
Here Come The Brides

Newton Falls - Dozens of flowers brighten up a chapel or outdoor venue for a wedding, and Sunday at Roby Lee’s Restaurant and Banquet Center in Newton Falls the reception hall was brightened by not one smiling bride, but rather dozens of beautiful brides-to-be who attended the 14th Annual Bridal and Catering Show, with friends and family in tow,...

Arsenal 5K Fun Run Benefits Park

Windham - Spring has officially arrived and if you have been lying around all winter then it is time to get outside and get moving. Here is an event you will not want to miss and it will not only help you get moving it will help a local group generate funds to restore their park. I am talking about...

Garrettsville’s C League is Ready for the OGSO Tournaments

Garrettsville - Garrettsville’s Girls C League is finishing up their regular season this week and will begin the first round of the Ohio Girls Softball Organization (OGSO) Tournaments the week of July 8, 2013. This year they have fielded three very talented teams, who anticipate going deep in the post-season play. The JAGS who currently are 14-0 (as of Sunday)...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are gearing up for the start of their fall club activities by fortifying themselves at the steak fry on August 19.  Hot grill, cool beverages, pot-luck  accompaniments, good company….  Way to go, Rotary.  New members welcome! Speaking of which…Kim Kohli and Delores McCumbers will be attending membership events at two different locations in the district to further the...

Geauga Small Business Expo

Middlefield - Support small local business by attending the Geauga Small Business Expo on Friday, April 1 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 2 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pine Craft Storage Barns, 13650 Madison Road (Route 528) in Middlefield (44062). More than 40 local businesses, many of them Amish-run, will participate showing products...

Freedom Township News

Freedom Twp. - Highlights of the February 17 meeting of the Freedom Township Trustees were: A representative of the Ohio Plan (insurance agency) presented information on a plan similar to the OTARMA plan which has been used for some time. This will be considered at the March 3 meeting. Zoning Inspector Derthick said a letter was sent to the business at...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary entertained their soon-to-depart Rotary Student Exchange ambassador, Rachel Schwan at the regular  noon meeting  at Cal’s II on June 9, 2014 for questions about her preparations for the big adventure.  This included getting through the visa process and a convention of exchange students coming up at Otterbein, the daunting challenge of learning the Thai language, contact with...

A Paranormal Historical Society Meeting

Windham - The spooky world of the paranormal is coming to the Windham Historical Society. At their monthly meeting on Monday, April 16, at 7 PM at the Brick Chapel, 9001 North Main Street, all interested listeners will hear how Windham once stood at the center of the world of psychic research. Local historian George Belden will present a talk...

New 4-H Club in Southington Invites Area Youth 

The Trumbull County 4-H program has a new youth club focused on teaching kids about natural resources and their environment, and they are looking for new youth to join the club. The 4-H natural resources projects help youth explore the outdoors and discover trees, plants, insects, and animals that live in streams, woods, and fields.  Kids are also engaged in...

20th Century Club News

Members of 20th Century Club met March 1st at the home of Connie Crate. Co-hostess for the evening was Gay McCoy.  Members answered roll call with their favorite English custom.  The program was given by Jeannette Marvin Hall on SENSE AND SENSIBILITY.  Following the program members enjoyed a baked potato bar with all the fixings.   The next meeting...

Meet the Neighbors: Theater Ninjas present ‘[sic]’

Cleveland - Babette, Frank and Theo are three neighbors who are on the verge of life changing episodes in their individual lives. Babette is a writer trying to get her first book deal, Frank is trying to launch an auctioneering career and Theo is in the throes of trying to finish the composition of his roller coaster theme song....

Garfield Women’s Auxiliary Formed to Support Firefighters

Garrettsville -  First responders make a living out of helping others in their time of need. Now, a support group has been formed to show gratitude to local firefighters in appreciation for all they do. Stacy Collins is a founding member of the newly formed Garfield Women’s Auxiliary associated with the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Volunteer Fire Department at 8035 Elm Street. The...

Old Gem gets New Lease on Life

Mantua - According to the 2007 National Agricultural Statistics Service census, only 662,264 barns built before 1960 remain across the country. In our area, a rare gem built in 1820 has been removed, but thanks to a local man, won’t be lost or forgotten. The nearly 200-year-old gem, which once stood in front of the Green Family Funeral Home...

Grief Gathering to be offered in Garrettsville

Garrettsville - St. Ambrose Church will be offering to the community a gathering of grief support and information on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm in the church hall. The group will meet from April 23rd through May 28th.  Participants should try to attend all of the sessions to take advantage of this beautiful program. Each gathering builds upon the...

Garrettsville Twentieth Century Club News

Garrettsville - The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville held its annual Christmas party at the home of Maureen See on Garfield Dr.  Ms See was assisted by Leah Schultz in offering hospitality.  The colorful and warming refreshments were a joint production. The evening was mostly given over to celebration of the season.  The group affirmed their usual $75 contribution to...

Portage County Literacy Coalition Hosts 22nd Annual Spelling Bee

Ravenna - It was a spellbinding event on Friday, May 24, 2013, at the Ralph Regula Conference Center located at NEOMED in Rootstown, Ohio.  The Portage County Literacy Coalition (PCLC) held its 22nd annual “Jeopardy-Style” Spelling Bee.  This year there were five teams that competed against each other.  The Community Action Council of Portage County retuned to try and...

Mantua’s Art & Wine Festival This Weekend

Mantua - If you’re looking for a fun and unusual way to spend your Saturday, check out Art on the Hill in Mantua. Each year, local and regional artisans come together on a chosen day each July to line both sides of East Prospect Street in the Village of Mantua to sell their handmade art. This year, that day...

Agape Christian Academy Hosts Open House

Geauga County – Agape Christian Academy is hosting an Open House on Monday, February 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at both of its campuses. Parents and children are invited to attend and learn more about the school, tour the facilities and meet the staff. There will be refreshments and activities for the children. The school serves students at two...

Portage County Gardeners present a Candy Making Workshop– The Basics

Ravenna - This is definitely the hands-on workshop you’ve been dreaming of. With a few basics, you’ll making candies to take home with you as well as sampling a few as you work. Yum! On Saturday, November 8th from 10 am - Noon, you’ll learn what chocolate to use, how it should be handled, and how to turn the basic...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville - Noses to the grindstone, eyes on the snowy skies, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club got down to business at their meeting on April 4, 2016 at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville.  Here was their agenda: This year’s Fit & Fun program will be likely having involvement of the Garrettsville YMCA, especially in regard to the nutrition program and pickleball. ...

Mantua Township Resident’s Issue Resolved

Mantua Twp. - After the Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., demolished an abandoned home next door, Deeanna and Thomas Barkett purchased the vacant lot, which was adjacent to their property, at Sheriffs sale in the fall of 2013. In January 2016, the Barketts were notified that an assessment of $9,000 — more than they paid for the property — was...

Portage County Gardeners’ Speakers Series Continues

Noelle Clark Akin is the Director of Communications and Education at Petitti Garden Center. She has twelve years in the Green Industry, and has instructed and assisted gardeners all over Northeast Ohio through her work in Petitti Garden Center’s retail stores. Outside speaking engagements and filling in for Angelo Petitti in his absence on his NewsNet5 television segments and...

Robinson Hospice Volunteers honored

Ravenna - On October 2, Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice volunteers were honored for their dedication and service to Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice and the Portage County community. The annual event, held at the Ravenna Elks Lodge, celebrated those who are committed to serving individuals and families in hospice care. Robinson Hospice Volunteers are an integral part of a...

Garrettsville SummerFest Adds $100 Prize for Steeplechase

Dubbed  a race for the toughest of tough, the Steeplechase Canoe Race is not for the weak or faint at heart. It is a paddle-and-drag type race that will require not only canoe skills, but strength and endurance as well. One will be required to navigate the mighty Silver Creek through brush, briars, beaver dams, and natural bridges.  It...

New Administrator Improving Conditions at County Nursing Home

Ravenna - There’s a new administrator at Portage County’s nursing home, The Woodlands at Robinson in Ravenna. When Christa Mayes took the position on April 1, The Woodlands was home to 65 residents. As of April 29th, there were 80. The Woodlands is on the grow, so anyone considering short- or long-term nursing home care should visit before the...

Freedom Trustee News

Freedom Township - The regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Hammar at 7:30 pm on Thursday, June 16, 2011, immediately following the public hearing. In attendance were Trustees James Hammar, Roy Martin, John Zizka; Rosemary Nicholas, Fiscal Officer; Jeff Derthick, Zoning Inspector and Charles VanSteenberg, Road Supervisor. Also present were  Harold...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on January20, 2014 in the historic Mott Building on Main St., Garrettsville for their regularly-scheduled (third Monday of each month) meeting…plenty to talk about. The mills of the gods grind slowly and so do the proceedings of the Ohio Historical Society.  Cash greases the wheels in all too many situations and...

The History of Santa Claus

As a Santa collector, my curiosity grew with my collection. When I was a child he was mystical and mysterious but I could not wait to drive to Huntington, WV  every year in early December to see him. In those days that was quite a trip from our farm in the country. What is his origin? I suppose we should...

Community in Action Hits the Ground Running

The Community in Action for Windham has been very busy since their inception, earlier this fall. The group was started with an idea to serve the community of Windham and its people.  This is being accomplished by helping those folks in need and to bring the community together as a whole, by having events for families, individuals and the...

Mayor’s Spring Update For The Village of Garrettsville

Garrettsville - The Portage County Engineer’s office is responsible for safety and maintenance for the two bridges on Liberty Street. The County Engineers have closed the Liberty Street Bridge between Center St and Park Ave. and the sidewalk/bridge near Water St and Liberty St. after their annual bridge inspection on Friday last week. Drivers on Liberty Street should use caution when...


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