
Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Busy time for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club at their meeting on July 28, 2014 at Cal’s II.  The monthly list of program responsibility was reviewed.  President Delores  McCumbers spoke of the benefits of the PETS (President Elect Training Sessions) program and of a Rotary Honors Vets event coming up in central Ohio.  Facilities-use papers have been filed for Family...

Buckeye Block Recap

“I believe that we are on the verge of seeing a new Garrettsville, but not losing the charm of the old one."

25TH Annual Benefit Race/Walk

Newton Falls - Newton Falls Kiwanis Club announces a new race route for its annual Labor Day 4-Mile Run and 2-Mile Walk.  On September 1, rain or shine, runners and walkers will begin and end near Faces Lounge, the registration site.  The course will feature school property and pass through the historic covered bridge. Bob Wujcik, Kiwanis president, hopes for...

Crestwood School News & Upcoming Events

Mantua - At the last school board meeting, the board announced their selection of several individuals to fill vacancies within the district. Lindsay Ludlow was hired to teach at the Primary School, while Monica Lazanich, Samantha Leonino, and Jamie Vick were hired to teach at the  Intermediate School. Jacob Page will be teaching at the High School, and Julie...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club welcomed several guests at the July 21 meeting at Cal’s II—Erin Koon and Jessica McKnight from Huntington Bank, sitting in for Tanay Hill, Evelyn West, local delegate to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) and  her mother, Sandy West.  The club also welcomed the return of Kim Kohli after an inactive period. Items of business included dues...

“Good Morning Baltimore…” and Warren Ohio: Summer Stock 37 presents Hairspray: The Musical

Songs include 1960s-style dance music and "downtown" rhythm and blues. In 1962 Baltimore, plump teenager Tracy Turnblad attempts to realize her dream of dancing on The Corny Collins Show, a local TV dance program similar to American Band Stand, and to join the movement for civil rights.

Feed Me…

Garrettsville - Anyone with some spare time and a sense of humor should make a beeline for the Iva Walker Theatre this weekend for the final performances of “Little Shop of Horrors” by the thespians of the Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre company. The plot revolves around an alien plant that just happens to wind up in a Skid Row florist...

Annual GCRTA Picnic Scheduled

The Geauga County Retired Teachers’ Association will hold their annual picnic on Tuesday August 5th at Swine Creek Park in Middlefield at the Lake Side Shelter. Swine Creek Park is located at 15900 Hayes Rd. which turns off of Rte 87 east of Middlefield. (Please refer to a map which is posted on our website: Attendees may gather...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club will be sponsoring a hole at the G-Men Football Golf Outing coming soon AND contributing to a fabulous New York learning experience for the Candance Academy, involving master classes, a lesson with the Rockettes and the new version of “Cinderella” on Broadway. Supporting the community is what it’s all about. Light Up Rotary!

Road Issues Dominate Windham Township Meeting

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly schedule meeting with all the trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order and the trustees approved the expenditures, and minutes from the June meeting. Road Supervisor Brian Miller reported that Mr. Isler removed the electric poles on the green and thanked him for helping with...

Deadline Nears for Chapman Award Nominations

The deadline for submissions is Monday, July 14, 2014. Nomination forms are available at all Geauga County Public library branches including Bainbridge, Chardon, Geauga West and Middlefield Libraries, Newbury and Thompson Stations, the Bookmobile, and at the Geauga County Public Library Administrative Center 12701 Ravenwood Dr., Chardon. More than one nomination form may be submitted per person.

Art Abounds Around Town This Weekend

Be sure to check out the Art Hop in Hudson, and Art on The Hill in Mantua this weekend!

Village Piecemaker’s Quilt Club to Raffle “Village Square” Quilt

The Village Piecemaker’s Quilt Club has created this beautiful queen size quilt (95” x 112”)  called “Village Square”.   This quilt, which is being raffled,  will be on display at the Weekly Villager office (8088 Main Street, Garrettsville) during the Garrettsville Summerfest.  Tickets for the quilt are 6 for $5 or $1 each and will be available at the...

Julie Thompson to speak about the “Last Great Train Robbery” in Garrettsville

Alvin “Creepy” Karpis' successful train heist in Garrettsville, lead to the first arrest made by J. Edgar Hoover, and catapulted Hoover and his G-Men into national prominence, and helping secure the Garfield school mascot name of G-Men.

Disbursement Guidelines Established for GarrettsvilleStrong Fund

Almost three months after the fire that devastated a portion of downtown Garrettsville, the charred remains of what once was, have been removed. Fill dirt and fencing, banners displaying support and hope now line a portion of Main Street. As the cleanup process was taking place, the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors have been working to establish guidelines on how the monies raised and held in the GarrettsvilleStrong fund will be distributed.

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary entertained their soon-to-depart Rotary Student Exchange ambassador, Rachel Schwan at the regular  noon meeting  at Cal’s II on June 9, 2014 for questions about her preparations for the big adventure.  This included getting through the visa process and a convention of exchange students coming up at Otterbein, the daunting challenge of learning the Thai language, contact with...

Summerfest’s “New” Contests Back by Popular Demand

Garrettsville - Garrettsville Summerfest is celebrating it’s tenth year and they are “Rockin’ to Rebuild” the section of Main Street that burned in the March fire. The theme this year is “Rockin to Rebuild” with a portion of the proceeds from this year’s festival going to the #GarrettsvilleStrong Fund which has been put in place to assist in the rebuilding. Last...

Cemetery Association Calendars On Sale

Newton Twp. - The Newton Township Cemetery Association calendar for 2015 will feature photos of the tornado damage that destroyed property 30 years ago in Newton Falls. The calendar price is $10.00 and may be purchased in mid-June from Association members or by calling 330.872.0236 or 330.872.5452.2015. Calendars can be obtained at that time from Art Effects, Newton Falls...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary will be entertaining their Rotary Youth Exchange student, Rachel Schwan, next week to hear more about last-minute preparations for her departure for Thailand to spend a year as an informal ambassador of our community under the auspices of Rotary International.  What an adventure! Evelyn West will be the local delegate to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) this summer...

Free Firearms Appraisal Fair

Kent -  The group REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition is hosting a FREE Firearms Appraisal Fair at the Ravenna VFW, 5998 New Milford Road, Ravenna Ohio on June 10 from 4:30 to 8:00 pm. Multiple area gun shops will participate in the 2nd annual FREE firearms valuation event.  Area citizens are invited to bring their collectibles, family heirlooms, gun show finds...

Consider Foster Care and Adoption

Geauga County has been experiencing an increase in the needs of families and children in the past several years. This has caused the demand for certified foster and adoptive parents to increase as well. There are many families in crisis in our own neighborhoods that require the supportive services of our agency. You and your family could be part...

Street Beats Will Return To Summerfest

Garrettsville - Last year, the Street Beats drum line made their debut at Garrettsville Summerfest using boom whackers and performing as an impromptu flash mob through out the entire weekend.  After a few performances, they developed a following and folks began to ask “Who are they? When will they perform again?” This led to a sudden rise in popularity...

Memorial Day

Newton Falls - On Saturday, May 17th  American Legion Post 236 with the assistance of Boy Scout Unit 67 placed flags honoring the veterans at the Newton Falls Westside Cemetery.  About 25 people showed up and worked through the chilly air, rain and some even toughed out the hail to get the job done.  

Portage County Gardeners’ Speakers Series Continues

Noelle Clark Akin is the Director of Communications and Education at Petitti Garden Center. She has twelve years in the Green Industry, and has instructed and assisted gardeners all over Northeast Ohio through her work in Petitti Garden Center’s retail stores. Outside speaking engagements and filling in for Angelo Petitti in his absence on his NewsNet5 television segments and...

The Four Chaplains

Mantua - The story of the Four Chaplains will be presented by the American Legion Post #193 of Mantua, on Sunday June 8, 2014 at the First Congregational Church of Freedom at 10:30a.m. On February 3, 1943, the U.S.A.T. DORCHESTER, torpedoed by an enemy submarine, tragically sank. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived.  672 young men...

Asbestos Abatement at Grist Mill Moving Along

Garrettsville - After securing ownership of the former Grist Mill last Friday, owner Mike Maschek has spared no time in beginning the asbestos abatement of the property. Crews have been hard at work carefully removing the faded brown siding from the building, and the result is evident. Once the materials containing asbestos have been removed from the premises, demolition can...

Dealing with Caregiver Burnout and Medication Misuse in the Elderly

Ravenna - Coleman Adult Day Services is offering an informational session to those Portage County families and caregivers who are feeling the stresses of being the main support of a loved one in need, targeting those who are assisting someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. This free event will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 5:30p.m....

Safety is Key at Youth Shotgun Clinic

Nelson Twp. - A study conducted by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that in the five-year period ending in 2010, almost 3,800 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings. Over 1,300 of those victims were under 25 years of age. A federal study of unintentional shootings found that 8% of such shooting deaths resulted...

GCRTA June Meeting

Middlefield - The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association (GCRTA) will hold their next luncheon meeting on Tuesday June 3rd at Mary Yoder’s Restaurant, 14743 North Street in Middlefield, Ohio. Attendees should arrive at 11:15 a.m. and the business meeting will begin at 11:30. The luncheon will follow at noon with a menu of roast pork, potatoes, green beans, cole-slaw dinner...

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

The new, Cal’s II meeting place for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club is proving popular and conducive to getting things accomplished.  Those things at the May 19, 2014 meeting  include : Planning for the presentation of a wreath at the cemetery on Memorial Day Invitation to celebration of Dr. Lynn Newman’s steadfast  60-year participation in Rotary programs with the Andover club Invitation to...


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