
2011 Division III Chess Tournament Results

Burton - Division III of the annual Friends of the Burton Public Library Chess Tournament was completed Saturday, February 19, by 7 participants from northeast Ohio. One player, Nathan Ferris, a 12th grade Perry High School student won all four of his games and the first place medal. Two players scored three points each:     Jonathon Bumbarger, a sixth grade Wickliffe student;   ...

Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber Minutes

Mantua - The Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce met on February 16, 2011. The featured business was GoRilla Productions of Mantua. Owner Brent Simon offers custom web design, web maintenance, website tune-ups, and multimedia production. He offers quality services at prices that are affordable. Crestwood School District is happy to announce that this year the 8th graders will be taking...

Nelson Continues To Look At Ways To Cut Expenses

Nelson Twp. - Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with about ten residents in attendance. Fiscal officer Mr. Finney presented bills and wages to the trustees; after reviewing them they approved the affidavits. The trustees noted that the windows at the community house were installed and the doors should be in by the end of March. Mr....

Crestwood High School Hosts 8th Grade Information Night

Mantua - About 400 parents, teachers, current and incoming high school students attended Crestwood High School’s first ever 8th Grade Information night, Feb. 15 at Crestwood High School. Forty-five different high school groups participated in the event, ranging from academics to extra-curricular and co-curricular subjects. Many of the tables that the high school students created for the student showcase...

Windham Library Opens at RFC

Windham - The wait is finally over for the patrons of the Windham branch of the Portage County District Library. Last Thursday, the library opened to débuted its new facility after being closed for about a month. The library is now located at 9005 Wil-Vern Drive inside the Renaissance Family Center (RFC). The hours to the library have changed...

Hiram Village Council Meeting

Hiram – All council members were present during the February 8th council meeting except Councilperson Donley.  At 7 pm, Mayor Bertrand called the meeting to order.  After a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance, the Mayor asked for approval of the 1/25/11 Special Council Meeting minutes and the motion was passed as were the minutes from the...

Rotary Family Week Promises to Warm Up Winter

Garrettsville - Just when it appears that there will be no end to stagnating winter doldrums, Family Week breaks up the monotony with live entertainment, contests, dinners out, a health fair and carnival of fun. Sponsored by the Garrettsville-Hiram chapter of the Rotary Club, this annual weeklong celebration to empower the family runs from Sunday, February 20 – Saturday,...

Boot Camp Begins

So did you make it down to the Community EMS Boot Camp last Saturday? Why not? You still have time to join in the effort to shaping up our community. Joining doesn’t mean you have to lose weight, maybe you would like to simply tone up or get into shape for the upcoming summer. The point is that you...

Village Council News

Garrettsville – Village Council opened their monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 10th  with Mayor Moser  recognizing Council President Rick Patrick’s half-century birthday; they then got down to business.  The mayor, five council members, the village solicitor & clerk-treasurer were all in attendance (councilwoman Karen Clyde was absent).  The minutes of February’s meeting were approved with one minor correction to...

Freedom Township Trustee News

Freedom Twp. - Highlights of the February 3, 2011 Trustee meeting were: Mr. Tom Mesaros was appointed to the Zoning Commission for a one-year term. Zoning Inspector Derthick reported one permit issued for a new single family home.  A resident on St. Rt. 700 has not responded about removing an unlicensed vehicle from his property. Trustees approved turning the problem over...

Mantua K of C Free Throw Winner Continues On!

Mantua - Meghan Sara of Mantua won the Girls 10 year old division while representing the K of C Mantua Council # 3766 at a recent District level of competition in Kent.  Meghan will receive a medallion for her success and an invitation to the Regional level in Warren later in February.  Eight participants from the Mantua area were...

Lions Host Windham Mayor

Windham - The Windham Lions Club recently invited Windham Mayor Rob Donham to give an outline of what the village plans for the future are. An interesting talk was enjoyed by the members as the mayor took them from his inauguration to present day Windham. His remarks reassured everyone present that the Village was moving away from old ways...

Newton Township Meeting

Newton Township - The January meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 7:30pm with all members present. Business was as usual with reports from the zoning director, the sheriff’s department, and cemetery news. The road crew reported two new street signs and two stop signs that had been stolen and replaced, as well as general plowing and salting...

Windham Historical Society News

Windham - The Windham Historical Society has become the repository of many of the artworks of world famous woodcarver Huber King, who spent his entire life in Windham. King received numerous awards in juried competitions, including his American Bicentennial carving, pictured above, which he boldly entered into a British woodcarving show in 1976.The carvings are the donation of his...

Windham Trustees Hold Public Meeting

Windham Township - The Windham Township Trustees held a public meeting prior to their  regularly scheduled meeting to discuss proposed zoning changes.  The zoning proposal brought out about 25 residents who wanted to have their say about the zoning issues. After about an hour of discussing flag lots, lot sizes, square footage allowances, frontage, variances and other property use...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary caught a glimpse into an appalling abyss with Roger Cram’s presentation on the hidden world of human trafficking, something that few are aware of and fewer still wish to acknowledge, confront or take adequate measures to end.  While calling the U.S, “the ostrich nation”, he offered statistics on the numbers of  street kids, illegal immigrants, homeless persons...

New Truck For Village Of Garrettsville

Garrettsville - The Village of Garrettsville recently purchased  a 2011 Ford F550 4X4 Dump Truck which will replace the 1974 Ford F700. This is the first dump truck the Village has purchased since 2001. The ‘74 F700 will be offered  for auction on Ebay for anyone interested.   On the agenda for 2011 are the replacement of the police department’s...

Garrettsville Area Chamber News

Garrettsville - Roger and Connie Angel opened the doors of Dairy Queen early Wednesday morning as they hosted the first meeting of the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce for 2011. A review of the treasurer’s report was first up and it was announced that the sale of the 2011 Chamber calendars had netted $700 towards the flower basket fund. Aaron provided...

Awards Banquet Held for Police Department

Newton Falls - The officers of the Newton Falls Police Department were honored Friday during an annual awards ceremony luncheon held at the Covered Bridge Restaurant’s banquet hall. Department members and invited guests gathered to recap the various events of 2010 and to give tribute to the everyday heroes in blue who protect the city. Among those city officials...

Portage County Conservation Awards Nominations

The 13th Annual Portage Environmental Conservation Awards Dinner will take place Saturday April 9 and will feature a reception with music by Mitch Reed, hors d’oeuvres featuring local foods, a buffet dinner, a silent auction and more. The Portage Park Foundation is seeking nominations for potential awardees to be honored at the event. Nominations for this year’s awards will be...

Residents Take Message To The Street

Hiram - A crowd of residents (including the Hiram College alumni pictured here) opposed to the annexation of township land by Hiram College gathered Friday evening outside the Garfield Institute in Hiram. Their goal was to raise the visibility of this issue with Hiram College Board of Trustees who were meeting that night. Hiram College Vice President Tim...

Much Ado…

Rotary Report Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary soldiers are putting together the program for the February Family Week activities.  A great addition will be the participation of Dr. Bittence, she  of the coming Robinson Memorial-associated medical facility in Garrettsville, who will be available to “meet and greet” as well as offering a mini health fair--blood pressure checks, etc.--to those in attendance at the...

Berkshire Jr./Sr. High School News

Burton-At the January 10 Berkshire Board of Education meeting several elementary and high school students had their artwork recognized.  The artwork will be part of the 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.  Congratulations to Mollee Chapman (2nd Grade), Grace Lutat (6th Grade), Erica Dingman (12th Grade), Ericka Roy (11th Grade) and Hannah Espinosa (2nd Grade). There will be a Berkshire Marching...

Charles Chevrolet Scores A Goal For Area Youth Soccer

Garrettsville – Charles Chevrolet, one of 30 Chevrolet dealers from the Cleveland area that partnered with local youth soccer leagues for the 2010 season, raised nearly  $93,740 in total donations from the dealership and private parties. In addition to monetary support, Charles Chevrolet provided G-W (Garrettsville-Windham) Soccer Club with equipment donations, an opportunity to raise and keep up to...

Fire Board Appoints Fire District Officers

Windham -  The W.V.F.D. Joint fire district met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all board members and fiscal officer present.  First item on the agenda was the fire chief’s report. Chief Iwanyckyj reported that he has chosen different firemen to take responsibility for, policy and procedures for EMT’s, turn-out gear, Scot Air Paks, and truck maintenance....

Newton Falls Council Meeting

Newton Falls - There’s a new hot topic at the podium of the Newton Falls council meetings: hydraulic fracking. During the second regularly scheduled council meeting of January all officials were present and, after the Pledge of Allegiance, the floor was given to Catie Karl-Moran who spoke on behalf of the Relay for Life. The next Relay, a twenty-four hour event,...

Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Twp. - The Hiram Township Trustees met last week for their second gathering of the new year. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Brewer opened the meeting at 7pm with the reading of the minutes from the January 4th meeting. In the evening’s business, Mr. Brewer presented a request for an appropriation of $33,000 to a new fire truck...

Windham Trustees Organize For New Year

Windham Twp. - The Windham Township Trustees met for their first meeting of the year recently. The first item on the agenda was to appoint the chairman and vice-chairman of the board. After some discussion, the board voted unanimously to have Dann Timmons retain the chairman position and Brian Miller retain his vice-chairman position as well. The board also...

Here Come The Brides

Newton Falls - Dozens of flowers brighten up a chapel or outdoor venue for a wedding, and Sunday at Roby Lee’s Restaurant and Banquet Center in Newton Falls the reception hall was brightened by not one smiling bride, but rather dozens of beautiful brides-to-be who attended the 14th Annual Bridal and Catering Show, with friends and family in tow,...



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