
Freedom Township Historical Society News

Freedom Twp. - The October 11th meeting of the Freedom Township Historical Society  began with Judy Thornton leading the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Amanda Garrett then read the minutes from the September meeting. They were approved as read. Next, Jim Hammar shared information about a collection of American Indian artifacts collected on his Nichols Road property. The Hammars...

Freedom One Room Schools

The Freedom Twp Historical Society is asking for your help!  We’re looking for pictures of and information about the following one room schools; we can make copies of any information you provide.  School # 2 located on Rt 303 in Drakesburg  east of Nichols Rd.; this school was sold to the Full Gospel Church in 1940.  School # 7...

Burton Public Library Events

The following events will be held at the Burton Public Library.  For more information & registration call (440) 834-4466. Check out for storytime schedule and book clubs. Kids & Teens: Our fall storytime session runs through November 18th for infants through children aged 5. Therapy Dog Reading Program *Registration Required. Grades K-5. Two Saturday Sessions: November 5 & 12. 11 a.m. - 12...

JA Garfield Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on October 17 to hit the ground running to the Christmas Walk coming up on the first two weekends in November (Nov. 4, 5 & 6, Nov. 11, 12 & 13, with the Candle Light Tour on Nov. 3 at 6:30 p.m.).Crafters are signed up for the Craft Show to be held...

Léhon’s Lingering Effects “One Year After”

Hiram – Six artists who spent eight weeks working together as residents in the Alfred and Trafford Klots International Program for Artists in Brittany, France will reunite on Oct. 21 at Hiram’s Gelbke Art Gallery. The exhibition will present paintings and drawings completed in France in the summer of 2015.  The “One Year After” exhibition will explore how the...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary met on October 10 to be informed by Stew Buchanan of District 6630 about the Centennial Celebration of the International Rotary Foundation begun by Art Klumph, of the Cleveland Rotary Club.  District 6630 will be hosting representatives from all over the nation and the world on October 23, 2016, with a concert by the famed Cleveland Orchestra...

20th Century Club News

The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met at the J. Leonard Gallery & Vintage Emporium for their meeting of October 6, 2016. The usual business   was completed, with cards being sent to absent members, secretary’s minutes and treasurer’s report.  A new member, Jill Thewlis, was welcomed to the group. The focus of the evening was the...

Garfield Schools Receive Fake Threat

At approximately 7am the Garfield School District received a threat in an email regarding the high school. The threat was not specific to Garfield High School, but it was investigated it as if it were real. Authorities were immediately notified and after tracing computer addresses the threat was NOT legitimate.

CPS Honors Local Heroes

Mantua - Early last week, students and staff at Crestwood Primary School held a school-wide assembly to show their appreciation for local heroes from the military, as well as local police, sheriff’s office, and fire departments. “The inspiration for our assembly was to welcome Chief Warrant Officer Jason Forson home from an 11-month tour in Afghanistan,” explained CPS Counselor Nikki...

Basketball Tournament, 100-item Chinese Auction To Benefit Girard Mom Of Twins With Breast Cancer

Southington – The 6th annual This Means War 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament & Chinese Auction will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 8 at Southington Chalker High School to raise money for Erica Immel of Girard, a mother of twin 5-year-old girls who was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer in October. Immel, 41, and husband, Dan, moved...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on Monday, September 19, in the historic Mott Building, Main St., Garrettsville, to conduct the following business : Papers and permits for the awning and shutters to be added to “the Bonnet Shoppe”( research center) are in the process of being obtained and  these additions will be completed as soon as possible. On with...

Looking for Swim Lessons for Your Children?

Well, look no further than Hiram College.  This will be our second session of Water Dog Swim Lessons for the  fall semester.  Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to have your child learn a valuable life lesson.  Get instruction from the colleges finest once a week for a four week period.  Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes with an additional fifteen...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the last meeting, Superintendent David Toth shared that the district did not fare as well as he had hoped on the State Report Card, which was recently published by the Department of Education. The district received an A in the Graduation Rate, a category that measures the percentage of students who successfully complete high school in four...

Portage County Plans Health & Safety Fall Family Fun Fest

Ravenna - Family and Community Services and the Portage County Health District are hosting a Health & Safety Fall Family Fun Fest that will be held on Thursday, October 6th,  from 4pm – 7pm at the Family and Community Services Building, located at 705 Oakwood St. Ravenna, OH. This event is free and open to the public. All Portage...

Freedom Township Historical Society News

Tuesday, October 11, at 1 PM is the next meeting of the Freedom Township Historical Society at the Freedom Community Center (former Methodist Church) on Rt 700.  Please note the new, afternoon time.  We will be continuing our discussion of Indians in Freedom.  All are welcome & you are encouraged to bring any artifacts (arrowheads, etc) and stories you...

Mantua Village Garden Club News

Mantua - The Mantua Village garden club has been hard at work with a couple of new projects. The first project evolved when members decided to spruce up the entrance to the Park Lodge, which was in need of a little TLC, before the potato festival. Then, just last weekend, the MVGC provided a “High Tea” in conjunction with...

WVFD Joint Fire District Plans Open House, Increases Staffed Hours

Windham - The Windham Fire Department open house is planned for Sunday October, 9th from 9am – 1pm in conjunction with the start of Fire Prevention Week. There is a planned health fair; helicopter demonstration, 50/50 raffle, safety literature and lunch will be provided. In other district news, the Fire Board meeting, the Fire Board evaluated the station staffing program...

Geauga County Historical Society Presents Vintage Summer Fashion

Burton - The Geauga County Historical Society reminds the public that its 2016 clothing exhibit, titled Vintage Summer Fashions, will continue to be open for public viewing every Friday afternoon through October 7, 2016, from noon to 4 P. M., as well as during the Apple Butter Festival on Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9, 2016.  The exhibit...

Mallory-DeHaven-Carlson Funeral Home To Hold An Honorary Balloon Release For Area Families

GARRETTSVILLE—Mallory-DeHaven-Carlson Funeral Homes & Cremation Services will host a special Holiday Memorial Celebration in honor of families who have lost a loved one. This free event will take place in Garrettsville at 8382 Center Street on Thursday October 6 at 6:00 p.m., and all members of the community are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served immediately following...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on Monday, September12 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville (lately recovered from the crowds at Sunday’s Queen of Hearts event) for their first–of-the-month business meeting. The business, in this case, was reporting by local delegates to this year’s RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) events held at Baldwin-Wallace University, Berea, OH.  The young people  who...

Twentieth Century Club News

The members of the Garrettsville Twentieth Century Club met August 25 at the Wheeler Rd. home of Nasreen Kitko for their annual summer get-together to connect before the beginning of the club year.  Roll call was answered by mentioning the individual member’s favorite place to be in the summer.  “In the pool with the grandchildren” got applause and affirmations...

“The Windham Bombers” Book Signing On September 2

Windham - The heroes and villains of local high school sports entered the spotlight this month with the publication of “The Windham Bombers,” the history of the first 50 years of Windham High School sports. Written by Windham High School and Hiram College graduate George Belden, the book involved ten years of research and interviews with hundreds of former athletes...

Combat an Epidemic Through Education

Deaths due to drug overdoses have increased dramatically, not only across the nation, but here in Portage County as well. Beyond becoming a major public health issue, this epidemic has serious consequences on the community as a whole. That’s why the Portage County Health Department and Mental Health Recovery Board have joined together with local churches, schools, and community...

Congratulations Town Trotter State Qualifiers

On July 9th four Town Trotter 4-H club members participated in the PAS Show (Performance Against Standards) all four qualified for the Ohio State Fair. Traveling to Columbus the last week of July were Andrew Pemberton as he qualified in English Pleasure & Equitation as well as Western Horsemanship and Ranch Pleasure. Makayla Gough qualified in Pony Barrels, Poles,...

Hiram Event Helps People & Pets

Hiram - In late July, the Hiram Police Department once again held their annual ‘Fill A Police Car’ Food Drive, and just like in previous years, this event was an astounding success. All told, roughly 650 pounds of non-perishable food items, as well as a fair number of monetary donations were collected. “Donations are especially important during this time of...

The Wall That Heals Coming To Burton This September

Burton - Geauga Park District and Geauga Veterans’ Services Commission are pleased to be bringing a national touring exhibition called The Wall That Heals to Geauga County Fairgrounds Thursday through Sunday, September 8 through 11. The Wall That Heals was created by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) to travel to communities across the United States. The exhibit features a...

2016 Antique Tractor Club of Trumbull County Hosts Summer Show

The Antique Tractor Club of Trumbull County’s show grounds located at 1653 Ridge Road, Vienna, Ohio 44473 will be the site of the 2016 annual summer tractor show beginning August 19 and continuing through August 21. This years show will feature Ferguson, Massey Ferguson, and Massey Harris tractors. Harry Ferguson was the inventor of the 3-point hitch called originally the...

Annual Raccoon County Music Festival

Burton - The Geauga County Historical Society proudly announces the 2016 edition of the Raccoon County Music Festival on the grounds of Century Village Museum in Burton, Ohio.  The one-day event will take place on Saturday, August 13, 2016, from noon to 7 P. M.  A wide variety of American and international music will be presented by more than...

Worth the Trip: CVNP

As summer break nears its end, you might be tired of hanging out at the local pool. If you’re looking to get back to nature, why not head out to our closest National Park -- the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) -- in nearby Peninsula? This park, which was designated as a National Park in 2000, is probably best known...

53rd Ox Roast Fair A Success

This year’s Mother Nature smiled on the 53rd Ox Roast Fair and the crowds did not disappoint. Of course, this great event could not be put on with out the tireless efforts of hundreds of volunteers. Many go above and beyond, offering their time, talent, and treasure. Folks from the surrounding area and even out of state visitors enjoyed...


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