettsville & responded to the office of Mission and Ministry at the...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - At the last meeting of the Mantua Village Council, Village resident Jim Oster, requested Council’s approval on behalf of the DMRC, to post a banner spanning Main Street to promote the Art on the Hill event. Council agreed unanimously to grant this request, pending Zoning approval, specifying that the banner is removed three days after the event....

Brittany Myers Scholarships Awarded

Garrettsville - The Brittany Myers Scholarship Fund was founded in 2001 as a memorial to Brittany, a 9 year old little girl who lost her life in a tragic car accident in 2000. Brittany attended James A. Garfield Elementary School where she was an avid softball player and a complete joy to everyone. Left behind are her parents, Tom...

Consider Foster Care and Adoption

Geauga County has been experiencing an increase in the needs of families and children in the past several years. This has caused the demand for certified foster and adoptive parents to increase as well. There are many families in crisis in our own neighborhoods that require the supportive services of our agency. You and your family could be part...

D-Day, Seventy Years Later

It’s not “Saving Private Ryan” or “The Longest Day” or “Band of Brothers” but it is a commemoration of one of the greatest military operations in the history of warfare, which we all know, to our sorrow, has stretched across millennia.  D-Day, June 6, 1944 brought together Allied forces from the United States, Canada, Britain and the Free French...

Street Beats Will Return To Summerfest

Garrettsville - Last year, the Street Beats drum line made their debut at Garrettsville Summerfest using boom whackers and performing as an impromptu flash mob through out the entire weekend.  After a few performances, they developed a following and folks began to ask “Who are they? When will they perform again?” This led to a sudden rise in popularity...

This Old Road: Chasing A 29 Roadster Pickup

I got an E-mail from someone named Hilda. She desperately wanted some help in evaluating and setting a price on her Dad’s old Ford truck.  He had passed away and they were in the process of settling the estate.  She said that she had absolutely no idea what the vehicle was worth, or even what kind of truck it...

Memorial Day

Newton Falls - On Saturday, May 17th  American Legion Post 236 with the assistance of Boy Scout Unit 67 placed flags honoring the veterans at the Newton Falls Westside Cemetery.  About 25 people showed up and worked through the chilly air, rain and some even toughed out the hail to get the job done.  

Groselle Adds More World Records to Masters Swimming Season Total

WINDSOR, ONTARIO  --  Hiram College Alum and former Head Swimming and Diving Coach Jack Groselle '76 added to his already impressive world record total this season with three more records in the 60-64 age group which he set at the Windsor Masters Swim Meet in Windsor, Ontario. Groselle posted world record times in the 200-meter individual medley (2:24.75), the 200-meter...

One Book, One School, and One Local Hero

Mantua - Specialist Adam Scott Hamilton was one of the top marksmen in his unit and was assigned as a sniper. Since joining the U.S. Army in March, 2009 Specialist Hamilton has been awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. But he was more than that to Crestwood...

Portage County Gardeners’ Speakers Series Continues

Noelle Clark Akin is the Director of Communications and Education at Petitti Garden Center. She has twelve years in the Green Industry, and has instructed and assisted gardeners all over Northeast Ohio through her work in Petitti Garden Center’s retail stores. Outside speaking engagements and filling in for Angelo Petitti in his absence on his NewsNet5 television segments and...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last meeting of the Crestwood School Board, the 2014 District retirees were honored for their combined 255 years of service in the District. Middle School Principal Julie Schmitt, Intermediate Principal Michelle Gerbrick, Director of Pupil Services Mike Maglionico, and past School Board member Martha Phillips spoke on behalf of the retirees, sharing laughter and a...

The Four Chaplains

Mantua - The story of the Four Chaplains will be presented by the American Legion Post #193 of Mantua, on Sunday June 8, 2014 at the First Congregational Church of Freedom at 10:30a.m. On February 3, 1943, the U.S.A.T. DORCHESTER, torpedoed by an enemy submarine, tragically sank. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived.  672 young men...

Hiram Township Happenings

Hiram Twp. - At a recent meeting of the Hiram Township Trustees, there was a brief discussion regarding the tax issue between township employees and the Village of Hiram. Road Supervisor Tom Matota shared some questions raised by his crew. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Service Department employees would forward their questions to Chairwoman Kathy Schulda,...

JA Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The May 19, 2014 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society was focused on three main items : ***The Mott building will be open on May 24 during the Main Street CAR SHOW and on June 7 for the regular, first-Saturday-of-the-month Open House from 10:00 to 2:00. ***Many of the surviving documents—maps, abstracts of land titles and transfers,...

Young Entrepreneurs Are #GarrettsvilleStrong

  Streetsboro - After learning about lemonade stands and fundraising at school, Streetsboro students Bradley Stevens and Owen Murphy enlisted the help of their friends Connor Stevens; Jaedon Keba, Hayle and Mason to launch their own lemonade stand. Working together these young entrepreneurs raised $80 for the #GarrettsvilleStrong fund! Last Friday Connor, Bradley, and Owen met with Chamber President Benjamin Coll...

Scrappers Tickets for a Cause (#GarrettsvilleStrong)

Scrappers Baseball - Enjoy a baseball game of your choice throughout the 2014 season and help rebuild Garrettsville in the process. Scrappers baseball ticket vouchers are available at the Villager Office (Mon-Wed & Fri 10-5; Thur 12-5 and Sat 10-2) or by contacting Dale Ochwat (814) 853-5095 for $8 each. For every ticket sold, $4...

Asbestos Abatement at Grist Mill Moving Along

Garrettsville - After securing ownership of the former Grist Mill last Friday, owner Mike Maschek has spared no time in beginning the asbestos abatement of the property. Crews have been hard at work carefully removing the faded brown siding from the building, and the result is evident. Once the materials containing asbestos have been removed from the premises, demolition can...


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