Troy Township Contra Dance
Welshfield - The Troy Township Contra Dance will be held January 7th at the Troy Community House (13950 Main Market Road aka Route 422; Burton, Ohio 44021). Contra is an easy-to-learn dance that will get your feet moving and cheeks grinning. Dance to live folk music. Old Time tunes and rhythms are played by the Real Deal String...
Come Home 44444 the Holidays!
Newton Falls - There are lots of exciting things happening with Home 44444 the Holidays! The Jr and Sr high band and choir concerts will take place on December 10th during Home 44444 the Holidays in Newton Falls. This event is from 10 am to 4 pm, with the concert taking place at 1pm. The craft show has 124 tables...
We’re All Invited
Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2, 2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can be purchased at the program booth during the...
Mantua K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship
Mantua - Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2012 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. This is a fun, free activity for area youth to compete in a Free Throw (foul shot) competition for best of fifteen consecutive shots. The Knights of Columbus Free...
We’re All Invited
Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2, 2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can be purchased at the program booth during the...
We’re All Invited!
Start Something! Volunteer Today! Call Today Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother volunteers. There are boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them, mentor them and help them reach their potential. Please call today at 330-296-6655 or visit the website at All it...
We’re All Invited
Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2, 2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can be purchased at the program booth during the...
We’re All Invited
Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2, 2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can be purchased at the program booth during the...
We’re All Invited
Volunteers Needed! Start something! The 2011 Fall Volunteer Recruitment Campaign for Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is underway. There are currently over 80 children, ages 6-17, living in all areas of Portage County waiting for a volunteer. All we ask is that you commit to 12 hours per month for one year. Call 330 296-6655 or visit...
We’re All Invited
FREE Hunter Safety Course Register Now Register now for FREE Hunter Safety Course with Ravenna Parks and Recreation. The state of Ohio requires first time hunters to complete a hunter safety course before purchasing a license. Upon passing the written exam, a certification card will be mailed to you. This three-night course will cover topics including: firearm safety,...
We’re All Invited
FREE Hunter Safety Course Register Now Register now for FREE Hunter Safety Course with Ravenna Parks and Recreation. The state of Ohio requires first time hunters to complete a hunter safety course before purchasing a license. Upon passing the written exam, a certification card will be mailed to you. This three-night course will cover topics including: firearm safety, wildlife laws, conservation,...
We’re All Invited
Donations Appreciated On-Going Donations are being accepted at this time for the purchase of a headstone in Laura Ritchey’s honor. If you would like to make a donation, please send a check to Laura Ritchey Memorial Fund, 10860 North Street Apt. 19, Garrettsville, OH 44231. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call Linda Ritchey at 330.527.0502. Freedom Township...
We’re All Invited
Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors Register Today The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses & agencies to set up booths September 17 in downtown Ravenna & Sept 17 & 18 at SUNBEAU Valley Farm on St. Rt. 59, Ravenna. For booth space price and application call Judy Tompkins, Booth Chairperson at 330-527-5695. For general questions...
We’re All Invited
Closed Circuit TVs Available For Rent On-Going The Portage County Society of the Blind has closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) available for rent. Rental fees are $5 a month. A CCTV magnifies printed material onto a monitor. Reading mail and the newspaper are things that may be possible again. If you know someone who would benefit from a CCTV please call Dorothy...
We’re All Invited
Closed Circuit TVs Available For Rent On-Going The Portage County Society of the Blind has closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) available for rent. Rental fees are $5 a month. A CCTV magnifies printed material onto a monitor. Reading mail and the newspaper are things that may be possible again. If you know someone who would benefit from a CCTV please call Dorothy...
We’re All Invited
Vendors Wanted For Freedom Day Register Today Spaces are now available for crafters, artisans and musicians for the Freedom Day Picnic and Celebration. Show your skills on August 21. For information call Jim (330)527-2855 or John (330)527-4094. Balloon-A-Fair Seeks Vendors & Exhibitors Register Today The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair is seeking craft vendors, exhibitors, food vendors, local businesses and agencies to set up booths September...
We’re All Invited
Vendors Wanted For Freedom Day Register Today Spaces are now available for crafters, artisans and musicians for the Freedom Day Picnic and Celebration. Show your skills on August 21. For information call Jim (330)527-2855 or John (330)527-4094. Newton Falls Community Yard Sale Register Now Start planning now!! The Newton Falls 4th annual citywide yard sale is being planned for this year. It is scheduled...
We’re All Invited
Vendors Wanted For Freedom Day Register Today Spaces are now available for crafters, artisans and musicians for the Freedom Day Picnic and Celebration. Show your skills on August 21. For information call Jim (330)527-2855 or John (330)527-4094. Golf Outing Sponsors Needed Call Today Southeast Portage County Lion’s Club – Golf Outing sponsorship information may be obtained by contacted Randy at (330) 207-6040 or Renee...
We’re All Invited
Head Waters Adventure RaceRegister TodayHead Waters adventure race registration is now open . Race is July 9 from 8am to 1pm at Buchert Memorial Park East High Street Mantua, OH 44255. Register online now at or call (330) 297-7728. Stay after the race and enjoy dozens of art and crafts booths in downtown Mantua at Art on the...
We’re All Invited
Vendors Needed For Art On The Hill Call Today Art on the Hill 2011 will be held on Saturday, July 9 in Mantua and is currently seeking artisans and food vendors. This day-long celebration of the arts includes continuous live entertainment, great food, lots of activities and of course lots and lots of art! If you are interested in selling or...
We’re All Invited
Seeking Artisans! Register Now The DMRC’s 3rd Annual Art on the Hill is seeking artisans for their day-long event which will take place on July 9, 2011 in Mantua. Artisans will line both sides of Prospect Street selling and displaying their handmade works of art. Booth fee is $45. There will also be continuous live entertainment, a Chinese auction, foods and...
We’re All Invited
Calling All 1976 GHS Alumni Register Now The Garfield Class of 1976 35th reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, June 4, at 7 pm at Slim & Jumbo’s. If you graduated in 1976 or if you know someone who did, please get us contact information! You can e-mail Gwynne (Laning) D’Amico at or call Barb (Wensel) Deakins at...
We’re All Invited
Calling All 1976 GHS AlumniRegister NowThe Garfield Class of 1976 35th reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, June 4, at 7 pm at Slim & Jumbo’s. If you graduated in 1976 or if you know someone who did, please get us contact information! You can e-mail Gwynne (Laning) D’Amico at or call Barb (Wensel) Deakins at (440) 548-5082...
We’re All Invited
Scholarship Applications Being AcceptedApply NowChiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that they will be offering a scholarship to senior athletes at James A Garfield High School for the fourth year. The scholarship will be for $725. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are available at the Chiropractic Office or through the school counselor. Ravenna Summerfest...
We’re All Invited
Scholarship Applications Being Accepted Apply Now Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that they will be offering a scholarship to senior athletes at James A Garfield High School for the fourth year. The scholarship will be for $725. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are available at the Chiropractic Office or through the school counselor. Ravenna Summerfest...
We’re All Invited
Vendors Needed For Burton Saturday’s In Country Register Now The Burton Chamber Of Commerce is sponsoring Saturdays In The Country. We are looking for artisans, quality crafters, antique dealers, farm market and bake sale vendors. This is not a flea market. Pre-registration only. For more info and registration form, contact Donna Cook, 440-834-9019. Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters Needed Register Now The Ravenna Summerfest is...
We’re All Invited
Produce Vendors Needed Register Now The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is planning their 2011 Farmers Market. They are currently looking for PRODUCE vendors. Please contact Jackie Loreta-Rinearson at 216-375-0709 or email her at The market will be held Wednesdays from late July through early October. Other vendors selling edible products are needed also, but only produce vendors are being registered at...
We’re All Invited
Big Brothers & Sisters Needed On-Going Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother Volunteers. We have boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them. Please call us today at (330) 296-6655 or visit our web site at All it takes is 12 hours a...
We’re All Invited
Big Brothers & Sisters Needed On-Going Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother Volunteers. We have boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them. Please call us today at (330) 296-6655 or visit our website at All it takes is 12 hours a month...