

Mantua - Congratulations are in order at the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department, as Christopher Mullins was recently sworn in as the Department’s Assistant Chief. Fire Chief Matt Roosa swore Mullins in at a recent Fire Board meeting while Mullins’ grandfather, Lyle Pittman, pinned on Mullins’ new badge in the special ceremony. Assistant Chief Mullins has served the MSFD in a variety...

Families Anonymous Program Helps Those Affected By Substance Abuse

Ravenna - Have you found evidence - or do you have even a vague suspicion that someone close to you may have a problem with drugs or alcohol?  Is that person displaying behaviors that could be related to substance abuse? In the Families Anonymous (FA) program, we learn how the disease of addiction affects the lives of everyone close to...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The countdown is on for the Annual Steak Fry of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, with the added excitement of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the still-active and inviting organization.  The July 25, 2016 meeting was highlighted by planning for the event, to be held on August 8, 2016 at 8289 Park Ave., Garrettsville, beginning at 6:00p.m.  Invitation to area...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their July meeting, the Board unanimously approved a resolution to submit a renewal of the Permanent Improvement Levy on the November 16th ballot. Treasurer Jill Rowe noted that the renewal levy could be used for items including maintenance and upkeep to District buildings, purchase of school equipment, athletic equipment, and technology. She note that the funds...

We All Scream for Ice Cream

As August starts and the beginning of school looms in the not too distant future, now is the perfect time to enjoy a hand-scooped ice cream of frozen custard treat. Who cares about the coming crazy schedule of back-to-school shopping, homework, and sports practices when you can drown your sorrows in a cup or cone of delicious frozen goodness...

UH Portage Medical Center to Host Annual Family Health & Safety Day on July 23

Ravenna– University Hospitals Portage Medical Center will host the 2016 Family Health & Safety Day on Saturday, July 23 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the UH Portage Medical Center Parking Lot and the UH Portage Medical Arts Building. Family Health & Safety Day offers a variety of free family-friendly activities, safety tips, wellness screenings and educational materials that...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The new president of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, Delores McCumbers, stepped up to the podium to begin her year at the helm of the organization at the July 11 meeting, at  Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, noon, sharp. The meeting began with the inauguration/installation of the new, but experienced, officers and president by installing officer and longest member, Jim...

MSFD Honors Retired Fire Captain

Mantua - Last Sunday afternoon, the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department held a ceremony that was over 18 years in the making. That’s when the department presented a fire axe to former Fire Captain Ed Leferink, who retired in the late 1990’s, in a ceremony that day. According to firefighter and unofficial station historian Tim Benner, Fire Captain Ed Leferink, a 90-year-old...

“Run of the Ox” 5K Run/Walk & 1M Fun Walk

Mantua - Be a part of this year’s 5K Run/Walk or 1M Fun Walk at St. Joseph’s Annual Ox Roast Fair!!! Race will take place on Saturday, July 16th. Registration is at 7:00 a.m. in front of the church and the race begins at 8:00 a.m. Out & back course begins at St. Joe’s, heads down St. Joseph Blvd....

Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Hosts Awards Ceremony

Newton Falls - The Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars honored our Voice of Democracy Student, Patriots’ Pen Student, and Creative Patriotic Art Student on Monday, June 20, 2016. Our Voice of Democracy Student was Nathan Hendryx and he placed first on the Post level, and tenth on the District Level. Bronson...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The  Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, on June 20 for their regularly-scheduled meeting at noon.  The business on the agenda was varied : First up was a recap of the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Championship Game, followed by the reading of a thank you note from Jane Rader, of James A. Garfield High School, who, together with...

AARP Chapter 4527 News

The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP Chapter #4527 will meet “with a bang” on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016, at 1 pm, at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Behind the Fire Station). We will hold our brief meeting first and learn about the upcoming trip on Wednesday, August 24th, to Greektown Casino, in Detroit , Michigan, for $32, with...

Headwaters Adventure Race Set for July 16 in Mantua

Mantua - Run, pedal and paddle for trails and watershed conservation! The Portage Park District Foundation is presenting the Headwaters Adventure Race on July 16, 8:00 a.m. in Mantua Village as a fun(d)raiser for supporting trail maintenance and conservation projects. The event starts at Buchert Park and includes a 2-mile run on the Headwaters Trail, a 10-mile bike ride...

School Program Brings Hope to Local Hospital

Mantua - Studies show that reading to children helps them to listen better, build bigger vocabularies, and get excited about learning. Just imagine the positive results when an entire school reads the same book together. When students and staff at Crestwood Intermediate School read Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo, great things happened, and not just for the students...

Garrettsville Library News

Here at the Garrettsville Library, we care about what you think. We ask that, when you have finished a book you’ve checked out, you give us a quick review of that book. Review slips can be picked up at the reference desk and completed reviews will be posted on the “What Do You Think?” book review board. Every month,...

Poole Selected CASA of the Year

CASA for KIDS of Geauga County, a juvenile court-based child advocacy program announced their CASA of the Year award at the program’s annual appreciation event held at Welshfield Inn, on May 5. The 2016 recipient of the award, Jeanette Poole, has volunteered with the program for five years. CASA for KIDS Director, Julie Weese said that “Jeanette was chosen for...

Ambassadors Soccer Camp 2016—20 Years!

This summer Friendship Alliance Church will celebrate 20 years of hosting an annual soccer camp.  The camp, originally known as “On Goal Soccer”, began at Settler’s Park in Bainbridge Township in 1997.  After the first few years, the name of the camp changed to Ambassadors Soccer Camp and continued at Settler’s Park until eight years ago. Now the camp...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

And so it’s June for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club.  Here’s the lowdown on their official business. Stew Buchanan from Akron, District 6630 official public crier, brought announcements concerning Baseball Night for Rotary with the Cleveland Indians on July 29 and all of the festivities involved, reservations are due for next year’s 100th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation, Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary is...

Garfield Teacher Publishes Book

Garrettsville -  Author, author!! And right in our own backyard too!  Well, maybe not in the backyard, maybe in  the James A. Garfield Middle School, maybe teaching Language Arts to eighth graders (Now there’s something to write about.), maybe, just maybe, it’s Mr. Don King, recently-published author of the  Young Adult/Science Fiction—slightly dystopian—novel, Nine. The book actually came out this...

Mantua Village Garden Club News & Plant Sale

Mantua - The Mantua Village Garden Club will again hold its annual plant sale, in conjunction with the Mantua Farmer’s Market, this coming Saturday, May 28, at Christ Lutheran Church, on Rt. 44.  Due to the extremely soggy weather last Saturday, the club still has a nice variety of plants to sell, along with the other vendors who attended...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society met at the historic Mott Building on Monday, May 16 to deal with the following business : • Refreshments for the Oral History Night to be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, May 18 (It was, by the way, well attended and very informative and interesting). The scheduled speakers  were Don...

Upcoming Community Events (Week of May 27)

The Friends of Melana 5k Run/1 Mile Walk Register Today! The Friends of Melana Foundation is organizing the 6th Annual Friends of Melana 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to be held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, at Garrettsville Summerfest. All proceeds go towards research for children’s glioma brain cancer. Event registration can be done on line at Registration...

Hero’s Rock Visits Crestwood Middle School

Mantua - The Hero’s Rock Thank You Tour is all about bringing people together to show their appreciation to the military and their families. What better way than kids caring about kids! Hero’s Rock made a surprise visit to Crestwood Middle School in Mantua, Ohio last Wednesday. As the teens and pre-teens were heading down to lunch, a group at...

Local Company Pulls Parking Lot Prank

Hiram - Once again, Hiram-based Communications Factory marketing firm has found an unusual way to reward a local student. This year, much to her surprise, Chardon High School senior Courtney Kernc became the Factory’s 2016 Scholarship winner. Instead of just showing up at her Senior Banquet to hand over  a check, Communications Factory Plant Manager, Brad Turner, decided to...

Garrettsville Summerfest and Friends of Melana Giving Kids Cancer the Boot, One Step at a Time

Garrettsville Summerfest is only two months away and all the events are coming together quite nicely.  One of the biggest events is the Friends of Melana (FOM) 5K run/walk as a fundraiser for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Cancer Research. This year, the 6th Annual Friends of Melana 5K run and 1Mile fun run/walk will take place on Sunday June...

Record-breaking $226,000 raised on Hiram Giving Day

Hiram - People give back to Hiram College for a number of reasons, but donors came out in droves to show their dedication to the institution on this year’s annual Hiram Giving Day, held April 29, donating more than $226,000 in a 24-hour period. Now, the College is primed to break its record of $8.2 million in funds raised...

New Scholarship Created for YSU-Bound Windham Grads

Windham - “Pennies from heaven” are raining upon college-bound graduates from Windham High School, thanks to a $491,000 scholarship endowment created by 87-year-old Youngstown State University alumnus and former teacher Robert E. Kimes. YSU President Jim Tressel (pictured above) visited Windham High School on May 4 to make the announcement. While Kimes was not present at the news conference, Tressel...

Rotary Fit-n-Fun Family Festival set for May 15th

It was “business as usual” for  the members of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary on May 2, 2016, meeting at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, 12:00p.m.—sharp! No funny business; just the usual stuff. Christian Crawford will also be attending RYLA sessions this summer. Information has arrived about the possible next Rotary Student Exchange participant, from Germany.  Families are always needed to host these...

JAG Hall of Fame Induction – Iva Walker

Iva Walker was inducted into the James A. Garfield Hall of Fame on April 30th for her distinguished service to the school, and surrounding communities.

J.A. Garfield Hall of Fame Class of 2016

The tenth annual James A. Garfield Hall of Fame induction was—as usual—a great success as it took place on April 30 in the Professional Development Center in the Garfield Elementary School. Chief organizer Sheri Johnson and Master of Ceremonies Joe Malmisur, committee members Annette and Stan Carlisle, John Bennett, Jim Pfleger, Iva Walker and Ted Lysiak, with the able assistance...


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