
Council Urged To Make Processes Business-Friendly

Garrettsville - Prior to the regularly scheduled council meeting, members met at 6:45 p.m. on May 10th for a review of the Village’s finances.  Mayor Craig Moser reviewed the village’s financial accounts and recapped major expenditures from the 2009 & 2010 while highlighting those planned for the 2011 fiscal year. Councilwoman Clyde  asked if a list could be prepared for...

Fire Board Explores Fuel Options

Windham - The WVFD Fire Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting for May at the fire station with all board members and fiscal officer present. In the fire chief’s report, Chief Iwanyckyj asked the board if they could partition part of the meeting room off to make a lounge for the medics who are on call. The cost of...

Habitat for Humanity ranks No. 6 among largest homebuilders in the U.S.

Ravenna - Habitat for Humanity of Portage County’s work to provide affordable housing has helped Habitat for Humanity International rank as the sixth largest homebuilder on Builder magazine’s top 100 list.  With 6,032 closings in 2010, this is the second time Habitat for Humanity has placed in the top ten.  “Our placement on the Builder 100 list is a...

Newton Falls Chamber Of Commerce Report

During the May meeting of the Newton Falls Chamber of Commerce, the focus of the discussion centered on the Association’s members. Though the Covered Bridge sign on Route 5 and First Street is full, there is still one spot available if anyone is interested in advertising there. Currently a space holder is simply filling in for the time being.Linda Nord,...

Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen Celebrates Women

Middlefield - To honor  women, Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen is planning a special event just for women. Ladies in all walks and areas of life are invited to join us for the Ladies’ Tea & Treasure event on Friday, June 3rd, at 4:00 pm.  You will enjoy a buffet luncheon which includes assorted finger sandwiches, a fruit cup, tossed salad,...

Buckeye Trail Association Building New Hiking And Backpacking Trail

Ravenna - The Buckeye Trail is a hiking trail that circles the whole state of Ohio and is 1,444 miles long. It is built and maintained by the Buckeye Trail Association (BTA) and numerous volunteers.As a non-profit organization, they strive to provide outdoor recreation through hiking and backpacking to all four corners of Ohio. Now the BTA wants to...

Windham Village to Purchase Fuel from Circle K

Windham - The regularly scheduled meeting of the village council was rescheduled for April 27, 2011. The council was missing one member. The pledge of allegiance was recited and the meeting began. The last council meeting the fire chief explained that the village had received a warning about their fuel systems not being in compliance with the new standards. After...

Behind the Gates of Camp Ravenna

Camp Ravenna - Early Saturday morning almost 200 people sacrificed sleep when they arrived at 7:30 a.m. at the Renaissance Family Center for a tour of Camp Ravenna.  The excited folks enjoyed coffee and donuts while they waited on the buses to take them to see first hand what really lays behind the gate at Camp Ravenna Military Training...

Yo-Yo The Clown Visits KT Elementary

Windham - The children of Windham’s KT Elementary preschool were treated to a visit from Yo-Yo the Clown.  Steve Blasko from Youngstown has performed for over 40 years.  He demonstrated for the children how he transforms himself into a clown. Teacher’s Aide Ms. McLean and a student, Briah Daniel, joined in the fun by applying clown makeup.  The preschoolers...

New Administrator Improving Conditions at County Nursing Home

Ravenna - There’s a new administrator at Portage County’s nursing home, The Woodlands at Robinson in Ravenna. When Christa Mayes took the position on April 1, The Woodlands was home to 65 residents. As of April 29th, there were 80. The Woodlands is on the grow, so anyone considering short- or long-term nursing home care should visit before the...

Rotary Report

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club was recently privileged to hear from two very able competitors in the Four-Way Test Speech Contest.  Both entrants were from James A. Garfield High School and each gave a presentation worth of recognition. Travis Gorby, freshman, was first up and got an immediate audience response by intoning, “O-H”...which got “I-O” right back at him.  He went...

Got Teeth™ : Help Wanted

I have written nearly 60 columns for the Weekly Villager since June, 2008.  The focus of my articles has always been patient centered. Equipping my readers with topical subjects makes them better patient/consumers and, by extension, happy, well-cared for patients. This time I am going to step out of my role as writer/educator and into company hiring manager in...

Garfield Women’s Auxiliary Formed to Support Firefighters

Garrettsville -  First responders make a living out of helping others in their time of need. Now, a support group has been formed to show gratitude to local firefighters in appreciation for all they do. Stacy Collins is a founding member of the newly formed Garfield Women’s Auxiliary associated with the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Volunteer Fire Department at 8035 Elm Street. The...

Crestwood 4 C’s Honors Volunteers

Mantua - On Thursday, April 21, a luncheon was held at Mantua Hilltop Church to honor all those who volunteer at the Food cupboard. The Council Members provided a delicious luncheon of salads, desserts and croissants. 40 volunteers attended plus a few honored guests who had been active in the past. Terri Wilde, president of council, presented a program about...

News From Nelson

Nelson Twp - Spring has returned. We made it through another winter. As you drive around Nelson Township, you can once again see the green grass and flowers blooming everywhere. To keep Nelson looking great, remember to start collecting all the things in your yard that you no longer want. The Community Clean-Up is April 30the and May 1st...

Hiram Village News

Hiram - Brush pick-up for 2011 will be the last full week of April, May, June, July, August and September.  The amount of brush should be no more than two men can load in 15 minutes. Tree branches and brush should be no longer than 8 foot. Leaves and small twigs must be bagged in bio-degradable bags and sealed...

Garrettsville Mayor’s Update

Garrettsville - News flash! It is still raining  )--; So take advantage of the Boardwalk and you can see Mother Nature do her over-the-Falls thing... It is spectacular (---; Meanwhile, we have a private investor, buyer, for Paul’s Lumber property all 14.8 acres of the complex.  I firmly believe this is a cause for celebration for the Village and the...

Trustees Address Pixley Park Drainage Problem

Nelson Twp. -  Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting at the community house with trustees Joe Leonard, Bill Wilson and Jim Turos and fiscal officer J. David Finney present. Fire Chief Dave Friess was in attendance to request permission to use the parking lot at Pixley Park for a vehicle extrication and burning practice. After some discussion...

Coach Hollinger Memorial Service

Hiram - On May 1st, at 3:00 in the afternoon, there will be a memorial service honoring the life and works of William “Bill” Hollinger, at Hiram College’s Price Gymnasium, on the eponymous Hollinger Court, where he spent not inconsiderable time and achieved more than sports victories. Memorials are about the honored ones who have left us but they are...

“Soda Shop Angel”

Newton Falls - The Newton Falls High School Drama Department will complete the 2011 season by presenting the comedy “Soda Shop Angel” authored by Shirley McNichol.  The production will be presented on Friday and Saturday, May 6th & 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium.  The cost is $5.00 at the door. The play takes place in Pa’s...

Be It Ever So Humble…

“Mid pleasures and palaces, Wherever we roam, Be it ever so humble, There’s no place like home.” Does this apply when it’s the home itself that is roaming? What a way to spend a day!  The Schultz family homestead–now owned by Don Wolff–was scheduled to hit the road at about 9:15 on the morning of April 21 but the rubber actually hit the road...

On The Move…

The Weekly Villager staff is working hard to wrap up the transition to our new office space. Individual articles from this week's paper will not be posted online, instead we encourage our online readership to take advantage of our digital archive. We intend to return to our standard posting schedule next week. This week's paper can be viewed as a PDF...

Portage County Soap Box Derby Holding Clinic

Mantua - The Portage County Soap Box Derby is hosting a Derby Clinic on April 17th from noon to 2 pm. The clinic will be located at the Shalersville Town Hall on the corners of SR 303 and SR 44. The clinic is for people interested in finding out more about derby racing and those persons currently racing who would...

Hiram Fire Dept. Gets Thermal Imager Camera

Hiram - In March, the Hiram Fire Department took delivery of a new Scott Thermal Imager Camera as part of a NOPEC grant, written by Hiram Township Trustee Chairman Steve Pancost.  The camera’s cost was $9,600 and was given to the Fire Department by the Township to carry on-board our newest engine.  This life-saving device can be used to...

Windham NOPEC Project Hits Snag

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for this April meeting with all trustees and the fiscal officer present. The first item on the agenda was guest recognition. Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj asked to address the trustees. The chief stated that the fire department had received a notice that their fuel tanks were in violation of the new Environmental...

Bridging the Transition Gap for Students with Disabilities

Burton - On May 4, from 6 - 8  p.m. come in and learn successful high school-to-college transition strategies for young people with disabilities.  Find out the five key transition skills that you need to have, know the differences between high school and college, eligibility requirements and accommodation descriptions.  Plus, much more! Graduating high school seniors and recent graduates with...

My LifePlan® Launches Intelligent Survival Initiatives

Ravenna – My LifePlan®, an emerging provider of emergency services,   announced  the release of its Intelligent Survival InitiativesTM (ISI).  A first in disaster response, ISI is designed to provide proactive intelligent information services for emergency and large-scale disasters. My LifePlan’s® Intelligent Survival Initiatives provides solutions for: • Gathering and updating life-critical information about the individual prior to disaster or when called...

Portage County Celebrates Government Month

Ravenna - On April 12, the Portage County Commissioners hosted an Open House followed by an evening meeting.  The event was held to commemorate National County Government Month.  Several county offices and departments participated.  The Woodlands at Robinson (county nursing home) offered free blood pressure  checks.  The Dog Warden brought  dogs to be adpoted at a...

Windham in The Civil War

Windham - For its final meeting before the summer break, the Windham Historical Society presents a free talk from local historian George Belden, who will speak on “Windham in the Civil War” on Monday, April 18, at the Windham American Legion, Post 674. Using the 1866 monument on the village green as his starting point, Belden compiled a list of...

Train Accident Fails to Derail Newton Township Meeting

Newton Township - Last week a train going through Newton Falls at about 7:00 in the early morning went off its track as it passed through the heart of the town. Approximately twelve hours later, half past 7:00pm, emergency responders had the wreckage under control and the town attempted to bring back what sense of normalcy it could to...


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