
Rescue Village’s “Woofstock” a Tail-Wagging Good Time

Set amidst the rolling hills of Kirtland, Ohio dozens of tents of varying colors and sizes punctuated the landscape of Holden Arboretum. Housing everything from animal clinics to local business, and t-shirt to novelty vendors, there was truly something for everyone to see and do. After an impassioned blessing of the animals, attendees were invited to pause for a...

Young Marines Return ‘Home’ to Serve Local Community

Ravenna - The Chesty Puller Young Marines unit recently moved back to Ravenna from Cuyahoga Falls, and the organization is spreading the word they’ve returned ‘home’ and are re-engaged with the local community. The Young Marines is a youth education and service program for boys and girls, ages 8 through completion of high school. A national organization, the Young Marines...

NEOC Draws Nearly 200 Cyclists through Nelson Township

Nelson Twp - The blue skies, seasonal temperatures, and low humidity made Sunday the perfect day for a bicycle ride through the hills and dales of Northeast Portage County, Southern Geauga County and Western Trumbull counties. The Out-Spokin’ Wheelmen Bicycle Club from Youngstown thought so too, as they held their 39th Annual North East Ohio Century (NEOC) often referred...

Hiram Village Council Meeting

Hiram - On the eve of September 11, the Hiram Village Council held their monthly meeting. After the meeting was called to order, Mayor Lou Bertrand read a synopsis of the events of Sept. 11, 2001. A moment of silence was observed in respect for those who lost their lives. The council began regular business after the Pledge of...

LAF SOMe Visits Niagara Falls

The LAF SOMe group (That is Life After 50, Seniors on the Move for those of you not familiar with the moniker) headed out on a full bus last Wednesday for a fun-filled adventure.  Our destination was the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY.  The casino is located a short walk from Niagara Falls State Park where the...

Up, up and Away…

Ravenna -  The 34th Annual Balloon A-Fair was deemed a success. The event offered two parades, a fireworks display, vendors, live entertainment, food, rides and, of course, two spectacular balloon launches. Saturday’s balloon launch drew near record numbers to Sunbeau Valley Farms to watch the sky become a kaleidoscope of colors as 22 balloons took flight. The crowd started forming around...

Nelson Trustee Hurls Threat at Resident

Nelson Twp. - Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The fiscal officer presented the minutes from the previous meeting and the trustees approved them as presented. Chairman Jim Turos turned the meeting over to Tom Matota who invited Jim De Lucas from  Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority...

Murder Mystery Dinner “Marriage Can Be Murder”

Geauga Lyric Theater Guild is proud to announce their 3rd annual Murder Mystery Dinner fundraiser "Marriage Can Be Murder" on Saturday, November 10, 2012. Seasoned actors, using a professional script from Mystery Dinner Playhouse, will entertain you with their wit and have you guessing "who dunnit?" in order to win a prize!  The event will be held at Berkshire...

Music hath charms….

Music lovers, take note.  Hiram College Music Department  has released its fall schedule of events, open to the public and with events appealing to many tastes and free! September 27--Convocation (12:15-1:15 pm)  Faculty Showcase Concert-- Frohring Music Recital Hall October 30--Convocation (12:15-1:15pm) Student Recital--Frohring Music Recital Hall November 7--Jazz Ensemble Concert (7:30 pm)--Hayden Auditorium November 9--Hiram College Choral Concert (7:30 pm)--Hayden Auditorium November 11--Hiram...

2012 Apple Butter Festival Seeks King and Queen of the Core

Burton – The 64th Annual Apple Butter Festival comes to Century Village Museum Oct. 13 and 14. This year, for the first time, fans of this Geauga County tradition will be able to compete for the titles of festival King and Queen. Participants in the king and queen contest will earn points by competing in traditional harvest-festival activities, including archery...

Singing Weavers To Minister

Freedom Twp. - The Singing Weavers will be ministering at the First Congregational Church of Freedom on September 16 at 10:30am; a covered-dish dinner will follow. The Singing Weavers is a three-generation family group. They have been traveling and spreading God’s love through music and sharing the gospel for 40 years. Their ministry started in 1971 with Linda and Verlin Weaver...

Garrettsville Area Chamber will Host Masquerade Ball

Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce will hold their Third Bi-Annual Masquerade Ball on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Sugar Bush Golf Club located just outside of the city limits on State Route 88.  The doors will open at 6 pm, with a catered dinner from Special Moments Catering being served at 7 pm. Tickets for the event are...

Hiram College Art Gallery Features Renowned Artist Robert Buganski

Hiram - “Composing in Space: Sculpture and Assemblage by Robert Buganski,” features nearly 300 sculptural, mixed media compositions, and sketches created by Buganski over the past three years. His work has been featured in dozens of galleries across the country, and is currently on display at Hiram College’s Gelbke Fine Art Center Gallery through October 12. In this new...

JA Garfield Homecoming Parade

The James A Garfield Homecoming Parade is September 28th and will kick off at 4:30 p.m. Anyone interested in putting a float into the Homecoming parade should contact Frances Bell at fbell@jagschools. org Line up will begin behind the Movie Theatre in the plaza..

Rummage Sale for Portage APL

Ravenna - Stop by Portage APL on September 22, 2012 from 10-3 for a rummage sale and help homeless animals.  From small appliances and books to dog and cat supplies and household items, there’s something for everyone.  People may drop off items from now until the event. No clothes, large appliances or furniture, old TV’s or computers please. Items...

The Great Geauga County Fair, where Families Create Memories

Burton -  The kids are back in school but there is still plenty of time to get in that last summer hurrah. This weekend I know the perfect place: The Great Geauga County Fair in Burton is a place where you can create family memories that last a lifetime. The Great Geauga County Fair opens Thursday August 30th and will...

Portage County Historical Society News

Ravenna - The Portage County Historical Society will begin new hours of operation starting September 1, 2012.  The Society is located at 6549-51 North Chestnut Street, Ravenna OH and will be open on Thursdays and Saturdays from 2:00 p.m. To 6:00 p.m. The museum and library will no longer be open on Sundays for tours or research.A membership survey...

Happy Birthday, Social Security and Medicare!

Windham - Renaissance Family Center (RFC) recently held a birthday party for Social Security and Medicare last Friday.  They celebrated the fact that Social Security turned 77 years old and Medicare turned 47 years old this year.  Along with the birthday party the group brought in many local organizations to help folks know what services are available to seniors...

Summer Wars 2012 Comes to an End

When asked, what do a cinder block, goggles, memory verses, giraffes, cactus, tsunami, nose plugs, toy army men, garbage cans, a sheet, a group of cool kids, and inner tubes have in common; most of us would say, “what?”  All these items seem unrelated to us, however to a special group of young folks it means something, and that...

It’s Official! Save-A-Lot Food Store Finally Coming to Garrettsville

Garrettsville -Garfield Plaza at the west end of Garrettsville has been a quiet place since the Giant Eagle grocery store closed November 29, 2008.  But that’s about to change.  Alliance Foods out of Coldwater Michigan has contracted with owners Richard and Karen Wanders to lease the vacant grocery store space and open a Save-A-Lot Food Store. Save-A-Lot Food Stores bring...

Townhall II awarded Three-Year CARF Accreditation

Kent — CARF International announced that Townhall II has been accredited for a period of three years for its Horizon House women’s residential treatment program, Outpatient substance abuse/addiction treatment services for adolescents and adults, adult Intensive Outpatient treatment program, outpatient mental health counseling services for adults, and substance abuse prevention/diversion programs for children and adolescents.  The latest accreditation is...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians and their guests--District Governor Steve Zabor, past District Governor Jay Dzurilla, Daniel Cartwright, Caitlyn Lawless and Tom & Sherri Collins-- recently were treated to a program presented by  Carol Dombrose, founder and operator of Angel House, a facility offering retreats and other programs for inner city young people, and member of the Strongsville Rotary Club. Ms. Dombrose spoke...

DeYoung to Marry Dailey

Mr. And Mrs. Paul D Pohto of Garrettsville, Ohio and Lorne W. DeYoung of Southington, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Anna DeYoung to Stephen Dailey; son of Robert Dailey of Carrollton, Ohio and Mr. And Mrs. John Leonardi of Ravenna.  Rachel is a graduate of James A. Garfield High School, class of 2008 and is employed with...

Restoration of Buckeye Block Building Cues Revival on Main Street

Garrettsville - Restoration leads to revival. The renovation of downtown’s Buckeye Block Building is out to prove that. Just a year ago, the village’s anchor Main Street building was in such a severe state of deterioration, officials feared it was a public threat and might need to be torn down. Along with it would go four keystone businesses: Garrettsville Foot...

Silver Creek Garden Club Goes On Tour

The Silver Creek Garden Club organized a “Garden Tour” in July.  Twenty four members and friends visited the homes of three Garden Club members. Each Garden was unique and showcased different garden styles. Garden #1 was a secluded in-town home with privacy and perennials.  Appetizers were served while members were visiting this location. Garden #2 was out in the country, boasting...

Brick by Brick Honors Don Miller

Windham - Windham Brick by Brick Scholarship Program will hold their annual dinner on August 18, 2012.  The doors will open at 5 pm with folks having the opportunity to view the new fourth wall and share stories.   A fabulous chicken dinner, including homemade pies, will be served at 6pm by the Windham Congregational United Church of Christ...

Shaker Tree To Participate In “Shop Hop” Tour

Free gifts, a chance to win dozens of prizes and helping out the needy await customers walking through the doors of 10 area sewing stores during the dog days of August. The Second Annual Charming Quilt Shop Tour will be Thursday, Aug. 23, through Saturday, Sept. 1. The tour takes shoppers to Cortland, Champion, Niles, Fowler, Garrettsville, Chardon and across...

Last Car Cruise will be Peachy

Garrettsville’s last car cruise of the season will be held in conjunction with the Peach Social at the fire station on Elm Street this Saturday, August 11, 2012, ( rain date August 12, 2012) beginning at 5 pm. They will have live music provided by “The Boys are Back,” and the “Garretttones,” door prizes, 50/50 raffle and of course...

“Wet & Wild” Olympics

Caught up in the excitement of the Summer Olympics? Dream of owning a gold medal?  Bring your friends and have fun at Windham Library’s “Wet & Wild Olympics”, Monday, August 6 at 11:00 a.m.  Challenge yourself and others in a selection of outside games all guaranteed to get you wet!  If movies are more your speed, join us at...

It Was Surely Shirley

Garrettsville - On July 23, 2012, after a celebration of life (featuring colorful reminiscences by friend Mary Furillo) remembering long-time resident and active community member, Shirley Miller, an upbeat crowd gathered at the northeast corner of the James A. Garfield athletic field for a good-bye that she would have loved. Shirley was a booster of all things Garfield--athletics, attendance, music,...


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