Navigators USA announces Chapter opening in Streetsboro, Ohio
Streetsboro - Navigators USA, a co-ed, youth-adventure organization committed to opening minds and creativity through direct contact with nature, announces the formation of a new chapter in Streetsboro, Ohio. Robin Bossert, Executive Director, Navigators USA, welcomed the new chapter in an email sent to the founding committee members. “Pack your backpacks! You can now go camping as Navigator Chapter...
Special Meeting Scheduled In Nelson Twp. to Discuss NGCC
Nelson Twp. - Currently, more than 140 families in the Garrettsville area rely on the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard (NGCC) for supplemental groceries. In the one year that they have been open, NGCC has distributed over 34,000 food items to those in need. “We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support we have received from the community during...
“I’m considering donating blood. Are there any restrictions?”
“I’m considering donating blood. Are there any restrictions?” The Newton Falls Public Library staff knew that the American Red Cross is the local organization which sponsors blood donation collections, so we accessed their website to see if we could find the information needed by our patron. At, we selected Give Blood and then For First Time Donors. There is...
Italian Garden Comes to Burton
Burton - Italian food is one of the most popular ethnic foods in America, and Tim Weiss knows how to make it. With over 15 years of experience, you might say Weiss has marinara in his veins. He started the Italian Garden Restaurant in Garrettsville in 1997. He eventually sold the business to spend more time with his wife...
Pinewood Derby and Arrow of Light Ceremony
Garrettsville - On January 19, Cub Scout Pack 4062 of Garrettsville held their annual Arrow of Light Ceremony and Pinewood Derby. Eric Schaefer and Talon Cline were awarded the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light award is the highest award available to Cub Scouts. It requires the Scout to have earned the Webelos Scout badge and eight activity badges....
Rotary Report
Garrettsville - More Family Week prep for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary--Carolyn Miller, liaison with the Windham Schools, outlined her very thorough plans and procedures promoting all phases of the operation. She’s an organizer! Other facets of the festivities--recognition for couples married fifty years or more (seeking nominations), contests (and judging of same), prizes, sponsors, Fun Day activities--all came in for...
Assistant Chief Lawless Steps Down
Garrettsville - On January 13th, 1998, Gary Lawless was promoted to Assistant Chief of the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Joint Fire District after serving in both the ranks of Firefighter and Captain under multiple fire chiefs. Gary has made the decision to step down from his role as Assistant Chief after fifteen years of loyal service to this department and our community....
Troop 112 Wins The 2013 Winter Events Catapult Event
Newton Falls - Congratulations to Boy Scout Troop 112 of Newton Falls, Ohio for Winning the 2013 Winter Events Catapult Event at Camp Stambaugh in Canfield! Every year Boy Scout Troops from all over the Greater Western Reserve Council gather to test the skills they have learned. First, patrols must build a sled made of wood and lashed together using...
Free Water Testing in Streetsboro
Streetsboro - Author James Fennimore Cooper is quoted as saying, “The air, the water and the ground are free gifts to man and no one has the power to portion them out in parcels. Man must drink and breathe and walk and therefore each man has a right to his share of each.” If recent developments in the area...
Iron Eagle Martial Arts of Mantua Celebrates One Year In Business
Mantua - As of January 2013, Iron Eagle Martial Arts of Mantua celebrated one year in business! They offer classes in Traditional Taekwondo and Krav Maga (an Israeli self-defense system focusing on hand to hand combat) for beginner and advanced martial artists and specialized self-defense seminars, as this is at the core of what they teach. Chief Instructor Steve...
Century Village Museum Unveils Plans for an Exciting World War II Tribute Event
Burton – The Geauga County Historical Society’s Century Village Museum has announced plans to step back to 1941 for an event to honor the area’s World War II military veterans and those who supported the war effort at home. The event, Remembering Our World War II Veterans, will commemorate the era with entertainment and attractions on the grounds of Century...
Crestwood Local Schools Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration of students will take place on February 21 and 28 during the following times: 9:30 - 11:30 am; 1 - 2:30 pm and 5-7 pm at the Crestwood Primary building. Children must be five years old on or before August 1, 2013 to be eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2013-2014 school year. Information packets containing registration paperwork...
Family Week is a GO!
Garrettsvelle-Hiram Rotarians are rarin’ to go with all aspects of the familiar local activity, focused on highlighting just about everything about families, all kinds, all ages, all the time. Keep an eye out for more information as the dates draw near. Threre’ll be something for everyone. And if you want to get involved, say participating in the kick-off music...
Fire Department Issues Dominate Council Meeting
Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on January 22, 1013 with all council members, mayor, fiscal officer and village solicitor in attendance. Council approved the monthly expenditures and the bank reconciliation. The resolution R-2013-4 authorizing the village to enter in to an agreement with Garrettsville for dispatching services was questioned by council members. Two...
Hiram Police Department Receives Grant
Hiram - The Hiram Police Department is proud to announce the acquisition of a $2,437.20 grant award from the Ohio Department of Public Safety Justice Assistance Law Enforcement Grant. The grant will be directed toward the purchase of new portable communication radio units. “The JAG LE grant award will be utilized for the acquisition of portable radios”, said Chief Ed...
Be A Bird Friend
Bring birds into your life to make every day a Happy Bird Day by joining Geauga Park District Naturalist John Kolar, Senior Naturalist Dan Best, and Helen Hempal, owner of For the Birds, Wildlife and More in Chardon, on Saturday, February 16, from 1 to 4 p.m. at The West Woods Nature Center in Russell Township. Your time will be...
Hiram Music Events
Looking for a little adventure, a little touch of world travel to your musical experience? Well, then, the Music Department at Hiram College has just the thing for you. And it’s all free! Sunday, February 17--Traditional Irish session, 2:00--learn tunes, 3:00--Open session, play away! Frohring Recital Hall Friday, February 22--Shanua ~ Irish and World Music from their new CD, “Enchantment,” 7:30p.m.--Hiram...
Newton Township Cemetery Association
Newton Twp. - The Newton Township Cemetery Association held its first meeting for 2013 on January 17, 2013, at the Township Administration Building on Arlington Road in Newton Falls. Business was discussed and reports were given on the financial statements. The NTCA had participated in many local events in town in 2012. They held their first Cemetery Walk at the...
December Library Winners
Windham - Windham Library wishes to congratulate all of our lucky winners during the holiday season. Adult winners included Cliff Barker, winner of the holiday basket, and Tina Cottrell who scooped up a Christmas tree filled with M & M’s. Windham Library was happy to present new backpacks to four lucky children, compliments of an anonymous donation. Winners...
Depression: Beyond the blues
Everybody gets the blues sometimes—but depression is very different from the blues. About 18.8 million Americans experience depressive disorders that affect how they sleep, eat, feel about themselves, and live their lives. Depression has physical and emotional symptoms and cannot be wished away; people with depression can’t just “pull themselves together.” There are different types of depressive disorder, each...
Putting a Face on Fracking–Farming & Films (Part Three)
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves blasting millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals into a well to break up shale and allow oil and gas to flow out. The practice has come to Portage County in a big way over the last 18 months, potentially fueling economic development, while sparking public concerns over the potential impact...
Eagles Say Thank You
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Eagles Club wants to thank the merchants of the Village for their outstanding donations to the Eagles Scholarship fund. The donations generated the scholarship fund close to $800. Judy and Jim Mason, members of the scholarship committee (who did not win the basket full of goodies) did an outstanding job of collecting the donations. The list of...
Literary Music Club News
Literary Music Club held their meeting on January 9th. This was the meeting to install new officers. We need more members to attend the meetings, so the same people do not have to serve over and over. Margaret Lappert will be the new president, vice president is Jeannette Hall, treasurer is Margarite Strawman, and secretary is Billie English. Alma...
Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls
Newton Falls - If you’ve thought about joining Kiwanis Club, you are welcome to attend a meeting at Covered Bridge Inn Restaurant, 22 W. Broad Street, Newton Falls. We meet Tuesdays for supper at 6:30 p.m., then begin the meeting about 7:15 p.m.; however, please note that we conduct bingo games at Laurie Ann Nursing Home and Allan Dell...
Rotary Report
After their wild, bacchanalian Christmas party, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians have their noses back to the grindstone and have launched their new year’s first round of community projects. With Delores McCumbers presiding, the January 7 meeting began with discussion of district organizational meetings coming up and who will be attending them. There was a review of the Santa Visitation Project…with pictures. ...
Geauga Fresh Farmers Market 2013 Annual Organizational Meeting Scheduled
Burton - The Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market will hold its 2013 Annual Organizational Meeting on Saturday, February 9, 2013 at the OSU Extension office - Patterson Center on the Geauga County Fairgrounds at 14269 Claridon-Troy Rd. in Burton. The meeting will start at 9:00AM and refreshments will be served. Those interested in participating in the market this year are...
Hiram - What really needed restoration at the end of the hike was my pair of boots, which were never intended to stand up to THAT much mud. This was another adventure offered by the Friends of the Hiram Field Station, which has been organizing expeditions to quite a number of fascinating sites across northeast Ohio, in urban areas as...
The upside of a big snowfall? John Lambert’s amazing snow art!
Pictured is Santa enjoying a relaxing 'Spa Day' after the busy holiday.Lambert resides on Wolff Drive in Garrettsville.
Oasis® Breaks Ground On State-Of-The-Art Greenhouse In Kent
Kent - On an unseasonably mild day in December, on a quiet street in Kent, a small group gathered to take a huge step forward for OASIS®Grower Solutions (OGS). While a new greenhouse had been on the minds of many at OGS for several years, the company recently broke ground on the much-anticipated, 3,500-square-foot, state-of-the-art greenhouse facility on the...
Early Birds Give the Most
Ravenna - Some people started preparing for the Christmas holidays as early as Halloween. Others got a start on their shopping by Thanksgiving or Black Friday. But even these early birds were put to shame by a group of young kids known as the Chesty Pullers Young Marines. Back on October 1, they started collecting 4,000 toys for 360...