
College Hosts Intellectual Property Workshops

Northeast Ohio entrepreneurs are invited to join Hiram College’s Center for Integrated Entrepreneurship for several entrepreneurship workshops this semester. The workshops are designed to encourage members of Hiram College and the greater Cleveland community to explore and develop their original ideas

Career Classes at the Windham Library

Windham - The Windham Library, a branch of the Portage County District Library, will offer two career classes. On Thursday, October 9 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm the library will be having a two-part class on how to write a resume and cover letter. The class will walk the participants through writing a resume and cover letter from...

Veterans Memorial Update

Nelson Twp. - The Nelson Township Veterans Memorial Committee wanted to update our community of the status of this important project. This has been a very challenging year of endeavor in the construction of this tribute to our veterans. The Nelson Township Veterans Memorial has been designed and we are in the process of obtaining necessary permits. The next...

Nelson Township Trustee News

Nelson Twp. – Residents gathered at the Nelson Community House on Wednesday, September 17th for the second trustee meeting of the month. All trustees and officials were present and accounted for. Dave Finney presented the board of trustees with the minutes from the previous meeting; the minutes were approved as presented with a motion made by Elias. Finney then presented...

Paws to Shop, Rummage Sale for APL

Stop by Portage APL on September 27, 2014 from 11-3 for a rummage sale and help homeless animals. From small appliances and books to dog and cat supplies and household items, there’s something for everyone.


There’s still time…still time to sign up for the 1st Annual Women’s Retreat being held at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church on Saturday, October 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00p.m.

JA Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - Fourteen members and guests of the James A. Garfield Historical Society met on September 25 at the historic Mott Building, Main Street, Garrettsville for their regularly-scheduled monthly meeting.  The main topic of discussion was the upcoming Christmas Walk. Plans for the refreshments to be offered at the Mott Building during the reservation-only Candlelight Tour are in the capable...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Guest speaker for the day was Mark Tripodi of Cornerstone of Hope, a counseling center for grieving children, teens and adults, located in Independence, Ohio, with a new facility opening in Columbus. The center offers many programs : grief counseling, art therapy, support groups, school programs, bereavement camps, memorial ceremonies, education and training of grief counselors, a lending library, volunteer opportunities--all available on a sliding financial scale.

Holiday Craft & Gift Boutique

Ravenna - The Portage County Gardeners is hosting a Holiday Craft &Gift Boutique at the garden center 5154 S. Prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio 44266. Opening night is on Thursday, October 16 from  4-8p.m. The boutique will continue Friday and Saturday Oct 17 & 18 from 9-3 p.m. There will be hand crafted items created by the members, mums, bulbs, knit wear,...

Hiram College Professor Returns from Nine-Month Fulbright Trip to Bhutan

Hiram – Kerry Martin Skora, professor and chair of religious studies at Hiram College, has recently returned to the U.S. after spending nine months in Bhutan as a Fulbright Scholar. Bhutan – its people and culture – has been a longstanding research interest for Skora. He has traveled there seven times since 2003, including five Hiram College study abroad trips....

Portage County Gardeners present a Candy Making Workshop– The Basics

Ravenna - This is definitely the hands-on workshop you’ve been dreaming of. With a few basics, you’ll making candies to take home with you as well as sampling a few as you work. Yum! On Saturday, November 8th from 10 am - Noon, you’ll learn what chocolate to use, how it should be handled, and how to turn the basic...

The Geauga County Retired Teachers’ Association October Luncheon

The GCRTA will be holding a luncheon meeting on Tuesday October 7Th at Grand River Cellars Winery and Restaurant in Madison. Participants are asked to gather at 11:15 followed by a business meeting beginning at 11:30. A lunch of chicken parmesan, mixed green salad, penne pasta, vegetable blend, peach cobbler and beverages will be served at noon. A cash...

Mantua Historical Society News

Mantua - The Mantua Historical Society met on August 18th and were enlightened and entertained by Roger Hammel; he gave us the history of his family business, Hammel's Grocery Store from its start to the closing due to little town businesses not able to keep up with big chain stores.  He even brought his butcher apron, the wooden delivery...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club began and ended with the Four-Way Test this past week.  Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build good will and better friendships?  Is it beneficial to all concerned?  President Delores McCumbers opened the meeting by extolling this as a rubric for conducting everyday life.  The recitation of the test...

Take A Walk Through Time in Hiram

Have you ever heard of local sites like Forty Foot Falls, Dingle Dell and Jeddo Station? On Sunday, September 21st, you’re invited to take a walk through Hiram’s past in the Memorial Garden behind Hiram Christian Church to learn about these sites, and to get a better understanding of Hiram’s past. Whether you reside in the Village or the Township,...

Registration Open for Inaugural NEOMED Brain Bee

Local students ages 14 through 18 have the opportunity to participate in Northeast Ohio Medical University's (NEOMED) inaugural Brain Bee, a competition that will test their knowledge of neuroscience. The Brain Bee will take place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015, at NEOMED. The overall winner of the competition will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the National...

Mantua Village Council Report

Starting September 2nd, according to the Mantua Shalersville Fire Department, State Route 44 will be closed just North of Canada Road as ODOT repairs the bridge. These bridge repairs are estimated to take 75 days. In order to keep MSFD response time to a minimum, the Department has opened a temporary, second station for the duration of the project....

The Soda Fountain at Mantua Station Drugs

One of the two soda fountains that are still in existence in our readership area is in the front of the store at Mantua Station Drugs on Rt. 44 opposite the High School. Co-owner Norm Sadowski says that they had it installed when they built the building. It originally came from Quaker Square in Akron when they were renovating. According to Norm, ‘The Quaker Square people didn’t know what they were going to do with it; we made a bid on it and they sold it to us lock stock and barrel. I felt that, historically, pharmacies had soda fountains and we wanted to preserve that historic, antique quality in our new pharmacy. To be sure it is not exactly a profit maker, but for history’s sake we wanted to have it as part of our store. "

‘Shop with a Cop’ Car Show Links Two Towns to Provide Happier Holidays

2014 marks the third year for the Garrettsville-Hiram Shop With a Cop program. It’s the second year for the car show, but it was such a great success last year — raising $865 — it’s expected to be an annual event. Each year, the program grows to help more families. In 2012, eight families benefitted; in 2013, 10 families were included; in 2014, 12 families will be helped. But Chief Samec says there is still a long line of deserving families he’d love to be able to assist.

Concealed Carry meets Fashion – Women Carrying Guns

Kent -  REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition in conjunction with the Northeastern Chapter of A Girl and A Gun are hosting the Fashion Show event at the Tanglewood Country Club in Chagrin Falls, Ohio  the evening of  September 17th.     Live models will demonstrate a variety of concealed carry options for women. REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition is a not for...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians were treated to a surfeit of riches in the area of interesting and relevant speakers  at their meeting on August 18, 2014. They heard first from District Governor Mike Devanzo from the Medina club  who thanked members for being a part of the great sharing  of time, talent and treasure which is the spirit of Rotary.  His encouraging...

Raccoon County Music Festival is set for Aug. 16 in Burton

Burton - Traditional music – bluegrass, old-time, blues, folk, polka, calypso and more – will be the centerpiece of a day-long festival on Saturday, Aug. 16 in the Geauga County village of Burton. The Raccoon County Music Festival, which runs from noon to 8 p.m. in downtown Burton, will feature performances on two stages, square dancing, spontaneous jamming and workshops...

6thAnnual Hometown Hoe-Down Tickets now onSale!

Middlefield  - On September 27th, back by overwhelming demand… the TWO headliners at the 6thAnnual Hometown Hoe-Down will be the Whiskey Courage Band, and Blazin Bills amazing BBQ! On the 27thfrom 6pm-10pm, the Middlefield Market Pavilion (indoors) will transform into the perfect setting for some good ole’ fashion country fun! The evening starts with the BBQ blazing right outside...

Camp Ravenna: Future Missile Interceptor Site?

In what was termed by MDA representative Ken Anderson as a “capabilities race” rather than an arms race, these additional East Coast sites are being submitted to Congress for consideration in order to bolster the homeland’s capacity to defend itself "against threats from nations such as North Korea and Iran."

Woodlands Carnival A Success

Ravenna - The Woodlands at Robinson recently held a free community carnival on July 26th. The carnival was sponsored by Clear Path Home Health, Crossroads Hospice, Dean’s Funeral Home, Dr. David Uhall, J & J Mobile Music, NEAS Ambulance Inc. and Saber Healthcare. Highlights of the event included a visit from Slider, The Cleveland Indians Mascot who arrived via fire...

2014 Ox Roast Wrap Up

This year’s 51sth Annual Ox Roast Fair the weekend of July 18-20 at St. Joseph’s in Mantua was a wonderful event despite some weather challenges. Mother Nature gave us a little bit of everything . . . a beautiful Friday, off & on showers for Saturday with cooler temps, and then a hot & humid Sunday. Crowds did not disappoint; the fun and entertainment were delightful and the food was delicious, as usual. Folks from the surrounding area and even out of state visitors enjoyed the hospitality of the Parish Community of St. Joseph. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported, volunteered, promoted, donated, and worked this year’s great event. This annual parish fundraiser directly supports the educational and sacramental ministries of St. Joseph Parish.

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club members wished their local Rotary Student Exchange participant, Rachel Schwan, good luck and Godspeed on her adventure in Thailand for the coming school year. They also welcomed visitor Skip Schweitzer, columnist for The Villager.

Amish Buggy Classic Kicks-Off Middlefield’s Summerfest

Middlefield Activities Committee held their Annual Summerfest this past Saturday and it went off without a hitch. In past years, the event was held at the Municipal Center, this year it was moved to Harrington Square Mall Parking Lot. They roped off a section of the far parking lot for venders, creating a make- shift midway that housed plenty of vendors, an inflatable slide and a bounce house.

JA Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - Rodger Pettit was a visitor and, unexpectedly, the program for the evening at the July 21, 2014 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society.  His original intention was to present information on the proposed and planned Nelson Veterans’ Memorial, its history and current status.  The memorial is to be placed on the grounds of the former...

Mantua Village Garden Club News

The MVGC will meet on Monday, August 4, at noon.  At this meeting, Judy Novak-Hrdy, Master Gardener, will be showing us several examples of Fairy Gardens, and teach us how they are made.  Judy will also tell us stories about the fairies that reside in those Fairy Gardens.  If you are interested in joining us, and learning more about...


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