
Garrettsville Twentieth Century Club News

Garrettsville - The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville held its annual Christmas party at the home of Maureen See on Garfield Dr.  Ms See was assisted by Leah Schultz in offering hospitality.  The colorful and warming refreshments were a joint production. The evening was mostly given over to celebration of the season.  The group affirmed their usual $75 contribution to...

Windham Lights Parade a Success

Windham - Folks flocked to the streets and braved the bitter cold Sunday night to watch the first Winter Lights Parade sponsored by Community in Action for Windham (CIAFW). The event was held in conjunction with the Windham Community Church Fellowship Tree Lighting in the gazebo on the township green. The parade line-up began at Dollar General, stepped off at...

Sing and Rejoice!

Taken in any combination—singing because you rejoice, rejoicing because you’re singing, rejoicing to hear the singing, singing to spread the rejoicing—this is a prescription for a lighter heart  for the holiday season.  You can get a maintenance dose by attending the Hiram Community Choir concert at 7:30p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2013 in the Hiram Christian Church at the...

Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice recognized as We Honor Veterans partner

Ravenna -  It may surprise many people to learn that 25 percent of those who die every year in the U.S. are veterans. To help provide care and support that reflect the important contributions made by these men and women, Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice has become a national partner of We Honor Veterans, a pioneering campaign developed by...

Election of Officers and Committee Chairpersons for Cemetery Association

The Newton Township Cemetery Association met at the Newton Township Administration Building on November 21, 2013. Three new members were welcomed: Bill Douglass, Doreen and Robert Lutz. Election of officers and committee chairpersons was held and the following were elected for 2014. President-Lois Wynkoop Vice-President-Phillip Beer Secretaty-Mary Lou O’Lear Treasurer-Elsie Whetzel Gifts and Bequests-Robert Pittman Membership-Louanne Dubos Publicity-Rosemarie Smith The association will participate in the Community Craft Show to...

Peace Light from Bethlehem arrives December 5th in Northeast Ohio

In the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem there are 15 oil lamps that have been burning continuously for over a thousand years. This is the Peace Light flame. Now in its 27th year, the Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign was originally organized by the Austrian Broadcasting Company - ORF (Linz) - and was part of a large charitable...

Mantua’s Christmas Tour Starts This Weekend

Mantua - For the first time ever, the Rotary Club of Mantua is hosting its Christmas Tour of Homes during the first two weekends in December.  While usually held in November, this year’s December tour of homes will help you get into the holiday spirit, giving you ideas for decking your own halls while it begins to look a...

Community in Action Hits the Ground Running

The Community in Action for Windham has been very busy since their inception, earlier this fall. The group was started with an idea to serve the community of Windham and its people.  This is being accomplished by helping those folks in need and to bring the community together as a whole, by having events for families, individuals and the...

Local Youths Participated In National Bible Bee Competition

For the third year in a row, local youths headed to Sevierville, Tennessee to take part in the 2013 National Bible Bee Competition sponsored by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation. At a regional testing site in August, five area young people – Ronnie Matthews of Girard, and siblings Nathanael, Joshua, Caleb and Hannah-Abigail Toth of Newton Falls – secured top qualifying...

Midnight Madness In Ravenna on Friday

Ravenna – Shopping the day after Thanksgiving has become the ‘stressful norm’ in our chaotic American lives as we hit the trail running in our quest to find ‘that perfect gift’ for everyone on our shopping list.  BUT it doesn’t have to be that way.  After more than 31 years as a family celebration in downtown Ravenna, Midnight Madness...

Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Lighted Christmas Parade on December 7, 2013

Ravenna - Ravenna Balloon A-Fair's annual lighted Christmas Parade “Treasures Under The Tree” (sponsored by Fortis College) will take place in downtown Ravenna on Main Street at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 7. Line up begins at 6pm at the corner of Main Street & Myrtle and at East Plaza parking lot. The parade includes themed floats, dancing and marching...

Kiwanis Welcomes New Members

Newton Falls - The Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls welcomed seven new members this year.  Some members were invited to join by friends; others wanted to take part in the many activities that benefit Newton Falls residents and children, especially after reading the newspaper articles about this service organization. We asked these members why they joined or what activities they...

Giving Thanks to a Local Hero

Mantua - In this season of giving thanks, Frank Iannaggi, owner of the G & C Bakery in Mantua, is giving thanks for his wife, his five daughters, and his gorgeous grandchildren; the newest of whom was born this month. If you know Frank, or you’ve ever had the occasion to talk with him, you’ve most likely never heard...

Free Water Monitoring Conducted by Concerned Citizens Ohio

Shalersville - Free well water monitoring will be conducted  the first Sunday in December, Dec. 1, 2013, at Sand Hill Stable 4311 State Route 303, just west of the 303/44  intersection. This is the first testing since the start of the new quarterly testing schedule. Trained water monitors from Concerned Citizens Ohio will test for chemicals and salts that can...

Mantua – Shalersville Area Chamber News

Shalersville - The Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber met for their monthly meeting at the Shalersville Town Hall last Wednesday November 20, 2013. President Christine Pittsinger called the meeting to order.  After brief introductions were made, the guest speaker, Peter Young from Benefits 1 was introduced. Mr. Young talked about the up and coming changes to workers compensation and other insurance...

Burton Village Celebrates the Holidays

Burton - The Burton Chamber of Commerce will host Country Hearth Christmas Nov. 29 & 30, Dec. 1, 7 & 8 in Burton Village. The log cabin in the park will be the hub of activity over the five-day event offering horse drawn carriage rides. Come snuggle up to the roaring fire in the fireplace, relax on a rocker...

Amish Home Craft & Bakery Holiday Open House

Middlefield - Amish Home Craft & Bakery will host their 7th Annual Holiday Open House from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm on November 29 & 30 at 16860 Kinsman Road (State Route 87) 1.5 miles east of Middlefield. Enjoy free coffee and cookies as you get your holiday shopping off to a great start. Local crafters will be setting...

Windham Village Council Holds Special Meeting

Windham - Windham Village Council called a special meeting for Tuesday November 12, 2013 at 6pm to finalize the financing of the new building and property they are purchasing at 9083 North Main Street Windham, Ohio.  That being said, the meeting did not start until after 7pm because they did not have a quorum and they decided to hold...

GCRTA Luncheon

The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 for a luncheon and meeting at Century Grille at Grandview, 13404 Old State Road (Rt 608), Middlefield, Ohio  44062. Gathering time at 11:15 AM, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and  lunch at 12:00.  The menu will consist of Chicken Marsala, fettuccine alfredo, corn, split red-skinned...

Rotary Report

Elf Helpers, sign up for your Santa delivery of Christmas gifts ASAP.  Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are co-ordinating the personal visits by the “right jolly old elf” again this year.  For many families, it is a tradition  stretching across generations, so you’ll want to make sure that you  sign up and get the packages that you’d like to be delivered to...

Holiday Youth Performances at Geauga Theater

While the classic “Miracle on 34th Street” is gracing the Geauga Theater stage in December, the Geauga Lyric Theater Guild will also be featuring class performances to celebrate the holiday season. Students have been practicing lines, warming up their voices and preparing costumes and decorations. Three performances will be offered to spotlight the talented youth in our community. “A Charlie...

Fortis College in Ravenna “Warms Up Winter” for Portage County Residents

Ravenna –   Thanks to Fortis College in Ravenna, nearly 500 Portage County residents now have new winter coats to help them ward off the winter chill. With the help of students, staff and several community partners, the campus collected 480 new or gently-worn winter coats that were given to area residents during Fortis College’s 3rd Annual Coat Giveaway. In...

Holiday Country Fair

Burton - Enjoy a day of holiday shopping in the country at a collaborative event featuring local talent, Amish craftsman and direct sales vendors. This event will take place at the picturesque Red Maple Inn at 14707 South Cheshire Street in Burton, Ohio.  It will run on Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st, 2013 from 11 am to...

Rotary Report

It’s all about the Reverse Raffle coming up on November 7 at the Sugar Bush Golf Club.  The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are entertaining everybody they can find and sell a ticket to.  There are side boards and steaks, chicken and choice baskets to bid on, a substantial pot to win, music and competition-level conviviality.  It’s the big fund-raiser of the...

In Honor of Health Literacy Month Robinson Memorial Hospital takes steps to educate the community on health literacy

Ravenna – “Health Literacy” is the ability to read, understand and find health information. A large gap exists between the way healthcare issues are communicated and how most people understand that communication. In fact, according to the National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy, nearly 9 out of 10 adults have difficulty using routine health information. Robison Memorial Hospital recognizes...

End of an Era

Garrettsville - Evonne Fox waits on Scott Russell, who was the last customer served at the Garrettsville Hardware “Do It Best” franchise.  The hardware store re-opened on October 21 as Garrettsville Ace Hardware.

Newton Township Cemetery Association News

Newton Twp. - The Newton Township Cemetery Association is continuing to record cemetery gravestones until inclement weather in the seven cemeteries of Newton Township.  Information from this project is being compiled in a data base at the Newton Township administration building.   Work with the Lutheran and Wilderson cemeteries is nearing completion. Types of information needed for this project are...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians met in the Hiram College Dining Hall on October 21, 2013 to hear from District 6630 Governor Bob Johnson of the Middlefield-Burton Rotary Club; Assistant Governor George Schumacher of the Aurora Rotary Club was also in attendance. They made announcements of events upcoming on November 3 at Doogans in Aurora and on November 9 at the DoubleTree...

Windham Expresses Their Love for Maruf

Windham - It was a “Make a Difference Day” like no other in Windham, this past Saturday. It was a cold, blustery fall day, but that did not deter 200-plus folks from coming out to express their love and appreciation for Maruf Awad, owner of the local Sparkle Market in Windham. Instead of doing something specific for the community...

Robinson Hospice Volunteers honored

Ravenna - On October 2, Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice volunteers were honored for their dedication and service to Robinson Visiting Nurse and Hospice and the Portage County community. The annual event, held at the Ravenna Elks Lodge, celebrated those who are committed to serving individuals and families in hospice care. Robinson Hospice Volunteers are an integral part of a...


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