
What’s Hot For Your Home

Brass animal figurines that were popular in the 1960s, are highly collectible. These are now commonly found at resale stores, flea markets, or your grandparents’ house. Don’t overlook these hand-me-downs, there’s always room for an extra swan, giraffe, deer or crane in your collection of family treasure.  Who wouldn’t want a reminder of their favorite animal or knowing that...

Windham Art Students Showcase Talents

Windham - Windham Junior and Senior High Students showcased their talents on Thursday, April 22nd at NEOMED in Rootstown. The Portage County Art Show, sponsored by the Cuyahoga Falls ESC, featured many pieces of art from area students. Art teacher, Mrs. Seger, has been working with students all year to prepare them for this event. The following students received awards: Junior...

Public Tours Begin at Century Village Museum

As the sure signs of spring begin to appear, Century Village Museum in Burton, Ohio, is once again opening for public tours.  This historic village of almost two dozen century-old structures, located in a beautiful setting overlooking the hills of Geauga County and the valley of the Cuyahoga River, offers a splendid opportunity for individuals and families interested in...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Plans Walking Trail

Garrettsville - Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians received a very favorable report on the recent roadside clean-up conducted by adult Rotarians and high school InterAct members on April 16.  They weren’t “talking trash” exactly, but picking up plenty of it on the 3-mile stretch of St. Rte. 82 between the two villages; they even ran out of bags at one point.  Looking...

Twentieth Century Club News

Garrettsville - The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville closed their club year with the annual Spring Party, held at Roby Lee’s on April 21.  The planning committee of Patricia Amor, Gay McCoy, Leah Schultz and Pat Fisher arranged for the fine buffet meal and the excellent program which followed. Members were regaled with musical selections by Michelle...

Crestwood School Board News

  Mantua - At their April meeting, the Board recognized Ms. Monica Grebb, CPS teacher, for spearheading the Destination Imagination program at Crestwood Schools. Under her guidance, the program has taken root in both the primary and intermediate schools. Superintendent David Toth thanked Grebb, as well as the legion of parent volunteers who helped make the recent DI Tournament at...

Garfield Hall of Fame 2016 Inductees..Part 3

Garrettsville - The final Garfield graduate to be honored at the James A. Garfield Hall of Fame gathering on Saturday, April 30 is Robert E.  Armstrong, member of the Class of ’65 and recipient of the nation’s third-highest military award, the Silver Star, presented for Conspicuous Gallantry in Action, for his actions in Viet Nam, January 28, 1969.  He...

Garfield Hall of Fame 2016 Inductees..Part 2

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Local School District will once again be honoring its own.  Graduates who have excelled in athletics, the arts, sciences, public service, national service will find a place on the Hall of Fame.  The Villager has been spotlighting the honorees prior to the induction event on April 30 at the James A. Garfield High...

Freedom Historical Group News

Freedom Twp. - Judy Thornton started the meeting by having Amanda Garrett read the minutes from the March meeting. Trustee John Zizka continued the discussion from the March meeting about a piano that is in storage at the Freedom Community Center. At the last meeting there was discussion about moving the piano to make room for three filing cabinets...

Portage County Soap Box Derby Hosting Derby Racing Clinic

Mantua - The Portage Soap Box Derby is hosting an introduction to Derby Racing Clinic on April 24th, at 4808 East High St., Buchert Park, Mantua, Ohio.  The clinic will be held at the first pavilion at the park from 1-4 pm At the clinic those persons attending will have an introduction to Derby racing, see a derby racecar assembled,...

Rotary-InterAct Bowling Event A Success

Garrettsville - The April 11, 2016 found the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meeting at noon in Cal’s II in Garrettsville’s Sky Plaza and conducting the following business : The bowling event held at Sky Lanes on Saturday, April 9 was a great success with some thirty participants-- InterAct students from James A. Garfield High School and Rotary Exchange Students from across  District...

James A. Garfield Elementary School Students Take a World Tour at Hiram College

Hiram – While it’s almost impossible for a sixth grader to travel the world, that’s exactly what 115 students from James A. Garfield Elementary School did at Hiram College’s World Fair. The students spent the morning touring 11 different countries, including Australia, Afghanistan, Philippines and Japan, and listening to presentations from international and study abroad students. Afterwards they headed over...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville - Noses to the grindstone, eyes on the snowy skies, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club got down to business at their meeting on April 4, 2016 at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville.  Here was their agenda: This year’s Fit & Fun program will be likely having involvement of the Garrettsville YMCA, especially in regard to the nutrition program and pickleball. ...

Garrettsville Summerfest Announces Idol Auditions

Garrettsville - Have you ever dreamed of being on The Voice or American Idol, thinking, “I can do that!”  Well, we can’t guarantee you’ll be on either show but we can offer you a chance to use your singing talent to earn some cash. If you are available April 17th, May 22nd and June 26th, you need to consider auditioning...

Mantua Township Resident’s Issue Resolved

Mantua Twp. - After the Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., demolished an abandoned home next door, Deeanna and Thomas Barkett purchased the vacant lot, which was adjacent to their property, at Sheriffs sale in the fall of 2013. In January 2016, the Barketts were notified that an assessment of $9,000 — more than they paid for the property — was...

Newton Falls Back Pack Program

Newton Falls - The Newton Falls Community weekend food-in-backpacks program continues with your blessing and support and we thank you.  Food donations continue to be brought to NF United Methodist Church, Big D’s Newton Grill, ASECU, and Healthy Treasures.  Books to add to each bag weekly have been donated by NF Kiwanis Club, the Church Mouse, and Newton Falls...

Senior Citizen Van Continues Service

Newton Falls - Yes, the Newton Falls Senior Citizen Van Organization has  no meeting place at Newton Falls Community Center anymore.  It is hard to reach people who ride or want to ride the Newton Falls Senior Citizen van.  We used to be able to give people flyers with our information.  We do hold meetings the third Wednesday of...

Portage County District Library Partners with Northeast Ohio Medical University to Introduce a New and Innovative Lending Service- The Library Box

Rootstown - The Portage County District Library is proud to announce that it has partnered with Northeast Ohio Medical University to bring Portage County residents - as well as students, faculty, and staff - library service using a new and innovative approach to provide popular materials delivery with a library lending machine, the first of its kind within Northeast...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville - Don Havener and his hiking of the Appalachian Trail were the focus of the program at the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club on Monday, March 28, 2016.  The retired teacher, coach, hardware merchant, tire guy set out on the hike as a journey of faith and of giving back to the Northern Ohio Parkinson’s Support Foundation.  His goal was...

Geauga Small Business Expo

Middlefield - Support small local business by attending the Geauga Small Business Expo on Friday, April 1 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 2 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pine Craft Storage Barns, 13650 Madison Road (Route 528) in Middlefield (44062). More than 40 local businesses, many of them Amish-run, will participate showing products...

DI Competition Makes Hiram the Destination

Mantua - Recently, Ohio’s Region 15 Destination Imagination tournament day took place on the Hiram College campus. The competition matched Crestwood’s eight teams against 57 teams from 10 other school districts across Summit, Portage, Geauga and Lake Counties in six different challenges. It was a big day for the 51 Crestwood students that began working on their individual challenges...

News from WVFD Joint Fire District

Windham - The Fire District board agreed to staff the fire department from 8am – 4pm seven days a week with dual certified firefighter /EMTs /paramedics. This will ensure a quick response time to emergencies during daytime hours when dedicated volunteers are at their full-time employments. The board will re-evaluate this program after six months to gauge its success. In...

Nelson LMC News

Nelson Twp. - The February meeting of LMC was an especially fun day. It was cold but sunny. Hostesses were Betty Hamilton, Margaret Lappert and Terry Bello. The lobster and shrimp bisque was especially delicious, prepared by Terry Bello. The table was decorated in the Valentine theme. The door prize was won by Blanche Richmond. The business meeting opened with...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Plans InterAct Appreciation Day

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians bid a fond farewell to February, 2016 on Leap Day, February29, the likes of which will not be seen again for four years (In a less-contentious election year, let us hope). President Tom Collins urged members to make their opinions known on a pending agreement between the Sierra Club and AEP (American Electrical Power) which will come before...

Windham Historical Society Elects Officers

Windham - The Windham Historical Society  met in January at the Brick Chapel in Windham, to elect new officers for the 2016 year. The society has been in existence as a non-profit organization since its founding in 2002. We have many new plans for the upcoming year. All are welcome to be a part of our group that researches,...

Garrettsville Police Receive Grant

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Police Department is pleased to announce that it has been selected to receive funding in the amount of $6,174.90 through the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) and the Federal 2015 Justice Assistance Grant for Law Enforcement (JAG-LE) Program. The funding will be used to purchase a new audio/video recording system to be installed in...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met on February 22, 2016 at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, spending the time covering a myriad of topics, to wit: Winners of the Fit-n-Fun competition have finally received their prizes, as Superintendent Ted Lysiak took them to choose their very own bicycles; there are pictures. The roadside clean-up event is searching for a date.  High school activities...

Hiram Police Department Receives Grant

Hiram - The Hiram Police Department is pleased to announce the acquisition and approval of the Ohio Criminal Justice Services, Justice Assistance Services Law Enforcement grant. The grant will fund the acquisition of  one in-car dash mounted video recorder unit for one of Hiram Police Department patrol vehicles. The total project is budgeted at $3,395. The approval of this...

Mantua Village Garden Club Plans Guided Tour

Mantua - The Mantua Village Garden Club, which was organized in March of 1930, will kick off its first meeting for 2016 at the home of Lea Lazar, on Monday March 7th.  This meeting will begin with a light lunch, and focus on discussion of the business goals, & programs for the upcoming year. This year the meetings are...

Crestwood Primary School Became Candy Factory

Mantua - Crestwood Primary School was transformed into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory last week, as students celebrated the completion of their annual One Book, One School program. The transformation, based on the 1964 book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, was the culmination of several weeks of study, where teachers and students read the book aloud and...


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