Kiwanis Junior Olympics Held In Newton Falls
Newton Falls - Newton Falls Kiwanis Club and nearly sixty enthusiastic 6- to 12-year olds spent a chilly May 11 morning enjoying track and field events. Co-sponsored by Positive Images, and with much help from Coach Brian Bugos and the high school track team, these games allow our young people to exercise and have fun with their peers, while...
Valuable Information Learned From Multi-County Disaster Drill
Ravenna – On April 25, Robinson Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with the Northeast Central Ohio Regional Disaster Planning Consortium (NECO) and a number of emergency management agencies, held a mock disaster exercise to test the hospitals’ abilities to respond to a devastating ice storm which swept through the region resulting in numerous simulated casualties and fatalities. All 50 participating agencies...
Rotary Report
Elizabeth DeLuca, recently of the University of Findlay, was on the program of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary at their meeting on May 13, 2013. She is a well-traveled young lady and offered insights on her stays in Japan, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. Her title for this presentation was ”Through the Looking Glass--seeing American identity through multicultural eyes”. She found that citizens of...
UH Geauga Medical Center Tea Luncheon featuring “Bras For a Cause” to be held
Geauga County – The second annual University Hospitals (UH) Geauga Medical Center Tea Luncheon featuring “Bras For a Cause” will be held at Chardon United Methodist Church, 515 North Street in Chardon on Saturday, June 29th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cancer awareness and fundraising event is presented by the UH Geauga Medical Center Auxiliary. Over 100 people...
Burton Antiques Market Returns on June 8th With Over 400 Dealers
Burton - Don’t miss what promises to be one of the most exciting events of the antiques show summer season. Now celebrating its 52nd year, the Burton Antiques Market returns to the Geauga County Fairgrounds for the first of this year’s semi-annual shows on June 8th. With 400 of America’s leading dealers displaying their finest antiques and vintage collectibles,...
GCRTA Luncheon
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 for a luncheon and meeting at the St. Denis Golf Club, 16660 Chardon Road (Rt. 6), Chardon, Ohio. Gathering time at 11:15 AM, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and lunch at 12:00. The menu will consist of Dijon pork loin, buttered redskin potatoes, green beans...
CYF Builds Benches to Build Hope
Mantua - The Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) United, comprised of youth groups from three area churches, have been practicing their carpentry skills to raise money for an upcoming mission trip. The group of 18 area high schoolers from Hilltop Christian, Hiram Christian, and Mantua Center Christian Churches made Leopold Benches. The design for the benches came from reknown naturalist...
Mantua Historical Society Discusses Nature
At the last meeting of the Mantua Historical Society, to commemorate Earth Day, Matt Sorrick, Director of the Center for Science Education at Hiram College spoke on “Do Mother Nature a Favor: Take a kid outside, and they just might change the world!”. Kids now spend 27% of their day in front of some type of screen. They spend...
Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians we’re offered renewed insights on the operations and goals of the Coleman Professional Services--Fostering Recovery, Building Independence, Changing Destinies--being offered to the citizens of Portage, Summit, Stark and Trumbull counties here in northeast Ohio and in Allen, Auglaize and Hardin counties in northwestern Ohio. One of the first understandings required is the reality that 25% of the population...
The majestic beauty of the horse is yours to discover at HorseFest
KIRTLAND – The majestic beauty of the horse is yours to enjoy during HorseFest. Meet more than 20 breeds of horses from the very small to the very tall. Plus Farmpark’s own Percheron and Belgian draft teams. Experience the splendor and grace of the horse, and discover how they have been used by man throughout history for work and...
Self-Described ‘Lunatic Farmer’ Unleashed at Hiram College
Hiram - Hiram College students and local farmers had the opportunity to meet Joel Salatin, who the New York Times called, “the high priest of the pasture,” and “Virginia’s most multi-faceted agrarian since Thomas Jefferson”. Salatin raises livestock free of potentially harmful chemicals on his Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia. He was thrust into the public eye when he...
Intimate Gathering for 2013 HOF Inductees
A select but enthusiastic group, including previous honorees, Mitch Collins ’76, John Bennett ’77 and Darrin Perusek ’93, attended the 5th annual James A. Garfield Hall of Fame induction on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in the HS/MS Commons honoring Martin Paul ‘61 and Mark Manno ’74. The social hour allowed family and friends to mingle and exchange reminiscences; the welcome...
Parkman’s Annual Kite Festival was a Success
Parkman - The skies above Parkman’s Overlook Park resembled a kaleidoscope last Saturday as the Parkman Chamber of Commerce held their 13th Annual Kite Festival. Kites of all shapes, colors and sizes dotted the vivid blue skies with beautiful colors as kids of all ages were at the park flying them. One could look up one minute and see...
Kiwanis Club Steak Dinner a Success
Newton Falls - The Newton Falls Kiwanis Club would like to thank the community for their support of our annual Steak Dinner which was a great success. We also want to thank George, Mary, & Staff of the Covered Bridge Inn for the hard work that they put into the event. Kiwanis appreciates the help of wives and friends...
Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians hit the trail last Saturday for their semi-annual roadside clean-up between--where else--Garrettsville and Hiram. Interact members from James A. Garfield High School--Laura Wilburn, Brittany Sisson, Abigail Hahn, Laura Curby, and Annie Sheller--assisted in completing the project then joined Rotarians at McDonald’s for a pick-me-up after the effort. Many thanks to Mike Payne and the always-cheerful crew at...
May 7, 6:30 a.m.- 7:30 p.m. Know your precinct; call the Board of Elections, if you need to find this information. Bring your government-issued I.D. (driver’s license) or utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government document or check-- with your address. Exercise your RIGHT to VOTE. Memorial Day is coming; the people we honor then have given you this privilege,...
Fourth Annual PTO Chess Tournament Winners
Garrettsville - Sarah Bittence and Michael Baczkowski (pictured above) won their respective divisions for the annual 4th grade PTO chess tournament (pictures below). Congratulations to them both! The tournament was held over their lunch break for several weeks, and they recently competed in the finals. For the boys division, Michael Baczkowski defeated Luke Porter in the final match. For the...
Crestwood High School Honor Roll – 3rd Grading Period
3.5+ SENIORS Sara Amport, Kathleen Bailey, Kelly Baker, Madeline Becker, Nichole Bencie, Courtney Berish, Katie Bretland, Stephanie Bruce, Gabrielle Caddell, Victoria Chiller, Emma Cline, Mallory Czuchra, David Defer, Brittany Donell, Kira Edic, Mckenzie Faust, Tyler Fear, Ryan Fedor, Brett Fisher, Jacob Graves, Allyson Groves, Joshua Gula, Gina Harmon, Jenna Head, Tara Hilverding, Sally Hoffman, Francis Hosey *, Cassandra Hunter *,...
Crestwood District News
Mantua - Narrowing down the playing field in just a few short months from forty-seven applicants to just one, the Crestwood School Board has hired David Toth, (currently the principal at West Geauga High School), as Crestwood’s new School Superintendent. Retiring Superintendent Joe Iacano stated, “I wish David the best. He is coming to an excellent district that already...
Relay for Life Brings Big Hope for Survivors
Hiram - Less than twenty-four hours after we enjoyed temperatures in the upper 70s, teams of students, faculty, staff and community members walked amid blowing rain and snow last Friday night at the Charles A. Henry Field track at Hiram College in honor of cancer victims and survivors. Although the weather wasn’t ideal, it didn’t dampen the celebratory mood...
Garfield Historical Society News
The James A. Garfield Historical Society meeting on April 15 hosted two guests--Jim Shank, who brought information on the county’s revolving loan fund (terms and requirements for projects) and Tommie Jo Marsilio, county commissioner, offering similar commentary on possible undertakings involving county support. Re-roofing of the Mott Building and the preservation of the Foote property (Pauls’ grist mill location)...
Changing of the Guards for the Garfield Band Boosters
Garrettsville - It was a changing of the guard so to speak, as the James. A Garfield (JAG) Band Boosters elected new officers for the 2013-2014 year. The new president is Sherry Jones, Vice President of Uniforms -Robin Wadkins, Vice President of fundraising - Kim Hoffman, Secretary- Shelley Everett, and Treasurer - Kim Curry. Band Director Mr. Cebulla reported that...
Rotary Variety Show Coming April 20th
Mantua - The Rotary Club of Mantua will present its traditional Variety Show, showcasing local talent with additional performers from Hiram College and relatives and frien ds of local residents. Several favorites will return, including Bob Stehli, Char and Jena Head and Heather Ristau. A well-known local musician, Steve Vanderink, will be joining the entertainers this year. The show...
Silver Creek Garden Club News
The Silver Creek Garden Club met on March 27th at the home of Jeanne Payne where artist Christine French taught a class on making beach glass jewelry. Their next meeting on Wed. April 24th at 1:00 p.m. will be hosted by Marie Elium and Colleen Steele. Kathy Hanratty, the president of the Native Plant Society of N.E. Ohio and...
RMH to Participate in Disaster Drill
Ravenna - On April 25, 2013, Robinson Memorial Hospital will participate in a disaster exercise conducted by the Northeast Central Ohio Regional Disaster Planning Consortium (NECO). Disaster exercises or mock drills are held annually to test the plans and response processes of participating hospitals and emergency management agencies. This year’s exercise will stage a disaster that impacts 13 surrounding...
Dam Safety Presentation
Geauga County - If you own a regulated dam on your property, or know someone who does, you will be interested in attending a meeting on dam safety, liability, and planning for the future. Dam owners, public safety officials, and community leaders are strongly encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30th from 6:00 –...
Help A Humanitarian Help the 4Cs
The Crestwood Community Care Coalition (4Cs) has been helping families in the Crestwood School District for over 20 years. Now, you’ve got a chance to help them by doing something you probably already do anyway. The more donations of money and non-perishable food they receive now through April 30th, the more Feinstein Challenge money the 4Cs will get. For the...
Honor WWII Veterans at a Tribute Dinner; Dance the night away at a USO-style dance at Century Village Museum
Burton – As part of its planned commemoration of World War II, the Geauga County Historical Society is inviting the Geauga County community to join its World War II veterans for a tribute dinner Saturday evening, May 25. Following the dinner, guests are invited to “swing” back to the 1940s, with a USO-style dance. Limited space is available for both...
Take This Opportunity to Meet Live Birds of Prey
Warren - The Birds in Flight Sanctuary of Warren, Ohio, will be presenting a Raptor Education Program on April 13th, 2013 at 7pm. This is a FREE event and is open to the public. The program is being sponsored by The Eagle Creek Conservation Club and will be held at their club facilities located at 5525 Eagle Creek Road,...
‘Tuesdays With Ellie’ Come to a Close
Mantua - If you haven’t had the chance to stop by, Tuesday, April 16th is the final scheduled community event at Mantua Center School. As the six-week trial of what has come to be called ‘Tuesdays with Ellie,’ come to a close, event organizer Ellie Monroe reflects on the effectiveness of her program. “I consider it a success,” states...