
Thank You! from Friends of Melana

Dear Editor, We would like to thank the community members and businesses of Garrettsville, Hiram, Mantua, Middlefield and surrounding communities, all race planners, participants, and all Summerfest visitors for the success of our Eighth Annual Friends of Melana 5K Race and Fun Walk. This event is held annually in memory of our granddaughter, Melana Matson, and for the sole purpose of...

Clothing Giveaway Postponed in Mantua

Dear Editor, In regards to future free clothing giveaways at Mantua Center School, it is with a heavy heart that I have to cancel all future giveaways until I secure new accommodations for the event. We have limited space in the two classrooms that I rent for the giveaway, and I have been requested not to utilize the large room...

Sewing for Support Thank You

Dear Editor, Marian Stryczny and Bethany Mason would like to thank all those who donated to our “sewing for support” cause to collect quilts for breast cancer patients!! Thanks to your generosity we were able to donate 32 quilts and 26 afghans! We appreciate all the effort that went in to making these items, they were all just beautiful! Sincerely, Marian Stryczny...

Thank You from the Village of Windham

Dear Editor, The Village of Windham would like to thank the following people for their help with Octoberfest. Donations - Gas & Food Mini Mart, Circle K, Jeff Pochedly, Ivan & Erin Ward, Jake & Nicki Eye, Hal Clark, Cheryl Belknap,Amber Ashby, and Pete Kepich & Hanford Dixon Sponsors - Cal’s, Ellerhorst Russell Insurance, Performance Elastomers, Charles Chevrolet, Roubic Law Offices, Skylanes,...

Thank You from the NGCC

Dear Editor, Another year has zipped by and the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard would like to express sincere thanks to all those who donated food, funds and time this past year. We are thankful to everyone who attended, sponsored or donated to our Farm to Table Nibble & Sip annual event. The weather cooperated and it was a great success! Our...

Thank You From The Garrettsville YMCA

Thank you to the Garrettsville Community for supporting the Garrettsville YMCA’s 1st Annual Halloween 5k and fun walk! We had fun and even Mother Nature couldn’t stop us! Without your donations, we couldn’t have done it ! A big thank you to our main sponsors: My Choice, The Villager, and The Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce! ...

Hiram College invites public to take a walk on the wild side at its James H. Barrrow Field Station’s 50th Anniversary Fall Color Trek

Hiram – Take a walk on the wild side and celebrate the Hiram College James H. Barrow Field Station’s 50th anniversary at a Fall Color Trek. Festivities take place Saturday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the 550-acre field station, 11305 Wheeler Road, Garrettsville. Transportation to and from the field station and available throughout the event begins at 9:45...

Thank You…

Dear Editor, What an evening; beautiful weather, delicious food, great wine & beer plus the chance to win some pretty awesome gift baskets. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined us at Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard’s 2nd annual Farm to Table Nibble & Sip! There are so many people that work together for months to make...

Editorial: Because I said I would

I’m writing this editorial to honor a promise to the students at Crestwood High School. I happened to be substituting the day the program “Because I Said I Would” was presented. I told several students that I would write a letter to the editor if the chance for a new high school presented itself. I am encouraging community members...

Dear Editor

Newton Falls Community Backpack Program would like to thank the donors, packers, and supporters who help this program continue. This year, we gave out 1,095 bags of food and 1080 books. Thank you also goes to the school district for providing the packing and storage room, to their employees who helped, and to Newton Falls IGA and Shop ‘n Save...

Dear Editor…

Well…. Are you all real proud of yourself now?  Are you enjoying looking in the mirror in the morning to look into the face of a genuine, low-life vandal, a dirt-bag who disrespects the Constitution (none of that nonsense about freedom of the press or freedom of speech—for anyone but you), an individual who cares not a whit about disabling...

Thank You

The Newton Falls Community Food-in-backpack Program would like to thank the community and area churches for continuing their support. The program supplements food each week to forty students on a rotating basis (over 275 qualify) and is welcomed by teachers and families. As always, we want to thank Newton Falls Schools for the storage and packing location, and all the...

Thank You

The Stock Family would like to Thank Everyone who attended Nicholas Stock Fundraiser on February 25th. Special Thanks to All the Local Businesses for their donations, and to Aaron King & Skylane Bowling.  Also, Robbie Lawrentz (may he R.I.P.) thought enough of my son to make a large donation before his passing. Thank you Harriet & Rodney Lawrentz. In...

To the Garrettsville community:

On February 23rd, 2017 I had the distinct pleasure to conduct a school assembly on testing skills to the Middle School and High School in the Garfield School District. After school I also presented to the girls basketball team on developing the mental toughness needed to play high performance basketball. It turned out to be one of the...


A local historical research project has begun on the “Local Dairies” that delivered milk to our area. Contact has already been made with the local historical societies requesting information. The initial intent is to research any dairy that has an existing milk bottle with its name on it. So far, information has been accumulated on twelve dairies, including...

Concerning the GarrettsvilleStrong Fund

Dear Editor, Following the "Great Garrettsville Fire" of 2014, a blaze which razed 1/3 of Garrettsville's Main Street business district, a fund was established by the Chamber of Commerce to raise money to help the property owners rebuild. As the Chamber President at the time, I was (and still am) extremely proud of what the fund became, and of the potential...

Thank You

Dear Editor Each week when reading the Villager there are often letters to the editor from groups, individuals and businesses thanking others for their support.  I often wonder how many readers read the letters each week.  I hope if they haven’t been, perhaps if they start now what they will see is how many people in this community and surrounding...

Dear Editor: An Apology to the Village of Windham & Its Residents

On behalf of the ownership and management at SkyLanes I would like to sincerely apologize for the disparaging remark Sunday night that has hurt and angered many Windham residents. There have been many great families and people from Windham that have supported this business since its inception in 1957.  In no way would we try to upset the people that...

The Portage County District Library Board of Trustees and Staff thank the voters for their thoughtful consideration of the Library’s levy issue.

Dear Editor: The Portage County District Library Board of Trustees and Staff thank the voters for their thoughtful consideration of the Library’s levy issue. PCDL’s goal is to expand library services into its underserved areas and increase services at its current branches, including Aurora, Garrettsville, Randolph, Streetsboro, and Windham. The defeat of the issue means the Library will not be...

“We invite you to join us in supporting children’s glioma cancer research…”

Dear Editor The Friends of Melana (FOM) Foundation was established in Garrettsville, Ohio, in honor and memory of our granddaughter, Melana Matson, who lost her battle with children’s glioma cancer in 2009 at the age of 9. Our hope is that no child, no family, no community will ever have to experience what Melana and her loved ones did again. Childhood...

A Thank You from Facet Salon

The entire staff of Facet Salon and Day Spa along with Rescue Village of the Geauga Humane Society want to thank all who supported our Second Annual Doggy Dip this past Saturday. All  of the proceeds from this event will help support  Rescue Village and the  fine work that they accomplish.  A  very special  “Thank You” to Lisa Washabaugh of...

Carlson Family Working to Renovate Remaining Buckeye Block Bldg.

To the Amazing & Wonderful Garrettsville Community and Others who have shared in reflections from the past and our hopes for the future. We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude for the donations we have received that are helping make our renovation possible. As the saying goes, “it takes a village” and yes it truly does. We...

Thank you Ms. Anderson and Mr. Kaiser for being firm and thinking of your constituents!

Dear Editor, As a tax paying resident of this Village, I would like to extend my thanks to council members Anderson and Kaiser for  finally putting their foot down and speaking for many of the village’s residents. So many of us live from paycheck to paycheck, some working multiple part time jobs to make ends meet and WE have to cut...

Service and generosity describe the 2,000+ Rotarians in Northeast Ohio

Dear Editor, Service and generosity describe the 2,000+ Rotarians in Northeast Ohio.  These are civic-minded community members in the counties of Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Medina, Portage, Summit, and part of Lorain. These Rotarians belong to 53 different Rotary Clubs in these counties.   They are part of Rotary International which is in over 200 countries.  The motto of Rotary International...

Dear Editor…

The Harlem Ambassadors would like to extend a special thank you to event organizers Benjamin Coll, Ted Lysiak, Sheri Johnson and Michelle Zivoder who planned and promoted the event. The Garfield Ambassadors were energetic and enthusiastic opponents and we thank all of the players for their good sportsmanship.

Dear Editor…

On November 4, 2014, the voters of the Village of Windham and Windham Township will be asked to renew the 4 mil levy that supports the WVFD Joint Fire District. Although we have a relatively small community, our fire department is one of the busiest in the county, providing both fire and rescue services to our residents. Many, myself and...

To the voters in Freedom and Nelson Township and the Village of Garrettsville:

Next Tuesday, November 4th when you go to your local polling location please note Issue 13. Issue 13 has been placed on the ballot by the Community EMS District’s Board of Trustees. The Board is asking for your support by way of a YES vote to pass a 2.7 mil five year renewal levy. Passage of a renewal levy WILL NOT increase your real estate taxes.

I urge the passage of the School District and Fire District levies on November 4,2014

On November 4,Windham Township and Village Voters will be voting on 2 property tax levies.They are our School District and our Joint Fire District (Fire Dept.) Both of these tax levies are 5-year renewal levies and if passed we will pay the same property tax mills that we have been paying for the past five years. No new taxes. I...

Donations Welcomed

Newton Falls Cub Scout Pack, Troop and Crew 4067 along with our sponsor, The First Congregational Church of Newton Falls, would like to take a minute to ask you for your help. Scouting as an organization provides a safe environment for children to grow in character and gain the strength to become leaders in their community. Through structured activities and events, the scouts have fun while they discover and master new skills, gain self- confidence, and develop strong friendships. Scouting provides a strong foundation for our next generation of community leaders.

“My Grandmother the Custodian”

It all began in 1973. My grandmother Mary Leigh started at James A Garfield Community Schools. At 25 years old, she began her lifelong love with Garrettsville Ohio. Her mother, Marguerite Stottlemire would later retire from the High School as a custodian and one of her best friends would retire this year, Rosie Farr as a custodian at the intermediate school. It was her time and with a heartfelt goodbye she left the school system this year after 41 years...


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